Here's my first go at a variation list for the 30c. I've made quite a few assumptions in putting this together, so it's certainly not right. I hope it will encourage people to confirm or deny the existence of some variations.
1 I've assumed that there are two versions without the rear brace: the one I've pictured with flared wheel arches, and a later version with straight wheel arches. I've done this because I think that I've seen pictures of braceless cranes with straight wheels arches - for example, Dan's
here. But this could be wrong - perhaps the flared wheel arches persisted until the after the brace was added? My flared arch model came with several
Superfast prepros, so it's possible it's also a prepro.
2 I've assumed the turquoise version has the thick cab / small brace. I've no idea really, and I've found no pictures to help, but this seems more likely because I presume the cab wall must have been reinforced fairly early (though I wonder why).
3 I've left the two versions with red hooks in, as in
Nick's guide, and assumed the first has thin wheels. I'm sure that there are other variations with red and grey hooks, but they're easy to swap.
4 I've added the thin/thick wheels variant, which seems to appear without the tow guide. This means that all tow guide models have thick wheels (is this correct?). I've added a code for
Sebastian's mixed wheel models, because these help to put this change in order.
5 As mentioned above, I've assumed that all tow guide models have thick wheels. This could be wrong.
Bert (Yellowfoden) asked about ejector ring sizes, and Antonin (Diecast) has shown different shades of green and orange, as well as changes to the inside of the base. I've left these out for now because I just don't know enough to put them in. Antonin also gives
slightly different widths for the wheels, but the thicker wheels have a distinctively flat profile to their treads and are easy to spot.
Anyway, over to you - what's wrong, what else do you have?