Dinky grey tire Horse Box - export variation

Dinky toys by Meccano
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Dinky grey tire Horse Box - export variation

Post by MatchboxFreak »

This very handsome Horse Box recently came my way (loose without a box). Looking at Nicks Dinky page, I see the Horse Box was issued under a few numbers: 581, 980 and 981.

Are there any differences between 581, 980 and 981 or are the boxes the only differences?
Were both black and grey tires available on the 581, 980 and 981?
Does anyone know the scale of this model?
IMG_6508.JPG (68.17 KiB) Viewed 2422 times
IMG_6506.JPG (64.06 KiB) Viewed 2422 times
IMG_6510.JPG (75.62 KiB) Viewed 2422 times
The Dinky line is fairly new to me, so I am a novice. Thank you for you expert opinions.
Please let me know if you'd like to see more photos.

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Re: Dinky grey tire Horse Box - export variation

Post by starni999 »

Hi Kurt,
Sorry for the late reply. Both maroon versions of the Horsebox were introduced as no 581 in 1953. In 1954 all Dinkys were renumbered to do away with the old letters and numbers system IE 23a. From 1954 the export (none British Rail) Horsebox became no 980, while the BR version became 981. In 1960 - 61 both were replaced by the repainted "Newmarket" Horsebox in grey / yellow paradoxically using the earlier no979, which ran until 1964.
Grey and black tyres could be found randomly across the Supertoys range. The export version is quite rare in the UK.
Chris Warr.
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Re: Dinky grey tire Horse Box - export variation

Post by MatchboxFreak »

Thank you for the additional information Chris.
Do you know whether the hubs were changed from maroon to red In 1954 when the series was renumbered or was that later?
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Re: Dinky grey tire Horse Box - export variation

Post by starni999 »

Hi Kurt,

Bit more info. The Red hubs came on models in both the early Orange paper label boxes, and the later Blue / White stripe boxes, so I would say the wheel colour change came pretty early on. It wouldn't surprise me to find that red and maroon wheels appeared randomly over the models life however, that sort of thing is not unknown. :D

There are two distinct baseplates on this one, the early one has "HORSE-BOX" and the later "HORSEBOX" the later issue also has a rectangular cast block level with the HORSEBOX and just before the rear axle, the early one being plain.

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Re: Dinky grey tire Horse Box - export variation

Post by MatchboxFreak »

Thank you for the additional information Chris.
Mine has the early HORSE-BOX base; so is it correct to assume this example is model number 581?
(Photo to follow this evening.)
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Re: Dinky grey tire Horse Box - export variation

Post by starni999 »

Hi Kurt,
It could still be either number as the baseplate change doesn't tie it down to a specific issue. The only way to know for sure is if you had the original box. As well as the box number itself there would be a quality control stamp inside with the month and year it left the factory. That's why it's so confusing / annoying when collectors buy several issues of a model and swop them round till they get a perfect model in a perfect box, perfect yes, but any real evidence of true age is lost forever.
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Re: Dinky grey tire Horse Box - export variation

Post by MatchboxFreak »

Thank Chris for sharing your wealth of knowledge about Dinkys.
Happy hunting!
Happy hunting!
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Re: Dinky grey tire Horse Box - export variation

Post by Idris »

Just found a thread on this model here.