I love my 40 Series, and am slowly getting towards a full set of known colours, 45 down, 25 on the list to get, anyway some news, the maroon Vanguard turned up and great news it is for real.........

So at least that ones off the list now, anyway also picked up this Blue / Cream Oxford..........

Of course it's sun faded green, the hubs are part faded too, but at least it will hold the space in the cabinet till a real one turns up.

The reason I'll keep it is it has a completely different line of two toning to my "proper" cream / green.
Also picked up this...........

Interesting as there is no other colour under the cream on the body, and a cream Oxford is unlisted.

Till you turn it over and grey paint shows on the inner hubs and chassis, oh well, I'll keep it as a conversation piece.......
Chris Warr.