K18B Articulated Tipper Truck

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K18B Articulated Tipper Truck

Post by charliep »

K18B Articulated Tipper Truck. Issued 1974. All England castings.

Cab body: Red, metallic red, silver, white, off white, yellow, dark yellow or blue.
Cab base: 3 types of base cast:
Type 1 - area flat between the rivets.
Type 2 - raised area between the rivets.
Type 3 - raised area between the rivets with K-115

Cab area behind the exhaust stacks: open of filled.
Cab exhaust stacks: could be long (early type) or short; listed as "L.S." for long stacks or S.S. for short stacks.
Cab axle covers: black closed, black open, tan, gold, light orange, orange. Covers could be installed in reverse.
Cab radiator grill: Black or yellow.
Windows: Clear, light green, green, dark green.
Fifth wheel two types:
a. Without raised area.
b. With raised area (stopper).
Fifth wheel: White, yellow, gray or black.
Cab wheels : Maltese Cross (MC), 5 spoke mag (5SMW) or 5 arch.

Trailer sides: Ribbed or smooth.
Trailer tailgate: Black or yellow.
Trailer locking pin: Type a (large) ; Type b (small).
Trailer wheels: Maltese Cross (MC) or five spoke mag (5SMW).
Trailer axle cover: Open black, closed black, open purple, open white.

1.Red cab/type 1 silver open base/L.S./org xle cvr f.aft/blk fifth whl type a/MC whls/grn wind/yel & blk trailer/typ A/opn wht xle cov/red & yel strps.
2.Met.red cab/typ 1 sil opn base/L.S./lt.org xle cvr f.fwd/blk fifth whl type a/MC whls/grn wind/yel & blk tlr/typ A/opn wht xle cov/red & yel strps.
3.Met.red cab/typ 1 sil opn base/L.S./lt.org xle cvr f.aft/blk fifth whl typ a/MC whls/grn wind/yel & blk tlr/typ B/open blk xle cov/red & yel stripes.
4.Met.red cab/typ 1 sil opn base/L.S./lt.org xle cvr f.fwd/blk fifth whl typ a/MC whls/grn wind/yel & blk tlr/typ B/yel frt/open blk xle cov/red & yel strps.
5.Met.red cab/typ 1 sil opn base/L.S./org xle cvr f.fwd/yel 5th whl typ a/MC whls/grn wind/yel & blk tlr/typ A/yel frt/opn purple xle cov/red & yel strps.
6.Met.red cab/typ 1 sil opn base/L.S./org xle cvr f.aft/yel 5th whl typ a/MC whls/grn wind/yel & blk tlr/type A/yel frt/opn black xle cov/red & yel strps.
7.Met.red cab/typ 1 sil opn base/yel rad/L.S./org xle cvr f.aft/yel 5th whl typ a/MC whls/grn wind/yel & blk tlr/type A/open blk xle cov/red & yel stripes.
8.Met.red cab/typ 1 sil opn base/yel rad/L.S./gld xle cvr f.aft/yel 5th whl typ a/MC whls/grn wind/yel & blk tlr/type B/open blk xle cov/red & yel strps.
9.Sil cab/typ 2 dk.red clsd base/S.S./blk clsd xle cvr/blk 5th whl typ b/5 arch fnt/MC rear whls/clr wind/sil & red trl/typ B/smt sides/clsd blk xle cov/Tarmac.
10.Sil cab/typ 2 dk.red clsd bas/S.S./blk clsd xle cvr/blk 5th whl typ b/MC whls/clr wind/sil & red tlr/typ B/smooth sides/clsd blk xle cvr/Tarmac.
11.Sil cab/typ 2 red clsd base/S.S./blk clsd xle cvr/blk 5th whl typ b/MC whls/clr wind/sil & red tlr/typ B/smooth sides/clsd blk xle cvr/Tarmac/no label on cab.
12.Sil cab/typ 2 dk.red clsd bas/S.S./blk clsd xle cvr/blk 5th whl typ b/5SMW fnt/MC rear whls/clr wind/sil & red trl/typ B/ribbed sides/clsd blk xle cov/Tarmac.
13.Sil cab/typ 2 dk.red clsd bas/S.S./blk clsd xle cvr/blk 5th whl typ b/5SMW whls/clr wind/sil & red trl/typ B/ribbed sides/clsd blk xle cov/Tarmac.
14.Sil cab/typ 2 red closed base/S.S./blk clsd xle cvr/blk 5th whl typ b/MC whls/clr windows/sil & red tlr/typ B/ribbed sides/clsd blk xle cvr/Tarmac.
15.Sil cab/typ 2 dk.red clsd base/S.S./blk clsd xle cvr/blk 5th whl typ b/MC whls/clr wind/sil & dk.red tlr/typ B/ribbed sides/clsd blk xle cvr/Tarmac.
16.Sil cab/typ 2 red opn base/S.S./org xle cvr f.fwd/blk 5th whl typ a/MC whls/grn wind/sil & red tlr/typ B/ribbed sides/opn blk xle cvr/red&yel strps.
17.Sil cab/typ 2 red opn base/L.S./org xle cvr f.fwd/blk 5th whl typ a/MC whls/grn wind/sil & red tlr/typ B/ribbed sides/opn blk xle cvr/red&yel strps.
18.Sil cab/typ 3 lt.red opn base/S.S./blk xle cvr f.aft/blk 5th whl typ a/MC whls/grn wind/sil & red trl/typ B/rib sides/opn blk xle cvr/red&yel strps/no lbl on cab.
19.Sil cab/typ 3 red opn base/S.S./blk xle cvr f.fwd/blk 5th whl typ b/MC whls/clr windows/sil & red tlr/typ B/ribbed sides/clsd blk xle cvr/Tarmac.
20.Sil cab/typ 3 red opn base/S.S./blk xle cvr f.aft/blk 5th whl typ b/MC whls/dk.grn windows/sil & red tlr/typ B/ribbed sides/clsd blk xle cvr/Tarmac.
21.Sil cab/typ 3 red opn base/S.S./tan xle cvr f.aft/wht 5th whl type b/MC whls/grn wind/sil & red trailer/typ B/ribbed sides/opn blk xle cvr/Tarmac.
22.Sil cab/typ 3 red opn base/S.S./gld xle cvr f.aft/wht 5th whl type b/MC whls/grn wind/sil & red trailer/typ B/ribbed sides/opn blk xle cvr/Tarmac.
23.Sil cab/typ 3 red opn base/S.S./org xle cvr f.fwd/wht 5th whl type b/MC whls/grn wind/sil & red trailer/typ B/ribbed sides/opn blk xle cvr/Tarmac.
24.Sil cab/typ 3 red opn base/S.S./org xle cvr f.fwd/gry 5th whl type b/MC whls/grn wind/sil & red trailer/typ B/ribbed sides/opn blk xle cvr/Tarmac.
25.Sil cab/typ 3 red opn base/S.S./org xle cvr f.aft/blk 5th whl type a/MC whls/grn wind/sil & red trailer/typ B/ribbed sides/opn blk xle cvr/Tarmac.
26.Sil cab/typ 3 red opn base/S.S./blk xle cvr f.fwd/blk 5th whl type b/MC whls/dk.grn wind/sil & blk tlr/typ B/ribbed sides/clsd blk xle cvr/Tarmac.
27.Wht cab/typ 3 red opn bas/S.S./blk xle cvr f.fwd/blk 5th whl type b/MC whls/grn wind/sil & blk tlr/typ B/ribbed sides/clsd blk xle cvr/Tarmac.
28.Sil cab/typ 3 red opn base/S.S./blk xle cvr f.aft/blk 5th whl typ b/MC whls/lt.grn wind/dk.yel & red tlr/typ B/ribbed sides/clsd blk xle cvr/Tarmac.
29.Sil cab/typ 3 red opn base/S.S./blk xle cvr f.aft/blk 5th whl typ b/MC whls/grn wind/dk.yel & lt.red tlr/typ B/ribbed sides/clsd blk xle cvr/Tarmac.
30.Yel cab/typ 3 blk opn base/S.S./blk xle cvr f.aft/blk 5th whl typ a/MC whls/grn windows/yel & blk tlr/typ B/ribbed sides/clsd blk xle cvr/US Steel.
31.Dk.yel cab/typ 3 blk opn bas/S.S./blk xle cvr f.fwd/blk 5th whl typ a/MC whls/grn wind/yel & blk tlr/typ B/ribbed sides/clsd blk xle cvr/US Steel.
32.Dk.yel cab/typ 3 flat blk opn bas/S.S./blk xle cvr f.aft/blk 5th whl typ a/MC whls/grn wind/yel & blk tlr/typ B/ribbed sides/clsd blk xle cvr/US Steel.
33.White cab/typ 2 blk clsd base/S.S./blk clsd axle cvr/blk 5th whl type a/5SMW/grn wind/sil & blk tlr/typ B/ribbed sides/clsd blk xle cvr/Condor.
34.White cab/typ 3 blk opn base/S.S./blk xle cvr f.aft/blk 5th whl type a/5SMW/grn wind/sil & blk trailer/typ B/ribbed sides/clsd blk xle cvr/Condor.
35.Off wht cab/typ 3 blk opn base/S.S./blk xle cvr f.aft/blk 5th whl type a/5SMW/grn windows/sil & blk trlr/typ B/ribbed sides/clsd blk xle cvr/Condor.
36.Blu cab/typ 3 red opn base/S.S./blk xle cvr f.fwd/blk 5th wheel type b/MC whls/grn windows/blu & red trailer/typ B/closed blk xle cvr/Hoch & Tief.
37.Blu cab/typ 3 dk.red opn base/S.S./blk xle cvr f.fwd/blk 5th wheel type b/MC whls/grn windows/blu & dk.red tlr/typ B/closed blk xle cvr/Hoch & Tief.
1.Red cab/type 1 silver open base/L.S./org xle cvr f.aft/blk fifth whl type a/MC whls/grn wind/yel & blk trailer/typ A/opn wht xle cov/red & yel strps.
1.Red cab/type 1 silver open base/L.S./org xle cvr f.aft/blk fifth whl type a/MC whls/grn wind/yel & blk trailer/typ A/opn wht xle cov/red & yel strps.
K18B Articulated Tipper Truck var#1.jpg (197.58 KiB) Viewed 614 times
2.Met.red cab/typ 1 sil opn base/L.S./lt.org xle cvr f.fwd/blk fifth whl type a/MC whls/grn wind/yel & blk tlr/typ A/opn wht xle cov/red & yel strps.
2.Met.red cab/typ 1 sil opn base/L.S./lt.org xle cvr f.fwd/blk fifth whl type a/MC whls/grn wind/yel & blk tlr/typ A/opn wht xle cov/red & yel strps.
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3.Met.red cab/typ 1 sil opn base/L.S./lt.org xle cvr f.aft/blk fifth whl typ a/MC whls/grn wind/yel & blk tlr/typ B/open blk xle cov/red & yel stripes.
3.Met.red cab/typ 1 sil opn base/L.S./lt.org xle cvr f.aft/blk fifth whl typ a/MC whls/grn wind/yel & blk tlr/typ B/open blk xle cov/red & yel stripes.
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4.Met.red cab/typ 1 sil opn base/L.S./lt.org xle cvr f.fwd/blk fifth whl typ a/MC whls/grn wind/yel & blk tlr/typ B/yel frt/open blk xle cov/red & yel strps.
4.Met.red cab/typ 1 sil opn base/L.S./lt.org xle cvr f.fwd/blk fifth whl typ a/MC whls/grn wind/yel & blk tlr/typ B/yel frt/open blk xle cov/red & yel strps.
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5.Met.red cab/typ 1 sil opn base/L.S./org xle cvr f.fwd/yel 5th whl typ a/MC whls/grn wind/yel & blk tlr/typ A/yel frt/opn purple xle cov/red & yel strps.
5.Met.red cab/typ 1 sil opn base/L.S./org xle cvr f.fwd/yel 5th whl typ a/MC whls/grn wind/yel & blk tlr/typ A/yel frt/opn purple xle cov/red & yel strps.
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6.Met.red cab/typ 1 sil opn base/L.S./org xle cvr f.aft/yel 5th whl typ a/MC whls/grn wind/yel & blk tlr/type A/yel frt/opn black xle cov/red & yel strps.
6.Met.red cab/typ 1 sil opn base/L.S./org xle cvr f.aft/yel 5th whl typ a/MC whls/grn wind/yel & blk tlr/type A/yel frt/opn black xle cov/red & yel strps.
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7.Met.red cab/typ 1 sil opn base/yel rad/L.S./org xle cvr f.aft/yel 5th whl typ a/MC whls/grn wind/yel & blk tlr/type A/open blk xle cov/red & yel stripes.
7.Met.red cab/typ 1 sil opn base/yel rad/L.S./org xle cvr f.aft/yel 5th whl typ a/MC whls/grn wind/yel & blk tlr/type A/open blk xle cov/red & yel stripes.
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8.Met.red cab/typ 1 sil opn base/yel rad/L.S./gld xle cvr f.aft/yel 5th whl typ a/MC whls/grn wind/yel & blk tlr/type B/open blk xle cov/red & yel strps.
8.Met.red cab/typ 1 sil opn base/yel rad/L.S./gld xle cvr f.aft/yel 5th whl typ a/MC whls/grn wind/yel & blk tlr/type B/open blk xle cov/red & yel strps.
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9.Sil cab/typ 2 dk.red clsd base/S.S./blk clsd xle cvr/blk 5th whl typ b/5 arch fnt/MC rear whls/clr wind/sil & red trl/typ B/smt sides/clsd blk xle cov/Tarmac.
9.Sil cab/typ 2 dk.red clsd base/S.S./blk clsd xle cvr/blk 5th whl typ b/5 arch fnt/MC rear whls/clr wind/sil & red trl/typ B/smt sides/clsd blk xle cov/Tarmac.
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10.Sil cab/typ 2 dk.red clsd bas/S.S./blk clsd xle cvr/blk 5th whl typ b/MC whls/clr wind/sil & red tlr/typ B/smooth sides/clsd blk xle cvr/Tarmac.
10.Sil cab/typ 2 dk.red clsd bas/S.S./blk clsd xle cvr/blk 5th whl typ b/MC whls/clr wind/sil & red tlr/typ B/smooth sides/clsd blk xle cvr/Tarmac.
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11.Sil cab/typ 2 red clsd base/S.S./blk clsd xle cvr/blk 5th whl typ b/MC whls/clr wind/sil & red tlr/typ B/smooth sides/clsd blk xle cvr/Tarmac/no label on cab.
11.Sil cab/typ 2 red clsd base/S.S./blk clsd xle cvr/blk 5th whl typ b/MC whls/clr wind/sil & red tlr/typ B/smooth sides/clsd blk xle cvr/Tarmac/no label on cab.
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12.Sil cab/typ 2 dk.red clsd bas/S.S./blk clsd xle cvr/blk 5th whl typ b/5SMW fnt/MC rear whls/clr wind/sil & red trl/typ B/ribbed sides/clsd blk xle cov/Tarmac.
12.Sil cab/typ 2 dk.red clsd bas/S.S./blk clsd xle cvr/blk 5th whl typ b/5SMW fnt/MC rear whls/clr wind/sil & red trl/typ B/ribbed sides/clsd blk xle cov/Tarmac.
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13.Sil cab/typ 2 dk.red clsd bas/S.S./blk clsd xle cvr/blk 5th whl typ b/5SMW whls/clr wind/sil & red trl/typ B/ribbed sides/clsd blk xle cov/Tarmac.
13.Sil cab/typ 2 dk.red clsd bas/S.S./blk clsd xle cvr/blk 5th whl typ b/5SMW whls/clr wind/sil & red trl/typ B/ribbed sides/clsd blk xle cov/Tarmac.
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14.Sil cab/typ 2 red closed base/S.S./blk clsd xle cvr/blk 5th whl typ b/MC whls/clr windows/sil & red tlr/typ B/ribbed sides/clsd blk xle cvr/Tarmac.
14.Sil cab/typ 2 red closed base/S.S./blk clsd xle cvr/blk 5th whl typ b/MC whls/clr windows/sil & red tlr/typ B/ribbed sides/clsd blk xle cvr/Tarmac.
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15.Sil cab/typ 2 dk.red clsd base/S.S./blk clsd xle cvr/blk 5th whl typ b/MC whls/clr wind/sil & dk.red tlr/typ B/ribbed sides/clsd blk xle cvr/Tarmac.
15.Sil cab/typ 2 dk.red clsd base/S.S./blk clsd xle cvr/blk 5th whl typ b/MC whls/clr wind/sil & dk.red tlr/typ B/ribbed sides/clsd blk xle cvr/Tarmac.
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16.Sil cab/typ 2 red opn base/S.S./org xle cvr f.fwd/blk 5th whl typ a/MC whls/grn wind/sil & red tlr/typ B/ribbed sides/opn blk xle cvr/red&yel strps.
16.Sil cab/typ 2 red opn base/S.S./org xle cvr f.fwd/blk 5th whl typ a/MC whls/grn wind/sil & red tlr/typ B/ribbed sides/opn blk xle cvr/red&yel strps.
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17.Sil cab/typ 2 red opn base/L.S./org xle cvr f.fwd/blk 5th whl typ a/MC whls/grn wind/sil & red tlr/typ B/ribbed sides/opn blk xle cvr/red&yel strps.
17.Sil cab/typ 2 red opn base/L.S./org xle cvr f.fwd/blk 5th whl typ a/MC whls/grn wind/sil & red tlr/typ B/ribbed sides/opn blk xle cvr/red&yel strps.
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18.Sil cab/typ 3 lt.red opn base/S.S./blk xle cvr f.aft/blk 5th whl typ a/MC whls/grn wind/sil & red trl/typ B/rib sides/opn blk xle cvr/red&yel strps/no lbl on cab.
18.Sil cab/typ 3 lt.red opn base/S.S./blk xle cvr f.aft/blk 5th whl typ a/MC whls/grn wind/sil & red trl/typ B/rib sides/opn blk xle cvr/red&yel strps/no lbl on cab.
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19.Sil cab/typ 3 red opn base/S.S./blk xle cvr f.fwd/blk 5th whl typ b/MC whls/clr windows/sil & red tlr/typ B/ribbed sides/clsd blk xle cvr/Tarmac.
19.Sil cab/typ 3 red opn base/S.S./blk xle cvr f.fwd/blk 5th whl typ b/MC whls/clr windows/sil & red tlr/typ B/ribbed sides/clsd blk xle cvr/Tarmac.
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20.Sil cab/typ 3 red opn base/S.S./blk xle cvr f.aft/blk 5th whl typ b/MC whls/dk.grn windows/sil & red tlr/typ B/ribbed sides/clsd blk xle cvr/Tarmac.
20.Sil cab/typ 3 red opn base/S.S./blk xle cvr f.aft/blk 5th whl typ b/MC whls/dk.grn windows/sil & red tlr/typ B/ribbed sides/clsd blk xle cvr/Tarmac.
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21.Sil cab/typ 3 red opn base/S.S./tan xle cvr f.aft/wht 5th whl type b/MC whls/grn wind/sil & red trailer/typ B/ribbed sides/opn blk xle cvr/Tarmac.
21.Sil cab/typ 3 red opn base/S.S./tan xle cvr f.aft/wht 5th whl type b/MC whls/grn wind/sil & red trailer/typ B/ribbed sides/opn blk xle cvr/Tarmac.
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22.Sil cab/typ 3 red opn base/S.S./gld xle cvr f.aft/wht 5th whl type b/MC whls/grn wind/sil & red trailer/typ B/ribbed sides/opn blk xle cvr/Tarmac.
22.Sil cab/typ 3 red opn base/S.S./gld xle cvr f.aft/wht 5th whl type b/MC whls/grn wind/sil & red trailer/typ B/ribbed sides/opn blk xle cvr/Tarmac.
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23.Sil cab/typ 3 red opn base/S.S./org xle cvr f.fwd/wht 5th whl type b/MC whls/grn wind/sil & red trailer/typ B/ribbed sides/opn blk xle cvr/Tarmac.
23.Sil cab/typ 3 red opn base/S.S./org xle cvr f.fwd/wht 5th whl type b/MC whls/grn wind/sil & red trailer/typ B/ribbed sides/opn blk xle cvr/Tarmac.
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24.Sil cab/typ 3 red opn base/S.S./org xle cvr f.fwd/gry 5th whl type b/MC whls/grn wind/sil & red trailer/typ B/ribbed sides/opn blk xle cvr/Tarmac.
24.Sil cab/typ 3 red opn base/S.S./org xle cvr f.fwd/gry 5th whl type b/MC whls/grn wind/sil & red trailer/typ B/ribbed sides/opn blk xle cvr/Tarmac.
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25.Sil cab/typ 3 red opn base/S.S./org xle cvr f.aft/blk 5th whl type a/MC whls/grn wind/sil & red trailer/typ B/ribbed sides/opn blk xle cvr/Tarmac.
25.Sil cab/typ 3 red opn base/S.S./org xle cvr f.aft/blk 5th whl type a/MC whls/grn wind/sil & red trailer/typ B/ribbed sides/opn blk xle cvr/Tarmac.
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26.Sil cab/typ 3 red opn base/S.S./blk xle cvr f.fwd/blk 5th whl type b/MC whls/dk.grn wind/sil & blk tlr/typ B/ribbed sides/clsd blk xle cvr/Tarmac.
26.Sil cab/typ 3 red opn base/S.S./blk xle cvr f.fwd/blk 5th whl type b/MC whls/dk.grn wind/sil & blk tlr/typ B/ribbed sides/clsd blk xle cvr/Tarmac.
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27.Wht cab/typ 3 red opn bas/S.S./blk xle cvr f.fwd/blk 5th whl type b/MC whls/grn wind/sil & blk tlr/typ B/ribbed sides/clsd blk xle cvr/Tarmac.
27.Wht cab/typ 3 red opn bas/S.S./blk xle cvr f.fwd/blk 5th whl type b/MC whls/grn wind/sil & blk tlr/typ B/ribbed sides/clsd blk xle cvr/Tarmac.
K18B Articulated Tipper Truck var#27.jpg (199.58 KiB) Viewed 614 times
28.Sil cab/typ 3 red opn base/S.S./blk xle cvr f.aft/blk 5th whl typ b/MC whls/lt.grn wind/dk.yel & red tlr/typ B/ribbed sides/clsd blk xle cvr/Tarmac.
28.Sil cab/typ 3 red opn base/S.S./blk xle cvr f.aft/blk 5th whl typ b/MC whls/lt.grn wind/dk.yel & red tlr/typ B/ribbed sides/clsd blk xle cvr/Tarmac.
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29.Sil cab/typ 3 red opn base/S.S./blk xle cvr f.aft/blk 5th whl typ b/MC whls/grn wind/dk.yel & lt.red tlr/typ B/ribbed sides/clsd blk xle cvr/Tarmac.
29.Sil cab/typ 3 red opn base/S.S./blk xle cvr f.aft/blk 5th whl typ b/MC whls/grn wind/dk.yel & lt.red tlr/typ B/ribbed sides/clsd blk xle cvr/Tarmac.
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30.Yel cab/typ 3 blk opn base/S.S./blk xle cvr f.aft/blk 5th whl typ a/MC whls/grn windows/yel & blk tlr/typ B/ribbed sides/clsd blk xle cvr/US Steel.
30.Yel cab/typ 3 blk opn base/S.S./blk xle cvr f.aft/blk 5th whl typ a/MC whls/grn windows/yel & blk tlr/typ B/ribbed sides/clsd blk xle cvr/US Steel.
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31.Dk.yel cab/typ 3 blk opn bas/S.S./blk xle cvr f.fwd/blk 5th whl typ a/MC whls/grn wind/yel & blk tlr/typ B/ribbed sides/clsd blk xle cvr/US Steel.
31.Dk.yel cab/typ 3 blk opn bas/S.S./blk xle cvr f.fwd/blk 5th whl typ a/MC whls/grn wind/yel & blk tlr/typ B/ribbed sides/clsd blk xle cvr/US Steel.
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32.Dk.yel cab/typ 3 flat blk opn bas/S.S./blk xle cvr f.aft/blk 5th whl typ a/MC whls/grn wind/yel & blk tlr/typ B/ribbed sides/clsd blk xle cvr/US Steel.
32.Dk.yel cab/typ 3 flat blk opn bas/S.S./blk xle cvr f.aft/blk 5th whl typ a/MC whls/grn wind/yel & blk tlr/typ B/ribbed sides/clsd blk xle cvr/US Steel.
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33.White cab/typ 2 blk clsd base/S.S./blk clsd axle cvr/blk 5th whl type a/5SMW/grn wind/sil & blk tlr/typ B/ribbed sides/clsd blk xle cvr/Condor.
33.White cab/typ 2 blk clsd base/S.S./blk clsd axle cvr/blk 5th whl type a/5SMW/grn wind/sil & blk tlr/typ B/ribbed sides/clsd blk xle cvr/Condor.
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34.White cab/typ 3 blk opn base/S.S./blk xle cvr f.aft/blk 5th whl type a/5SMW/grn wind/sil & blk trailer/typ B/ribbed sides/clsd blk xle cvr/Condor.
34.White cab/typ 3 blk opn base/S.S./blk xle cvr f.aft/blk 5th whl type a/5SMW/grn wind/sil & blk trailer/typ B/ribbed sides/clsd blk xle cvr/Condor.
K18B Articulated Tipper Truck var#34.jpg (199.77 KiB) Viewed 614 times
35.Off wht cab/typ 3 blk opn base/S.S./blk xle cvr f.aft/blk 5th whl type a/5SMW/grn windows/sil & blk trlr/typ B/ribbed sides/clsd blk xle cvr/Condor.
35.Off wht cab/typ 3 blk opn base/S.S./blk xle cvr f.aft/blk 5th whl type a/5SMW/grn windows/sil & blk trlr/typ B/ribbed sides/clsd blk xle cvr/Condor.
K18B Articulated Tipper Truck var#35.jpg (188.71 KiB) Viewed 614 times
36.Blu cab/typ 3 red opn base/S.S./blk xle cvr f.fwd/blk 5th wheel type b/MC whls/grn windows/blu & red trailer/typ B/closed blk xle cvr/Hoch & Tief.
36.Blu cab/typ 3 red opn base/S.S./blk xle cvr f.fwd/blk 5th wheel type b/MC whls/grn windows/blu & red trailer/typ B/closed blk xle cvr/Hoch & Tief.
K18B Articulated Tipper Truck var#36.jpg (210.79 KiB) Viewed 614 times
37.Blu cab/typ 3 dk.red opn base/S.S./blk xle cvr f.fwd/blk 5th wheel type b/MC whls/grn windows/blu & dk.red tlr/typ B/closed blk xle cvr/Hoch & Tief.
37.Blu cab/typ 3 dk.red opn base/S.S./blk xle cvr f.fwd/blk 5th wheel type b/MC whls/grn windows/blu & dk.red tlr/typ B/closed blk xle cvr/Hoch & Tief.
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K18B Articulated Tipper Truck radiator variation of red cab.jpg
K18B Articulated Tipper Truck radiator variation of red cab.jpg (224.51 KiB) Viewed 623 times
K18B Articulated Tipper Truck red or metallic red cabs.jpg
K18B Articulated Tipper Truck red or metallic red cabs.jpg (217.68 KiB) Viewed 623 times
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K18B Articulated Tipper Truck silver cab windows variations.jpg (240.97 KiB) Viewed 623 times
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K18B Articulated Tipper Truck silver cab wheel variations.jpg (257.09 KiB) Viewed 623 times
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K18B Articulated Tipper Truck silver cab roof variation.jpg
K18B Articulated Tipper Truck silver cab roof variation.jpg (209.9 KiB) Viewed 623 times
K18B Articulated Tipper Truck silver cab with or without label.jpg
K18B Articulated Tipper Truck silver cab with or without label.jpg (253.26 KiB) Viewed 623 times
K18B Articulated Tipper Truck silver cab with or without fifth wheel locking pin pic#1a.jpg
K18B Articulated Tipper Truck silver cab with or without fifth wheel locking pin pic#1a.jpg (214.11 KiB) Viewed 623 times
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K18B Articulated Tipper Truck Condor cab variations pic#1.jpg
K18B Articulated Tipper Truck Condor cab variations pic#1.jpg (188.91 KiB) Viewed 623 times
K18B Articulated Tipper Truck Condor cabs.jpg
K18B Articulated Tipper Truck Condor cabs.jpg (201.52 KiB) Viewed 623 times
K18B Articulated Tipper Truck Condor white cabs.jpg
K18B Articulated Tipper Truck Condor white cabs.jpg (193.32 KiB) Viewed 623 times
K18B Articulated Tipper Truck metallic red cab fifth wheel variation.jpg
K18B Articulated Tipper Truck metallic red cab fifth wheel variation.jpg (254.71 KiB) Viewed 623 times
K18B Articulated Tipper Truck silver cab fifth wheel variations.jpg
K18B Articulated Tipper Truck silver cab fifth wheel variations.jpg (235.27 KiB) Viewed 623 times
K18B Articulated Tipper Truck silver cab wheel variations pic#1.jpg
K18B Articulated Tipper Truck silver cab wheel variations pic#1.jpg (220.09 KiB) Viewed 623 times
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K18B Articulated Tipper Truck silver cab wheel variations pic#2.jpg (222.4 KiB) Viewed 623 times
K18B Articulated Tipper Truck  silver cab closed base.jpg
K18B Articulated Tipper Truck silver cab closed base.jpg (212.94 KiB) Viewed 623 times
K18B Articulated Tipper Truck Hoch & Tief.jpg
K18B Articulated Tipper Truck Hoch & Tief.jpg (216.37 KiB) Viewed 623 times
K18B Articulated Tipper Truck silver cab orange axle cover.jpg
K18B Articulated Tipper Truck silver cab orange axle cover.jpg (246.67 KiB) Viewed 623 times
K18B Articulated Tipper Truck tan axle cover.jpg
K18B Articulated Tipper Truck tan axle cover.jpg (224.05 KiB) Viewed 623 times
K18B Articulated Tipper Truck cab base variations pic#1a.jpg
K18B Articulated Tipper Truck cab base variations pic#1a.jpg (249.87 KiB) Viewed 623 times
K18B Articulated Tipper Truck red cab axle cover variations.jpg
K18B Articulated Tipper Truck red cab axle cover variations.jpg (233.67 KiB) Viewed 623 times
K18B Articulated Tipper Truck silver cab axle cover variations pic#1.jpg
K18B Articulated Tipper Truck silver cab axle cover variations pic#1.jpg (246.96 KiB) Viewed 623 times
K18B Articulated Tipper Truck yellow cab base variations.jpg
K18B Articulated Tipper Truck yellow cab base variations.jpg (230.36 KiB) Viewed 623 times
K18B Articulated Tipper Truck silver cab base variations.jpg
K18B Articulated Tipper Truck silver cab base variations.jpg (243.7 KiB) Viewed 623 times
K18B Articulated Tipper Truck Condor cab base variations.jpg
K18B Articulated Tipper Truck Condor cab base variations.jpg (220.67 KiB) Viewed 623 times
K18B Articulated Tipper Truck Hoch & Tief base variations pic#2.jpg
K18B Articulated Tipper Truck Hoch & Tief base variations pic#2.jpg (247.17 KiB) Viewed 623 times
K18B Articulated Tipper Truck USS trailer variations.jpg
K18B Articulated Tipper Truck USS trailer variations.jpg (223.45 KiB) Viewed 623 times
K18B Articulated Tipper Truck yellow trailer tailgate variations.jpg
K18B Articulated Tipper Truck yellow trailer tailgate variations.jpg (189.4 KiB) Viewed 623 times
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K18B Articulated Tipper Truck yellow trailer large or small pin.jpg (226 KiB) Viewed 623 times
K18B Articulated Tipper Truck silver trailer axle cover variations.jpg
K18B Articulated Tipper Truck silver trailer axle cover variations.jpg (247.83 KiB) Viewed 623 times
K18B Articulated Tipper Truck yellow trailer axle cover variations pic#1.jpg
K18B Articulated Tipper Truck yellow trailer axle cover variations pic#1.jpg (225.2 KiB) Viewed 623 times
K18B Articulated Tipper Truck box picture #1.jpg
K18B Articulated Tipper Truck box picture #1.jpg (225 KiB) Viewed 623 times
K18B Articulated Tipper Truck box picture #2.jpg
K18B Articulated Tipper Truck box picture #2.jpg (211.04 KiB) Viewed 623 times
K18B Articulated Tipper Truck group pic#1.jpg
K18B Articulated Tipper Truck group pic#1.jpg (274.92 KiB) Viewed 623 times
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K18B Articulated Tipper Truck group pic#2.jpg (244.81 KiB) Viewed 623 times
K18B Articulated Tipper Truck group pic#3.jpg
K18B Articulated Tipper Truck group pic#3.jpg (265.12 KiB) Viewed 623 times
K18B Articulated Tipper Truck group pic#4.jpg
K18B Articulated Tipper Truck group pic#4.jpg (256.45 KiB) Viewed 623 times
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