AJR's Customs

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Re: AJR's Customs

Post by Fred7A »

That's a wonderful job, and how Matchbox should have made it in the first place (with a longer box to fit, rather than shortening the model to fit the box!).
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Re: AJR's Customs

Post by Idris »

Fred7A wrote:That's a wonderful job, and how Matchbox should have made it in the first place (with a longer box to fit, rather than shortening the model to fit the box!).
Had the Major Pack series still been going in its original form (i.e. vehicles modelled at the same sort of scale as the 1-75s), it would have made an ideal candidate for addition to the range.
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Re: AJR's Customs


Great custom job there but the trick now is to make a long box for it and the artwork for that will test you... :D

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Re: AJR's Customs

Post by AJR »

I'm not really into boxes but as you say, a nice Major Pack box would suit it.

In the scheme of things, even four upper bays looks a bit short. although the Matchbox detail (apart from the roof) is good.

IXO (rear) is 11.5 inches long .... true scale model at 1/43 (a tad larger than the 1/50 scale Corgi version at 9.5 inches).
Metal Miniatures is 5.5 inches long .... true scale model at 1/87.
Lledo is 4.25 inches long .... almost matches the Metal Miniatures version on dimensions except is too short despite four upper bays therefore is about 1/87 with 1/113 length.
Matchbox is 3 inches long (as made) or 3.5 inches with the extra bay. It therefore measures up at 1/137 ... or 1/137 with 1/160 length (as made by Matchbox).
IMG_3887s.jpg (235.39 KiB) Viewed 9071 times
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Re: AJR's Customs


I like those displayed together like that...

...there is a special Bus thread somewhere on the forum and now we got some here, great stuff :D

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Re: AJR's Customs

Post by MatchboxFreak »

Wow AJR! What a great custom!
I heartily agree with Idris, this would have been a great addition to the Majors line and would have fit in more comfortably with the other Regular Wheels.

Can you talk about the Greyhound logo and script you chose for your custom? It’s diferent from my he original Matchbox as well as the IDO and Metal Miniature you showed. Are your custom graphics based on the original vintage Greyhound bus?

Thank hank you for sharing.
Great project!
Happy hunting!
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Re: AJR's Customs

Post by zBret »

Very nicely done and put together AJR Image
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Re: AJR's Customs

Post by AJR »

Can you talk about the Greyhound logo and script you chose for your custom? It’s diferent from my he original Matchbox as well as the IDO and Metal Miniature you showed. Are your custom graphics based on the original vintage Greyhound bus?

There were basically four Greyhound liveries used on the Scenicruisers but slight variations on each theme did exist.
The logos that I used weren't actually part of those four liveries but because Matchbox's all over silver wasn't one of the liveries either, I decided on a generic logo from other Greyhound bus types. Maybe I should have used the Matchbox font. I'll have to see about rectifying that.

The original Scenicruiser livery was as per the attached photo below top (silver, blue and white). Then, when they were rebuilt with a single engine, they became Super Scenicruisers and the livery was changed to the yellow stripe livery as per the large IXO model in earlier post. After further refurbishment and rebuilding, the livery changed to a thin red stripe along the sides (middle photo), the name reverting back to just "Scenicruiser which was soon modified to continue the red stripe (thicker) up and over the front roof (commonly referred to as Pepsi Cola livery and shown above on the Classic Metal Miniatures above). Some surplus Scenicruisers did get Trailways silver and red livery but not many.
Scenicruiser_03_large.jpg (43.64 KiB) Viewed 8954 times
Greyhound 3rd livery.jpg
Greyhound 3rd livery.jpg (44.21 KiB) Viewed 8952 times
trailways scenicruiser.jpg
trailways scenicruiser.jpg (63.12 KiB) Viewed 8954 times
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Re: AJR's Customs

Post by MatchboxFreak »

Thank you for the background on the historical livery and logo options you considered.
I like your choice to go all silver: a fitting homage to the Lesney model (only better than the original! ;-) )
Very nicely done!
Happy hunting!
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Re: AJR's Customs

Post by Bob/Ohio »

Very nice customizing done on your models!