There are some clever people out there in the big wide world of collectibles and model cars have become THE thing to fake or muck about with. Corgi models fitted with their low friction wheel system, ''Whizzwheels'' are now being faked with the wrong (alternative design), whhizzwheels to turn them into so-called preproductions for incredible amounts of money, so whether its corgi, dinky or matchbox (among others), caution is the key word and as ''motorman'' mentions, solid evidence is required but often non existant with such models.
Re: rw64+variation
Ghosty I am a little bit pissed about this as you may see. And I am serious that if this forum is going to start giving credence to very VERY suspect models then I am off!
"Kill all my demons and my angels will die too"
"Kill all my demons and my angels will die too"
Re: rw64+variation
It would seem logical that if any of these models were genuine error pieces from normal production-runs, then a second example of at least one of them could reasonably have been expected to have surfaced by now. The fact that these items appear to be unique and from a single source can only give rise to additional cause for concern.
As already pointed out, some of these models are, quite simply ludicrous, and it therefore seems likely that they are, at best, unofficial factory products (so-called lunch-box specials) or, at worst, privately engineered fabrications designed to deceive.
Having said all that, I am loathe to lock the thread without first giving our Hungarian friend, porub1, the right of reply. (No kangaroo courts on my watch!)
As already pointed out, some of these models are, quite simply ludicrous, and it therefore seems likely that they are, at best, unofficial factory products (so-called lunch-box specials) or, at worst, privately engineered fabrications designed to deceive.
Having said all that, I am loathe to lock the thread without first giving our Hungarian friend, porub1, the right of reply. (No kangaroo courts on my watch!)
Re: rw64+variation
I think most of the responses here are polite but sceptical - I expressed a view that the dragster didn’t happen by accident, Superfast said the same about the VW, and Idris reminded us that blister packs can be resealed. I’d definitely like to hear porub1 tell us where these came from!motorman wrote:...if this forum is going to start giving credence to very VERY suspect models then I am off!
Re: rw64+variation
First of all i m sorry for my late reply(long weekend,out of town).Thank you for all your answers.Sometimes hard words...I didn t want to offend anyone with my pictures just to let you look at my wheel variations and wheel errors. All of my pictures ,cars ,blisters are original. Where are they from? From a friend of mine who collected wheel variations for 25 years from all over the world.He had friends from USA ,from UK who hunted the wheel variations.Later he lived in England and he went to matchbox exchange events from London to Birmingham and hunted wheel variations himself. I have about 65-70 original blister packed rare wheel variations(not opened ,not resealed) that i have never met with (in catalogues,at homepages nowhere)and many others(loose,boxed) but all with intact base rivets. Well i think this is Matchbox Magic(many many variations,errors if you wish).But if you do not belive your own eyes ...well i don t want to convince anybody.And i don t want to sell a piece of them(neither now nor in the future).I m here to show you these cars and no economic consideration leads me. Thank you Zsolt
Re: rw64+variation
I'm reading this post a bit late, so sorry for a late "chime in". I know nothing of these models. well at least not enough to know what is rare, common, valuable, etc. I have no expertise in what is fake or genuine errors either. But I found this thread very enjoyable and loaded with education. I just wanted to add here that the knowledge and experience of those who contributed to this thread are quite impressive with respect to knowing what is and what shouldn't be. Thanks for the education 

Play with toys and be forever young!