Further to my post above, here is a picture from the company's website showing the Walls' Ice Cream Van but this is only a prototyp, the actual model is more refined and has a plated grille and bumper.
They have also released details of planned future models, all from the Corgi range so here is what I know so far...
#155 - Lotus Climax Formula 1 Racing Car.
#258 - The Saint's Volvo P1800.
#330 - Porsche Carrera 6.
#267 - Batmobile with Batman and Robin.
#417 - Land Rover Breakdown Truck.
#325 - Ford Mustang Fastback.
There is also a Monti Carlo Mini but not sure which version as Corgi relesed a couple on different catalogue numbers.
These will only be available by order, not through any retail outlets so essentially they are direct to customer models.