17a Bedford Removals Van

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17a Bedford Removals Van

Post by red-thumb »

Here I have a 17a Bedford Removals Van with MW and Shadow Decals from 17b Removals.
Is this a code3 or unlisted variation.???
There has been a GPW variation in VBD and I would like to know if anyone else has a MW version or seen one before. :?:
Down Under Red.

PS. I am enjoying this Forum. :D
17a MW (rare  outline decal).jpg
17a MW (rare outline decal).jpg (56.88 KiB) Viewed 4677 times
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Re: 17a Bedford Removals Van

Post by Idris »

According to Nick's 17b catalogue page, there is an overlap between outlined decals and metal wheels (variation code 5), so this could well be genuine.
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Re: 17a Bedford Removals Van

Post by red-thumb »

Idris wrote:According to Nick's 17b catalogue page, there is an overlap between outlined decals and metal wheels (variation code 5), so this could well be genuine.
G'day Idris,
I am in touch with Nick and he has to l@@k in to it further.
I was just wondering if anybody else has this variation. ;)

Red Down Under.