Rag & Bone Cart Query

Lesney early large scale toys 1947-55 + Models of Yesteryear 1956 to date
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Rag & Bone Cart Query

Post by Idris »

Following my recent success with the Prime Mover set, I have decided to turn my attention to the Rag & Bone Cart. Tim has already warned me that I will be extremely lucky to find anything beyond the crate (which I already have).
I've been doing my homework, but have discovered that different photographs show different styles of bucket. Further digging leads me to suspect that some of these buckets are probably Britains products.
Could a kind Member please provide sufficient quality photographs to enable me (and others) to differentiate between an original Lesney Moko bucket and those from other manufactuerers.
Thank you!
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Re: Rag & Bone Cart Query

Post by YYS4BOB »

These guys would be the one's to ask.
