19a MG TD Sports Car

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19a MG TD Sports Car

Post by Idris »

None of the NAMC’s “Catalog of all Series Matchbox Models” (second edition), the AIM's “1-75 Series Regular Wheels” catalogue (second printing, 1983), Stannard, Houghton, or Leake ("Concise Catalogue of 75 Series Matchbox Toys by Lesney" (4th edition, reprinted 2006)) lists any variation not already catalogued by Nick.
U.K. Matchbox did not examine the model.

On Lefora, Jason (Nearlymint) pointed out two different versions of the spare wheel attachment. The early type appears to have involved the prongs on the spare wheel being forced through the rear of the car and then spread. This resulted in a crossbar with two butterfly wings (one or both of which are sometimes missing) visible at the rear of the model when viewed from underneath. Latterly, models appear to have been cast with a pre-formed hole at the rear through which the prongs of the spare could be inserted. Such models do not therefore have either the crossbar or wings.
There is also a trim variation. I have seen models where the windscreen has been trimmed. Whether this represents an early trim style which was later dropped, or is simply down to the variation between individual workers, I do not know.
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Re: 19a MG TD Sports Car

Post by OTTO2 »

Hi idris, when you comment...

"On Lefora, Jason (Nearlymint) pointed out two different versions of the spare wheel attachment. The early type appears to have involved the prongs on the spare wheel being forced through the rear of the car and then spread. This resulted in a crossbar with two butterfly wings (one or both of which are sometimes missing) visible at the rear of the model when viewed from underneath."

is precisely what you see in the photo? Do you have a photo of the second variant?

Thank you!

Gustavo Curto
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Lesney_19a_00.jpg (2.66 MiB) Viewed 1771 times
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Re: 19a MG TD Sports Car

Post by Idris »

OTTO2 wrote:Hi idris, when you comment...

"On Lefora, Jason (Nearlymint) pointed out two different versions of the spare wheel attachment. The early type appears to have involved the prongs on the spare wheel being forced through the rear of the car and then spread. This resulted in a crossbar with two butterfly wings (one or both of which are sometimes missing) visible at the rear of the model when viewed from underneath."

is precisely what you see in the photo? Do you have a photo of the second variant?
Yes, that is the first type.
The second type appears to have been a modification to the tooling to create a round hole which the spare wheel fitted into, after which the two retaining prongs were spread. This therefore looks similar to the first type, but there are no wings and no crossbar.