M-9 Inter-State Freighter

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Re: M-9 Inter-State Freighter

Post by yellowfoden »

Maestro wrote:My 4 Cooper-Jarrets have 3 colors of bogey/dolly: painted dark blue, painted silver and unpainted bare metal.
Is there any relation between the C-J versions and the dolly used?
Or is the type of dolly used random on all 4 'basic' versions of the C-J?
Hello Maarten,

No, the dolly use was not random at the time the M9 was made from 1962 to 1967. There is a specific order.

Your silver painted dolly is interesting as I have not heard of a silver "painted" dolly (coupler or bogey ) though , and we would love to see photos if possible if you are able to post them. If so could you place it alongside the unpainted version, perhaps viewed from top and bottom. I do have unpainted shiny and unpainted dull finish examples.

Some references refer to the dolly as silver but it should be termed unpainted so that it not confused with silver trailer, silver doors or even silver trim on the M9.

The dolly comes in blue or unpainted and can have 3 wheel types fitted.
The blue dolly can be fitted with the dual detailed one piece wheels that have text on the outside face and inside face
The blue dolly can also have dual wheels fitted that are smooth on inside face.
The size of both of these dual recessed types differ in width and diameter.

The blue dolly can also be fitted with the black plastic standard regular wheel (BPW)

The unpainted dolly was only ever factory fitted with BPW regular wheel type.

Note the BPW can also come in two different sizes.

As it is now almost 50 years since the M9 was discontinued and boxes, inserts and components get swapped about, so many M9 are often seen with a mix of tractor - trailer - dolly which may differ from what was intended at factory.

From a purist point of view the rear wheels of the tractor unit should be same as trailer and dolly.

A summary about trailers and dolly in terms of wheels on the M9 you mention are:

M9 with detail recessed wheels, silver trailers blue doors - has blue dolly.
M9 with detail recessed wheels no text inner face, silver trailer blue doors has blue dolly.
M9 with BPW grey trailers can have blue dolly.
M9 with BPW grey gloss trailers can also have factory unpainted dolly, as the grey gloss painted trailer was the first to have unpainted dolly.
M9 with BPW silver trailers silver doors (orange or yellow decals) unpainted dolly with BPW.

Here is an image to show the wheel detail in the order they came out of the factory.

M9 dolly in order fitted to models early on left to late on right
M9 dolly in order fitted to models early on left to late on right
m9 dolly types early to late left to right.JPG (98.17 KiB) Viewed 9373 times
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Re: M-9 Inter-State Freighter

Post by Maestro »

OMG! Quite something to spend the weekend with Bert!
I can't promise it will be this weekend, but I will look at all the details on the models (and played with spare ones) I have.
Photos will be a bit difficult for my camera is in repair and I do not expect it back within the next 3-4 weeks.
Maybe I can ask someone in the family to lend me one.

All in all thanks a lot for this HUGE information on the M-9 Cooper-Jarrett!! :!:
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Re: M-9 Inter-State Freighter

Post by Maestro »

Bert, I checked my couplers and the silver painted one shows really out to be painted... by hand! :cry:
Obviously someone had some silver paint leftovers: the upper side is painted silver, the bottom however unpainted as it should be.

Now I have to check sometime which couplers I have in blue and unpainted.
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Re: M-9 Inter-State Freighter

Post by yellowfoden »

Hi Maarten,

Thank you for checking the coating on the dolly. I am always on the lookout for dollies to go with some spare trailers that deserve more playtime but I think I am not alone searching for this component.
This is a nice model with lots of subtle changes.
Enjoy your search and adding to the fleet.

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Re: M-9 Inter-State Freighter

Post by matchboxmarcel »

you can see mine here on my 1965 Matchbox display at the Matchbox Club German gathering in Maastricht (The Netherlands) march 25th this year.


Interesting of note is that I have placed all the model according to the 1965 trade catalogue as shown here but there is a M-8 nor on that place and M-9 is missing on the display.


Maybe this model was meant to be the new nbr M-8 (and not M-9 ?)

Any lights on this ?

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Re: M-9 Inter-State Freighter

Post by yellowfoden »

matchboxmarcel wrote:you can see mine here on my 1965 Matchbox display at the Matchbox Club German gathering in Maastricht (The Netherlands) march 25th this year.
Interesting of note is that I have placed all the model according to the 1965 trade catalogue as shown here but there is a M-8 nor on that place and M-9 is missing on the display.
Maybe this model was meant to be the new nbr M-8 (and not M-9 ?)
Any lights on this ? marcel
Hello Marcel,

Very nice displays you have set up with equally nice models. Brilliant.
My thoughts on this ( I think that is what you are asking) is I think you will find that the M-8 marker on the bottom shelf to the left is a printing error or placement error and should have been M-9. The M-9 came out in 1962 and deleted in 1967.
I have both the same display stands from an Australian toy shop and mine has M9
Image attached with M9 marker compared to yours from the other topic.

The BP racing car transporter was one major pack that when it was converted to a king size the number went from M-5 to K-6 evident by raised plinth for name and number

There was no other model planned to replace the M8 transporter because it was so successful according to Jack Odell it simply went on to become an equally successful king size.

The only other model we Major Pack collectors dream about is the Dodge double trailer tipper which was the proposed M7 (second series) but it came out as the King Size K16 see attached base picture showing raised plinth for name and number. I don’t have an M7b handy yet. ;) :)

The reason the Harvester position has cut outs in the display stand is that it is too wide for the shelf to sit parallel and these cut-outs were done to keep it in place in a nice straight line.
If the cut-out was made to accommodate the other side I think the seed chute could get caught on the card.
Makes it interesting but does not help the OCD when it is the only model facing the other way. :shock: :)

1.marcel display m8 x 2.JPG
1.marcel display m8 x 2.JPG (16.24 KiB) Viewed 8849 times
2.Multi display with M-9 corrected.JPG
2.Multi display with M-9 corrected.JPG (52.06 KiB) Viewed 8849 times
3.M-6 to K-5 base plates.jpg
3.M-6 to K-5 base plates.jpg (63.68 KiB) Viewed 8849 times
4.king size k16.JPG
4.king size k16.JPG (17.18 KiB) Viewed 8849 times
Last edited by yellowfoden on Tue Jul 09, 2019 8:19 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: M-9 Inter-State Freighter

Post by Idris »

yellowfoden wrote:Makes it interesting but does not help the OCD when it is the only model facing the other way. :shock: :)
You could always turn all of the others round to match it!
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Re: M-9 Inter-State Freighter

Post by yellowfoden »

Idris wrote:
yellowfoden wrote:Makes it interesting but does not help the OCD when it is the only model facing the other way. :shock: :)
You could always turn all of the others round to match it!
:lol: :lol: yes, I was going to suggest that but wasn't sure how dry Australian humour translates but here you go.
file pic.JPG
file pic.JPG (71.94 KiB) Viewed 8846 times
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Re: M-9 Inter-State Freighter

Post by matchboxmarcel »

many thanks for your great reply Bert. Very interesting that your display shows a different no.
The other Major Pack display is also nice.
I have a Models of Yesteryear and a generic Matchbox display in that style.
