No. 30 Magirus-Deutz Crane Tan colour

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Re: No. 30 Magirus-Deutz Crane Tan colour

Post by Idris »

yellowfoden wrote:Another obvious difference is the type of hook used being the thick type. On over 19 other tan versions recorded the hook is the thin type, identified easily because of the gap between the ropes.
The thick hook to my knowledge only started to be used on the silver wheel versions. Eg at Nick’s code 7 or M.J Stannard code 6. This hook puts it outside the existing timeline.
That is an excellent point.
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Re: No. 30 Magirus-Deutz Crane Tan colour

Post by johnboy »

Is this the earlier thread Bert?

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Re: No. 30 Magirus-Deutz Crane Tan colour

Post by yellowfoden »

johnboy wrote:Is this the earlier thread Bert?
Thanks John,
No, this one from Tony is not the thread.
The actual thread in question that is missing was posted by Jason (Jaskelrod) in 2014 in the Marketplace area and as a fan of the Magirus model it was of special interest. It is disappointing that it no longer exists on the VBD.

The more photos from different angles the better on such items.

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Re: No. 30 Magirus-Deutz Crane Tan colour

Post by jaskelrod »

I have learned much from the knowledgeable and experienced collectors here. The VBD is a valuable source of information for Matchbox---certainly one of the best I have found.
Sharing insight about the process for authenticating a 'rare', 'uncommon' or high-value Matchbox model would be a productive and educational discussion.
Sharing sources that the VBD accepts and/or uses as reliable sources for authenticating a Matchbox model could lead to a productive exchange.
Asking how and where the second tan crane (that is offered as genuine) was authenticated, is a reasonable question.
Perhaps it would be reasonable to suggest that models that qualify as ‘uncommon’ or ‘rare’, or that exceed a certain market value, be examined and authenticated by a credible source that is accepted, understood, and accessible to all, so that a collector's good reputation is not challenged or damaged over the evaluation of photographs.

I grew up in the 1970's Superfast era. At 8 years old, my favorite toys were my bicycle, my baseball glove, and my Matchbox cars. At 48 years old, my favorite toys are still my bicycle, my baseball glove and my Matchbox cars. Over the years, I have met and networked with hundreds of Matchbox collectors all over the world. Because of Matchbox, I have friends all over the world. None of them have ever challenged my honor or damaged my good reputation over a Matchbox car, as is the case here.

The very first item on the the VBD Board Index is entitled, 'Open Letter to Non-Posters.' Here it asks, "We here at VBD would like to know what it is that keeps you from posting, why are you reluctant to post?" For me, this thread answers that question.

Jason Rodeghier (jaskelrod)
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Re: No. 30 Magirus-Deutz Crane Tan colour

Post by Pierkemimi »

jaskelrod wrote:I have learned much from the knowledgeable and experienced collectors here. The VBD is a valuable source of information for Matchbox---certainly one of the best I have found.
Sharing insight about the process for authenticating a 'rare', 'uncommon' or high-value Matchbox model would be a productive and educational discussion.
Sharing sources that the VBD accepts and/or uses as reliable sources for authenticating a Matchbox model could lead to a productive exchange.
Asking how and where the second tan crane (that is offered as genuine) was authenticated, is a reasonable question.
Perhaps it would be reasonable to suggest that models that qualify as ‘uncommon’ or ‘rare’, or that exceed a certain market value, be examined and authenticated by a credible source that is accepted, understood, and accessible to all, so that a collector's good reputation is not challenged or damaged over the evaluation of photographs.

I grew up in the 1970's Superfast era. At 8 years old, my favorite toys were my bicycle, my baseball glove, and my Matchbox cars. At 48 years old, my favorite toys are still my bicycle, my baseball glove and my Matchbox cars. Over the years, I have met and networked with hundreds of Matchbox collectors all over the world. Because of Matchbox, I have friends all over the world. None of them have ever challenged my honor or damaged my good reputation over a Matchbox car, as is the case here.

The very first item on the the VBD Board Index is entitled, 'Open Letter to Non-Posters.' Here it asks, "We here at VBD would like to know what it is that keeps you from posting, why are you reluctant to post?" For me, this thread answers that question.

Jason Rodeghier (jaskelrod)

I'm also a collector for a few decades. Reading the discussion concerning details, i'm waiting for pictures off other collectors who has such a model to compare.
Also everyone sometimes have bought models with good intention but later on they where ripped off with a fake model because they didn't know enough concerning details.This model is surching everyone, so not enough information concerning new variations or lack off it makes it always difficult to make it hard. In a good sence because fakers are reading this also. If this model has the same details of the silver ones it would be easy.
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Re: No. 30 Magirus-Deutz Crane Tan colour

Post by Idris »

numi wrote:I would expect this seller to do the honorable thing and end the listing and if any one of us either condone this sale or
remain quiet or turn a blind eye then we are all just as guilty!
Numi, your comment above is pre-judging the issue since there is no hard evidence that this model is a fake (It being easier to prove that something is a fake than to prove that it is genuine).
Applying emotional pressure to Jason in this way does neither you nor VBD any credit. Please refrain from making any further posts in a similar vein.
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Re: No. 30 Magirus-Deutz Crane Tan colour

Post by Idris »

I have reviewed this thread in it's entirety, and it seems to me that there are three areas of concern:
- The degree to which the front rivet projects above the baseplate,
- The high-point wear on the baseplate lettering, and
- The hook casting.

Regarding the front rivet, Jason has already told us "...
jaskelrod wrote:-The 'proud' (or protrusion) of the front rivet on the baseplate of the tan model feels no different to me when compared to those on other M-D 30 models.
Wrt the other two points, Members need to make up their own minds as to whether either (or both) of these points is/are significant.
I would reiterate that this sale is covered by Ebay/PayPal guarantee and Jason has made it perfectly clear that he is happy to accept returns, meaning this model can be purchased at zero risk. How can Jason possibly make it any fairer? He is also realistic enough to admit that nothing beats an 'in the hand' evaluation. Furthermore, I have no doubt that if Dick were still amongst us, he would, as a personal friend, vouch for Jason's integrity.

I would ask Members to stick to the facts on this one, and I shall be taking a very firm line with any further "touchy-feely" comments. I understand that MCCH was notorious for its kangaroo courts. If we want VBD to be seen as the premier site for model assessments and all things Matchbox, we must all conduct ourselves accordingly and not allow ourselves to be drawn into a maelstrom of critical comments spiralling downwards, out of control, in a race to the bottom. Let's keep it professional please people!
Obviously this balanced approach cuts both ways, so I would also ask Jason to use his knowledge and experience to try to answer the points made about the baseplate text and the hook casting.
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Re: No. 30 Magirus-Deutz Crane Tan colour

Post by DrJeep »

Idris wrote:If we want VBD to be seen as the premier site for model assessments and all things Matchbox, we must all conduct ourselves accordingly and not allow ourselves to be drawn into a maelstrom of critical comments spiralling downwards, out of control, in a race to the bottom. Let's keep it professional please people!
Thanks, Idris - I agree completely and was wondering how to say something similar myself, but you've said it all.
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Re: No. 30 Magirus-Deutz Crane Tan colour

Post by numi »

Idris wrote:I have reviewed this thread in it's entirety, and it seems to me that there are three areas of concern:
- The degree to which the front rivet projects above the baseplate,
- The high-point wear on the baseplate lettering, and
- The hook casting.

Regarding the front rivet, Jason has already told us "...
jaskelrod wrote:-The 'proud' (or protrusion) of the front rivet on the baseplate of the tan model feels no different to me when compared to those on other M-D 30 models.
Wrt the other two points, Members need to make up their own minds as to whether either (or both) of these points is/are significant.
I would reiterate that this sale is covered by Ebay/PayPal guarantee and Jason has made it perfectly clear that he is happy to accept returns, meaning this model can be purchased at zero risk. How can Jason possibly make it any fairer? He is also realistic enough to admit that nothing beats an 'in the hand' evaluation. Furthermore, I have no doubt that if Dick were still amongst us, he would, as a personal friend, vouch for Jason's integrity.

I would ask Members to stick to the facts on this one, and I shall be taking a very firm line with any further "touchy-feely" comments. I understand that MCCH was notorious for its kangaroo courts. If we want VBD to be seen as the premier site for model assessments and all things Matchbox, we must all conduct ourselves accordingly and not allow ourselves to be drawn into a maelstrom of critical comments spiralling downwards, out of control, in a race to the bottom. Let's keep it professional please people!
Obviously this balanced approach cuts both ways, so I would also ask Jason to use his knowledge and experience to try to answer the points made about the baseplate text and the hook casting.
Idris,as a seasoned collector with an original specimen in your collection,may i ask if u firmly believe that the Tan Magirus in question is a GENUINE LESNEY specimen or do u have your doubts?

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Re: No. 30 Magirus-Deutz Crane Tan colour

Post by Idris »

numi wrote:Idris,as a seasoned collector with an original specimen in your collection,may i ask if u firmly believe that the Tan Magirus in question is a GENUINE LESNEY specimen or do u have your doubts?
As set out in my (attempt at a) summary post, I do agree that there are areas of concern which need to be addressed and resolved one way or the other. However, I do not believe that we have reached the 'smoking gun' stage (a discussion is still taking place) and, as such, the jury should still be out.
Furthermore, as I have pointed out repeatedly, Jason could not be doing more to make the auction fair to the winning bidder and I have no doubt that he is selling in good faith. If, at the end of the day, the winning bidder lacks the knowledge to properly assess what he has bought once he has it in his hand, then more fool them for buying something they have an incomplete understanding of. In no way can that be considered Jason's fault.