Variations I would love in my 'Dinky' collection.

Dinky toys by Meccano
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Variations I would love in my 'Dinky' collection.


This thread should be used to list model variations that you don’t currently have in your collection but would love to have. The variations don’t have to be the ultra rares, it could be that slightly harder to find model that you just haven’t found yet. Please feel free to include prepro as well as factory produced models And why don’t we consider box variations as well, is there a box you need but haven’t found yet?
My hope is that by providing a list of your wants it may encourage some deals or swaps between members who knows, we shall see what happens. Can I ask that if you do have a model variation to trade/sell that someone lists in their wanted list, that all communications are done by PM and not as part of the thread
Thank you :D

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Re: Variations I would love in my 'Dinky' collection.

Post by Bako »

To kick off I would like to find a good conditon late edition Jaguar E-Type 131 in metallic red, made from 1973. Been looking for a while but not many come up.
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Re: Variations I would love in my 'Dinky' collection.

Post by Shane »

hmmmm, where oh where to start ;)
There are so many Dinkies I want.

This forum includes many makes and scales but there does seem to be a focus on Lesney/Matchbox so I will keep my entry to things small :D

I typically collect 1/43 scales but not always. I have quite a few Mini Dinky and would like to add the blue Cooper F-1 and the Ford Corsair in the greeny goldish kind of colouring
Play with toys and be forever young!