1e Mercedes Truck

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Re: 1e Mercedes Truck

Post by Idris »

durangokid wrote:Any suggested help on copy/paste spreadsheet into here would be appreciated.
Antonin (Diecast) simply posts a screenshot.
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Re: 1e Mercedes Truck

Post by Idris »

durangokid wrote:In my opinion the variations with the thin front steps never came with the front license plate casting. Therefore, the variations 4 and 7 in Stannard’s listing most likely do not exist.
Two points spring to mind:
- Again and again we see evidence for Lesney carrying out one tooling modification at a time rather than saving them up and doing them all at once. More than one model shows evidence of short-run ;intermediate' casting variations.
- Where more than one set of tooling was used, it was quite possible for only one set of dies to be modified, resulting in the casting changes to be out of step between the two (or more) sets from then on.
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Re: 1e Mercedes Truck

Post by Diecast »

Some on my crosshatch bases as Dick and Bill has mentioned before
a) straight front bumper, thin step
b) straight front bumper, top of step in line with bumper
c) straight front bumper and tow guide, top of step in line with bumper
d) front bumper with extension and a tow guide, top of step in line with bumper
e) front bumper with extension and a tow guide, top of step above bottom of the front bumper
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Last edited by Diecast on Mon Jan 22, 2018 11:10 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: 1e Mercedes Truck

Post by Diecast »

Quite interesting. As I have checked my spare models, I have found two different early models (without brace above the rear mudguard) with different type of the text
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Re: 1e Mercedes Truck

Post by durangokid »

Idris wrote:
durangokid wrote:Any suggested help on copy/paste spreadsheet into here would be appreciated.
Antonin (Diecast) simply posts a screenshot.
Used "snipping tool" in windows and it worked great! Spreadsheet info added to bottom of original note previous.

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Re: 1e Mercedes Truck


Sadly the 'Snipping Tool' is not supplied with all Windows systems, so will have to be download seperately.

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Re: 1e Mercedes Truck

Post by kwakers »

Thanks for your Great listing table Bill, your friend seems to be very close to completing his collection of Stannard's NINE 1E Mercedes Codes. We have your friend's variation #2 listed as having been in our collection since May of 2015, but I will dig that one out to confirm it's existence for him.
We have never been able to find Stannard Codes 4 or 7 either, so they might be the "Key Codes" or toughest to find out of ALL Mike's listings on this Mercedes. I knew from my own experience, and also have learned over the years that there are timeline mistakes and many fine casting details that were missed when Stannard published his Guide in 1985. That being said, I have also learned not to doubt the EXISTENCE of any of these Stannard Codes he published. We can speculate on why this thin step die should not have had the licence plate added to it later in production, but it may have happened towards the end of RW production and then been used for a last limited RW run while the newer and "Fresher" wide bumper dies were converted for use on the Superfast Mercedes that was released in 1970. This is Pure Speculation, but fun to think about 48 years later....... :?: Kwakers
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Re: 1e Mercedes Truck

Post by Pierkemimi »

I checked so far the ones I can found there was one with the a light gold base. I Always thought it came from smoke or something else. Also one found one with zigzag stripes on the bottom.
So far not one found off the list that isn't found yet. Maybey later if I get the rest in my hands.
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Re: 1e Mercedes Truck

Post by ChFalkensteiner »

What I do not see in this thread so far is the early variation of the canopy with the straight rather than angled tabs at the front:


First mentioned on MCCH more than ten years ago.
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Re: 1e Mercedes Truck

Post by yellowfoden »

Nice image Christian.

This is one canopy variation I have not found and yet have quite a fleet with the right angle version.

Aside from the colour, are there three variations of this going by the image and wording on Nick’s site which is viewed from front elevation.

Your image clearly shows the difference with a plan view.

Perhaps the wording could be flat tab and right angle tab.

On the subject of the gold colour look (described earlier in Bills post) on some chromed base plates could this be related to some sort of lubricant in the moulding process that has not been washed off prior to assembly?
On each of mine it is like a gold lacquer coating that will scrape off.
