Love the stuff but bad for the waist linefixer wrote:I think he expressed an undying love for Toblamorijohnboy wrote:Did it involve Buglaria?

Love the stuff but bad for the waist linefixer wrote:I think he expressed an undying love for Toblamorijohnboy wrote:Did it involve Buglaria?
I'm lost now, are we talking about Toblerone or Tobermory?motorman wrote:Love the stuff but bad for the waist linefixer wrote:I think he expressed an undying love for Toblamorijohnboy wrote:Did it involve Buglaria?
any womble will do how about Wellingtonfixer wrote:I'm lost now, are we talking about Toblerone or Tobermory?
oh, the penny's dropped now, Great Uncle Bulgariajohnboy wrote:any womble will do how about Wellingtonfixer wrote:I'm lost now, are we talking about Toblerone or Tobermory?
oh yeah a message for Hugh ....meow