In my ongoing attempt to try and get stuff sorted out for an imminent house move! I am dragging boxes of models in from my garden shed/supposedly working office.
I always try and keep the Rolls-Royce stuff together but somehow a box or two will always find a way of becoming seperated and my alltime dream of having every possible Rolls-Royce toy and model together in one place just will not happen...
Anyway, a nice surprise in a small box of models were about 16 more examples of #69 the drop top Silver Shadow which when sorted out and added to what I already had access to, has created a line of 25 models which included a couple of additional variations.

These are in a fairly accurate time-line order with yellow baseplate examples at top right. The models you see by the coffee jar and mugs stand do not form part of the front row because they all have the Mk 2 body design and as yet there is no obvious point in the time line where they begin to appear, so they actually form a line up of models on their owm which for me means displaying two specifc lines of models, 'A' Line and 'B' Line and the picture below is an early attempt at showing this.
There is no way of integrating the two lines of models together because for many years thats how I was trying to display them and the time line just did not flow until I worked out the two body castings and seperated them, sorted them into their own time lines and amazingly no more problems occured!
If you have enough examples of this model you can only display them under the two specific variations listings, 'A' Listing models with the Mk 1 body casting and associated details and a 'B' Listing with the Mk 2 body casting and associated details.
I have all the variation details presented on a huge jpeg image and I am not sure if it can be uploaded here even with 'postimage' I currently use for uploading to the forum and if I resize it no one will be able to read the text!