Newest piece in my collection

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Re: Newest piece in my collection

Post by SuperFast »

Hi folks,

last time I was diligent, here is some news from me:
Some different Wildcat Dragsters (a favourite model from me),
08B_Ford Mustang Wildcat Dragster_1_forum.jpg
08B_Ford Mustang Wildcat Dragster_1_forum.jpg (53.42 KiB) Viewed 1573 times
08B_Ford Mustang Wildcat Dragster_2_forum.jpg
08B_Ford Mustang Wildcat Dragster_2_forum.jpg (49.8 KiB) Viewed 1573 times
08B_Ford Mustang Wildcat Dragster_3_forum.jpg
08B_Ford Mustang Wildcat Dragster_3_forum.jpg (52.47 KiB) Viewed 1573 times
08B_Ford Mustang Wildcat Dragster_4_forum.jpg
08B_Ford Mustang Wildcat Dragster_4_forum.jpg (51.45 KiB) Viewed 1573 times
a nice Clipper,
39A_Clipper_forum.jpg (48.52 KiB) Viewed 1573 times
a nice Passenger Coach in red with green labels
44C_Railway Passenger Coach_red_forum.jpg
44C_Railway Passenger Coach_red_forum.jpg (46.39 KiB) Viewed 1573 times
a nice Mercury with black hubs although a littlebit playworn
62A_Mercury Cougar_yellow green met_forum.jpg
62A_Mercury Cougar_yellow green met_forum.jpg (49.33 KiB) Viewed 1573 times
and the best at end a red metallic Road Dragster.
19B_Road Dragster_red met_forum.jpg
19B_Road Dragster_red met_forum.jpg (51.71 KiB) Viewed 1573 times
Sven, the SuperFast.
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Re: Newest piece in my collection


Some nice Wildcats there and you are finding some nice crisp clean boxes. The playworn Mercury with Black hubs I suspect has lost all the 'Hot foil' effect from the wheels because of the amount of attention it has had through being played with, as it is not common for models to have just plain 'Superfst' wheels fitted unless a genuine factory error is found.
Black ''Superfasts'' here..JPG
Black ''Superfasts'' here..JPG (32.87 KiB) Viewed 1559 times
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Re: Newest piece in my collection

Post by motorman »

I love the #8 Wildcat Dragster and love the variations you have shown Superfast I would encourage you to include baseplate images as well as this is the primary reason I love this model with so many different base colours available to collect. :D

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Re: Newest piece in my collection

Post by motorman »

Congratulations on that #19 in metallic red, a tough variation to find and in great condition by the looks of things. :D

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Re: Newest piece in my collection

Post by motorman »

Shame that #62 box is damaged as this box showing the SF model but no 'Superfast' script is a rare box.

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Re: Newest piece in my collection

Post by SuperFast »

Hi fellow collectors,

@ Ghosty: I bought this Mercury from rich4rd_e, as a Mercury with black hubs.
First I had little doubts about this, but I held it in my hands and I couldn't see no signs of tampering. I'll make some closer pics.
BTW not all of my boxes are clean and crisp, I have a lot of ruined boxes too.

@ Motorman: The Mustang Dragsters without baseplate pics have the black base. So no reason for me to make pics from.
You are right, it is really a shame about the rare box, someone damaged it while removing a price label. I can tell you the box is otherwise mint. A SHAME.
The red metallic Road Dragster I bought from Cars & Boxes for a reasonable price.
It is mint, but has a littlebit corrosion on the baseplate.
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Re: Newest piece in my collection


Can we see the corrosion of the metallic Red dragster's base. It might be possible to remove without too much drama.

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Re: Newest piece in my collection

Post by SuperFast »

Hi Ghosty, here i've the baseplate picture, you can see a little darker residue from corrosion.
I did some work with the "metallin". I polished the baseplate in the descripted area. So I think I have the corrosion now stopped.
red_dragster_bp.jpg (358.49 KiB) Viewed 1503 times
red_dragster.jpg (298.9 KiB) Viewed 1503 times
I will show the "metallin" in the restoration thread.
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Re: Newest piece in my collection

Post by SuperFast »

GHOSTHUNTER wrote:Some nice Wildcats there and you are finding some nice crisp clean boxes. The playworn Mercury with Black hubs I suspect has lost all the 'Hot foil' effect from the wheels because of the amount of attention it has had through being played with, as it is not common for models to have just plain 'Superfst' wheels fitted unless a genuine factory error is found.
The attachment Black ''Superfasts'' here..JPG is no longer available
Here I've some closer Pictures of the hubs, 3 of the 4 wheels look like there were never hot foil applied. The fourth wheel looks a little bit worn but shiny (reflecting the light). My own thoughts are, this car left the factory without the hot foil.
mercury_black.jpg (163.89 KiB) Viewed 1497 times
mercury_black2.jpg (439.06 KiB) Viewed 1497 times
Infected by Superfast
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Re: Newest piece in my collection


If the surface is now slightly pitted (but not from your ploishing), the corrosion has possibly come from imperities in the Mazac mix or a small amount of acidic substance has been allowed to attack the surface from someones finger.

It is common to find these bright bases attaining a grubby Grey finish through a lot of handling and this can be cleaned with differing results depending on what is used. I just use an office eraser, no liquids at all.

Your Mercury wheels do look quite clean of any hot foiling evidence. The only problem is, there is a well known way of removing the 'Chrome' effect from plastic mouldings and unless an example can be found factory sealed in it's own blister card with all Black 'Superfasts', it can not be accepted as a recordable variation.

Don't get me wrong, it is a nice qirky model and as long as it gives you enjoyment then it is worth having, I am sure many of us here would have brought it just in case! plus, you will already have one when they do start turning up sealed on blisters.
