Hi Chris.
I have not 100% identified your 'Woof', but have found Two pictures off the internet of a genuine original 'YONE' Dog and if you look at my composite picture of it with yours, there is an incredile similarity between the Two toys.
The Pink Dog has the usual 'YONE' name within a Diamond logo, a serial number and MADE IN JAPAN.
I notice the MADE IN JAPAN on your Dog is not the same as is shown on known Yone toys so I still don't think it is an actual marketed toy by them, probably made the company making them for Yone who were making them for market traders and wholesalers as cheap 'Penny' toys, so I would consider your Dog to be a better buy than a genuine Yone, as these are quite common, yours is not...
I thank you especially for showing this 'Woof' on the forum, it has been a pleasure seeing it and trying to identify it.