Deleted sale

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Re: Deleted sale

Post by Idris »

Tinman wrote:
Idris wrote:
It would be better if it were part of the Forum's coding.
Who trusts "upgrades" after the lefora total disaster? Not me.
I don't know exactly how these things work, but my understanding is that you can add small pieces of code to do specific things (such as automatically resizing images).
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Re: Deleted sale

Post by Viewfield »

Just for info!
I use “Picture Resize” App on my iPhone. It is free and extremely easy to use. Take a photo, open the app, select the photo from your album, pick the size you want and store. Finished.
Now you can load directly from your ‘phone and the photo fits.

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Re: Deleted sale

Post by ford_a_30 »

I'm not trying to rock the boat here guys. I don't want anyone (especially Nick) to have to incur additional costs. It just seems that the forum should be smart enough to do this automatically. Again, I'm not trying to upset anyone which is why rather then make a fuss I just pulled the listings down. I don't know what would be required for pictures to automatically size themselves when uploading so to me it doesn't seem like a big deal. But then too, putting a man on the moon seems easier then those NASA guys make it out to be too
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Re: Deleted sale


I did look into the possibility of adding the autoresize code to this forum as it does not come supplied, so would have to brought seperately but added to that, there did not seem to be any phpBB based autoresize add-ons available at the time I looked into this.

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Re: Deleted sale

Post by ford_a_30 »

Trying a file resizing program for the phone. This still adds a couple steps if it works, but at least it eliminates a computer.
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Re: Deleted sale


That seems to be working OK.
