firstly its a collection of Dinky Toys, some boxed in great condition, some boxed in good condition, some without boxes in good condition and a lot in not to great condition unfortunately. Im going to post photos below of what i have, like i said i inherited these from my father and would like to keep them really, some will need cleaning, what would be the best way of doing this, also storing the cars and boxes ???
As i said before a lot are not in the best of condition, is it worth me trying to restore them ?, not personally but professionally, where could i get this done and would this have an effect on the value, is it worth trying to acquire the original boxes if possible ?
Im really happy i received them, they look great and I'm looking forward to collecting myself, it seems like you have a great community on here that would also be great to get involved in

any advice about the cars, maintaining them, value and restoring would be greatly appreciated, look forward to hearing from anybody !
Thank you