E4R, F and H Box misprints?

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E4R, F and H Box misprints?

Post by jsherwood »

I have 3 x E4R boxes for the 20c Chevy Taxi and I've just noticed that one of them does not have the circled R on one of the end flap closers next to 'Matchbox'. (Photos below). The other 2 boxes both have the circled 'R' on both ends.

So, I checked all my other boxes to see if other flaps don't match the front and here's what I found. I wonder if it matches what you guys have?

Transitional F Boxes:

5e Lotus with black superfast script: Has the circled R on the Front but no 'R' or circle on either end.
56c Pininfarina with Black superfast script: Has the circled R on the front and the 'R' on both ends but not circled.

H Boxes:
4e Grusome Twosome, 14d Iso Grifo and 75c Alfa Carabo: - All have an extremely small R on the end flaps but they're not circled. (A bit unfair on the printers perhaps!)

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