K27B Boat Transporter

Charlie P's stunning King Size and SuperKing model reviews
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K27B Boat Transporter

Post by charliep »

K27B Boat Transporter. Issued 1978. All England castings.

Cab: White, off white, orange, orange & white, red & white, dark red & white or all red.
Cab roof: Ribbed or smooth.
Base: White or off white.
Windows: Clear (clr) or amber (amb).
Front wheels: 5 arch, 5 spoke, 5 spoke mag or Maltese cross (MC).
Rear wheels: 5 crown.
Axle cover: Red, orange, dark orange or black.
Fifth wheel: Black or gray.

Trailer base: small front opening (type 1) or large front opening (type 2).
Wheels: 5 crown.
Axle cover: Orange or red.

Boat windshield: Clear, amber, blue, dark blue.
Boat Cradle: Orange, bright orange, red or black.
Cradle winch: Yellow, black, yellow & black or red & black.
Cradle handle: Left side (LH) or right side (RH) in either yellow, red or black.
Cable: Yellow, dark yellow, light gray, dark gray, tan, dark green.

PS: Variations 1-27 are with 5 arch front & 5 crown rear wheels except where noted. Variations 28-36 have 5 spoke mag wheels.

1. Wht cab & base/smt roof/blk 5th whl/red xlr cvr/amb wind/typ 1 tlr/red cradle/Embassy/amb boat wndshld/yel winch/yel cable/yel RH & ring.
2. Wht cab & base/smt roof/gry 5th whl/red xlv cvr/5 spk frt whls/amb wind/typ 1 tlr/red cradle/Embassy/amb boat wndshld/yel wnch & cbl/yel LH & ring.
3. Off wht cab & base/smt roof/gry 5th whl/red xlr cvr/amb wind/typ 1 tlr/red cradle/Embassy/amb boat wndshld/yel winch & cbl/yel LH & ring.
4. Wht cab & base/ribbed roof/blk 5th whl/blk xle cvr/amb wind/typ 1 tlr/org cradle/Benihana/amb boat windshield/blk winch/yel cbl/blk LH & ring.
5. Wht cab & base/ribbed roof/blk 5th whl/org xle cvr/amb wind/typ 1 tlr/org cradle/Benihana/amb boat windshield/blk winch/yel cbl/blk LH & ring.
6. Wht cab & base/ribbed roof/blk 5th whl/dk.org xle cvr/clr wind/typ1 tlr/org cradle/Benihana/clr boat windshield/blk winch/yel cbl/blk RH & ring.
7. Wht cab & base/ribbed roof/blk 5th whl/red xlr cvr/amb windows/type 1 tlr/red cradle/Embassy/amb boat windshield/yel winch & cbl/yel LH & ring.
8. Wht cab & base/ribbed roof/MC frt whl/blk 5th whl/red xlr cvr/amb wind/typ 1 tlr/red cradle/Embassy/amb boat wndshld/yel winch/tan cbl/yel RH & ring.
9. Wht cab & base/ribbed roof/MC frt whl/blk 5th whl/red xlr cvr/amb wind/typ 1 tlr/red cradle/Embassy/amb boat wndshld/yel winch & cbl/yel RH & ring.
10.Org & wht cab/wht base/dk.org xle cvr/amb windows/typ 1 tlr/org cradle/Benihana/amber boat wndshld/blk winch/yel cable/RH/blk ring.
11.Org & wht cab/wht base/org xle cvr/amb windows/typ 1 tlr/org cradle/Benihana/amber boat wndshld/blk winch/yel cable/LH/blk ring.
12.Org & wht cab/wht base/org xle cvr/amb windows/typ 2 tlr/org cradle/Benihana/amber boat wndshld/blk winch/grn cable/LH/blk ring.
13.Org cab/wht base/org xle cvr/clr windows/typ 1 tlr/org cradle/Benihana/amber boat windshield/blk winch/yel cable/RH/blk ring.
14.Org cab/wht base/org xle cvr/5 spoke front/clr windows/type 1 tlr/org cradle/Benihana/clr boat wndshld/blk winch/tan cable/RH/blk ring.
15.Org cab/wht base/org xle cvr/amb windows/typ 2 tlr/org cradle/Benihana/amb boat windshield/blk winch/grn cable/LH/blk ring.
16.Org cab/off wht base/org xle cvr/amb windows/typ 2 tlr/org cradle/Benihana/amb boat windshield/blk winch/grn cable/LH/blk ring.
17.Org cab/wht base/org xle cvr/amb windows/typ 2 tlr/red cradle/MBX/amb boat windshield/yel winch/tan cable/LH/blk ring.
18.Red cab/wht base/red xle cvr/clr windows/typ 2 tlr/red cradle/MBX/amb boat windshield/yel winch/gry cable/yel LH & black ring.
19.Red cab/wht base/red xle cvr/clr windows/type 2 tlr/red cradle/MBX/clr boat windshield/yel winch/grn cable/yel LH & black ring.
20.Red cab/wht base/red xle cvr/clr windows/5 spk front/typ 2 tlr/red cradle/MBX/amb boat wndshld/yel winch/gry cable/yel LH & blk ring.
21.Red cab/wht base/red xle cvr/clr windows/typ 1 tlr/org cradle/Benihana/amb boat windshield/blk winch/yel cable/blk LH & ring.
22.Red cab/wht base/red xle cvr/clr windows//typ 2 tlr/org cradle/Benihana/amb boat windshield/blk winch/yel cable/blk RH & ring.
23.Red cab/wht base/red xle cvr/amb windows/typ 1 tlr/red cradle/Embassy/amb boat windshield/yel winch/yel cable/yel RH & ring.
24.Red cab/wht base/red xle cvr/amb windows/typ 1 tlr/red cradle/Embassy/lt.blu boat windshield/yel winch/yel cable/blk RH & ring.
25.Red cab/wht base/red xle cvr/clr windows/typ 1 tlr/red cradle/Embassy/dk.blu boat windshield/yel winch/yel cable/blk RH & ring.
26.Red cab/wht base/red xle cvr/amb windows/typ 1 tlr/red cradle/Embassy/amb boat windshield/yel winch/yel cable/yel LH & ring.
27.Dk.red cab/wht base/red xlr cvr/amb windows/typ 1 tlr/red cradle/Embassy/amb boat wndshld/yel winch/yel cable/yel LH/blk ring.

28.Wht cab & base/Miss Solo & star lbls/blk xle cvr/clr wind/typ 2 tlr/blk cradle/506/amb boat windshield/blk winch/red cable/red LH & ring.
29.Wht cab/red base/Miss Solo lbls/blk xle cvr/clr wind/typ 2 tlr/blk cradle/506/amb boat windshield/blk winch/gold cable/blk LH & ring.
30.Wht cab/red base/Miss Solo lbls/blk xle cvr/clr wind/typ 2 tlr/blk cradle/506/amb boat windshield/blk winch/grn cable/blk LH & ring.
31.Wht cab/red roof/red base/Miss Solo lbls/blk xle cvr/clr wind/typ 2 tlr/blk cradle/506/clr boat windshield/blk winch/wht cable/blk RH & ring.
32.Wht cab/red roof/red base/Miss Solo lbls/blk xle cvr/amb wind/typ 2 tlr/blk cradle/MBX/clr boat windshield/blk winch/wht cable/red LH & blk ring.
33.Wht cab/red roof/red base/Miss Solo lbls/blk xle cvr/amb wind/typ 2 tlr/blk cradle/MBX/amb boat windshield/blk winch/grn cable/blk LH & ring.
34.Wht cab/red roof/red base/Miss Solo lbls/blk xlc cvr/amb wind/typ 2 tlr/blk cradle/506/clr boat windshield/blk winch/wht cable/red LH/blk ring.
35.Wht cab/red roof/dk.red base/Miss Solo lbls/blk xle cvr/amb wind/typ 2 trlr/blk cradle/506/amb boat windshield/blk winch/grn cable/blk LH & ring.
36.Red cab & base/black axle cover/clear windows/type 2 trailer/black cradle/506/clear boat windshield/black winch/white cable/black LH & ring.
37.Red cab & base/black axle cover/clear windows/type 2 trailer/black cradle/506/clear boat windshield/black winch/white cable/red RH & ring.
1. Wht cab & base/smt roof/blk 5th whl/red xlr cvr/amb wind/typ 1 tlr/red cradle/Embassy/amb boat wndshld/yel winch/yel cable/yel RH & ring.
1. Wht cab & base/smt roof/blk 5th whl/red xlr cvr/amb wind/typ 1 tlr/red cradle/Embassy/amb boat wndshld/yel winch/yel cable/yel RH & ring.
K27B Boat Transporter var#1.jpg (209.53 KiB) Viewed 151 times
2. Wht cab & base/smt roof/gry 5th whl/red xlv cvr/5 spk frt whls/amb wind/typ 1 tlr/red cradle/Embassy/amb boat wndshld/yel wnch & cbl/yel LH & ring.
2. Wht cab & base/smt roof/gry 5th whl/red xlv cvr/5 spk frt whls/amb wind/typ 1 tlr/red cradle/Embassy/amb boat wndshld/yel wnch & cbl/yel LH & ring.
K27B Boat Transporter var#2.jpg (193.91 KiB) Viewed 151 times
3. Off wht cab & base/smt roof/gry 5th whl/red xlr cvr/amb wind/typ 1 tlr/red cradle/Embassy/amb boat wndshld/yel winch & cbl/yel LH & ring.
3. Off wht cab & base/smt roof/gry 5th whl/red xlr cvr/amb wind/typ 1 tlr/red cradle/Embassy/amb boat wndshld/yel winch & cbl/yel LH & ring.
K27B Boat Transporter var#3.jpg (199 KiB) Viewed 151 times
4. Wht cab & base/ribbed roof/blk 5th whl/blk xle cvr/amb wind/typ 1 tlr/org cradle/Benihana/amb boat windshield/blk winch/yel cbl/blk LH & ring.
4. Wht cab & base/ribbed roof/blk 5th whl/blk xle cvr/amb wind/typ 1 tlr/org cradle/Benihana/amb boat windshield/blk winch/yel cbl/blk LH & ring.
K27B Boat Transporter var#4.jpg (202.03 KiB) Viewed 151 times
5. Wht cab & base/ribbed roof/blk 5th whl/org xle cvr/amb wind/typ 1 tlr/org cradle/Benihana/amb boat windshield/blk winch/yel cbl/blk LH & ring.
5. Wht cab & base/ribbed roof/blk 5th whl/org xle cvr/amb wind/typ 1 tlr/org cradle/Benihana/amb boat windshield/blk winch/yel cbl/blk LH & ring.
K27B Boat Transporter var#5.jpg (198 KiB) Viewed 151 times
6. Wht cab & base/ribbed roof/blk 5th whl/dk.org xle cvr/clr wind/typ1 tlr/org cradle/Benihana/clr boat windshield/blk winch/yel cbl/blk RH & ring.
6. Wht cab & base/ribbed roof/blk 5th whl/dk.org xle cvr/clr wind/typ1 tlr/org cradle/Benihana/clr boat windshield/blk winch/yel cbl/blk RH & ring.
K27B Boat Transporter var#6.jpg (194.87 KiB) Viewed 151 times
7. Wht cab & base/ribbed roof/blk 5th whl/red xlr cvr/amb windows/type 1 tlr/red cradle/Embassy/amb boat windshield/yel winch & cbl/yel LH & ring.
7. Wht cab & base/ribbed roof/blk 5th whl/red xlr cvr/amb windows/type 1 tlr/red cradle/Embassy/amb boat windshield/yel winch & cbl/yel LH & ring.
K27B Boat Transporter var#7.jpg (203.69 KiB) Viewed 151 times
8. Wht cab & base/ribbed roof/MC frt whl/blk 5th whl/red xlr cvr/amb wind/typ 1 tlr/red cradle/Embassy/amb boat wndshld/yel winch/tan cbl/yel RH & ring.
8. Wht cab & base/ribbed roof/MC frt whl/blk 5th whl/red xlr cvr/amb wind/typ 1 tlr/red cradle/Embassy/amb boat wndshld/yel winch/tan cbl/yel RH & ring.
K27B Boat Transporter var#8.jpg (209.08 KiB) Viewed 151 times
9. Wht cab & base/ribbed roof/MC frt whl/blk 5th whl/red xlr cvr/amb wind/typ 1 tlr/red cradle/Embassy/amb boat wndshld/yel winch & cbl/yel RH & ring.
9. Wht cab & base/ribbed roof/MC frt whl/blk 5th whl/red xlr cvr/amb wind/typ 1 tlr/red cradle/Embassy/amb boat wndshld/yel winch & cbl/yel RH & ring.
K27B Boat Transporter var#9.jpg (215.79 KiB) Viewed 151 times
10.Org & wht cab/wht base/dk.org xle cvr/amb windows/typ 1 tlr/org cradle/Benihana/amber boat wndshld/blk winch/yel cable/RH/blk ring.
10.Org & wht cab/wht base/dk.org xle cvr/amb windows/typ 1 tlr/org cradle/Benihana/amber boat wndshld/blk winch/yel cable/RH/blk ring.
K27B Boat Transporter var#10.jpg (199.47 KiB) Viewed 151 times
11.Org & wht cab/wht base/org xle cvr/amb windows/typ 1 tlr/org cradle/Benihana/amber boat wndshld/blk winch/yel cable/LH/blk ring.
11.Org & wht cab/wht base/org xle cvr/amb windows/typ 1 tlr/org cradle/Benihana/amber boat wndshld/blk winch/yel cable/LH/blk ring.
K27B Boat Transporter var#11.jpg (200.45 KiB) Viewed 151 times
12.Org & wht cab/wht base/org xle cvr/amb windows/typ 2 tlr/org cradle/Benihana/amber boat wndshld/blk winch/grn cable/LH/blk ring.
12.Org & wht cab/wht base/org xle cvr/amb windows/typ 2 tlr/org cradle/Benihana/amber boat wndshld/blk winch/grn cable/LH/blk ring.
K27B Boat Transporter var#12.jpg (204.85 KiB) Viewed 151 times
13.Org cab/wht base/org xle cvr/clr windows/typ 1 tlr/org cradle/Benihana/amber boat windshield/blk winch/yel cable/RH/blk ring.
13.Org cab/wht base/org xle cvr/clr windows/typ 1 tlr/org cradle/Benihana/amber boat windshield/blk winch/yel cable/RH/blk ring.
K27B Boat Transporter var#13.jpg (199.72 KiB) Viewed 151 times
14.Org cab/wht base/org xle cvr/5 spoke front/clr windows/type 1 tlr/org cradle/Benihana/clr boat wndshld/blk winch/tan cable/RH/blk ring.
14.Org cab/wht base/org xle cvr/5 spoke front/clr windows/type 1 tlr/org cradle/Benihana/clr boat wndshld/blk winch/tan cable/RH/blk ring.
K27B Boat Transporter var#14.jpg (212.15 KiB) Viewed 151 times
15.Org cab/wht base/org xle cvr/amb windows/typ 2 tlr/org cradle/Benihana/amb boat windshield/blk winch/grn cable/LH/blk ring.
15.Org cab/wht base/org xle cvr/amb windows/typ 2 tlr/org cradle/Benihana/amb boat windshield/blk winch/grn cable/LH/blk ring.
K27B Boat Transporter var#15.jpg (205.03 KiB) Viewed 151 times
16.Org cab/off wht base/org xle cvr/amb windows/typ 2 tlr/org cradle/Benihana/amb boat windshield/blk winch/grn cable/LH/blk ring.
16.Org cab/off wht base/org xle cvr/amb windows/typ 2 tlr/org cradle/Benihana/amb boat windshield/blk winch/grn cable/LH/blk ring.
K27B Boat Transporter var#16.jpg (199.78 KiB) Viewed 151 times
17.Org cab/wht base/org xle cvr/amb windows/typ 2 tlr/red cradle/MBX/amb boat windshield/yel winch/tan cable/LH/blk ring.
17.Org cab/wht base/org xle cvr/amb windows/typ 2 tlr/red cradle/MBX/amb boat windshield/yel winch/tan cable/LH/blk ring.
K27B Boat Transporter var#17.jpg (197.36 KiB) Viewed 151 times
18.Red cab/wht base/red xle cvr/clr windows/typ 2 tlr/red cradle/MBX/amb boat windshield/yel winch/gry cable/yel LH & black ring.
18.Red cab/wht base/red xle cvr/clr windows/typ 2 tlr/red cradle/MBX/amb boat windshield/yel winch/gry cable/yel LH & black ring.
K27B Boat Transporter var#18.jpg (187.33 KiB) Viewed 151 times
19.Red cab/wht base/red xle cvr/clr windows/type 2 tlr/red cradle/MBX/clr boat windshield/yel winch/grn cable/yel LH & black ring.
19.Red cab/wht base/red xle cvr/clr windows/type 2 tlr/red cradle/MBX/clr boat windshield/yel winch/grn cable/yel LH & black ring.
K27B Boat Transporter var#19.jpg (185.5 KiB) Viewed 151 times
20.Red cab/wht base/red xle cvr/clr windows/5 spk front/typ 2 tlr/red cradle/MBX/amb boat wndshld/yel winch/gry cable/yel LH & blk ring.
20.Red cab/wht base/red xle cvr/clr windows/5 spk front/typ 2 tlr/red cradle/MBX/amb boat wndshld/yel winch/gry cable/yel LH & blk ring.
K27B Boat Transporter var#20.jpg (215.43 KiB) Viewed 151 times
21.Red cab/wht base/red xle cvr/clr windows/typ 1 tlr/org cradle/Benihana/amb boat windshield/blk winch/yel cable/blk LH & ring.
21.Red cab/wht base/red xle cvr/clr windows/typ 1 tlr/org cradle/Benihana/amb boat windshield/blk winch/yel cable/blk LH & ring.
K27B Boat Transporter var#21.jpg (173.72 KiB) Viewed 151 times
22.Red cab/wht base/red xle cvr/clr windows//typ 2 tlr/org cradle/Benihana/amb boat windshield/blk winch/yel cable/blk RH & ring.
22.Red cab/wht base/red xle cvr/clr windows//typ 2 tlr/org cradle/Benihana/amb boat windshield/blk winch/yel cable/blk RH & ring.
K27B Boat Transporter var#22.jpg (193.88 KiB) Viewed 151 times
23.Red cab/wht base/red xle cvr/amb windows/typ 1 tlr/red cradle/Embassy/amb boat windshield/yel winch/yel cable/yel RH & ring.
23.Red cab/wht base/red xle cvr/amb windows/typ 1 tlr/red cradle/Embassy/amb boat windshield/yel winch/yel cable/yel RH & ring.
K27B Boat Transporter var#23.jpg (179.92 KiB) Viewed 151 times
24.Red cab/wht base/red xle cvr/amb windows/typ 1 tlr/red cradle/Embassy/lt.blu boat windshield/yel winch/yel cable/blk RH & ring.
24.Red cab/wht base/red xle cvr/amb windows/typ 1 tlr/red cradle/Embassy/lt.blu boat windshield/yel winch/yel cable/blk RH & ring.
K27B Boat Transporter var#24.jpg (189.94 KiB) Viewed 151 times
25.Red cab/wht base/red xle cvr/clr windows/typ 1 tlr/red cradle/Embassy/dk.blu boat windshield/yel winch/yel cable/blk RH & ring.
25.Red cab/wht base/red xle cvr/clr windows/typ 1 tlr/red cradle/Embassy/dk.blu boat windshield/yel winch/yel cable/blk RH & ring.
K27B Boat Transporter var#25.jpg (213.5 KiB) Viewed 151 times
26.Red cab/wht base/red xle cvr/amb windows/typ 1 tlr/red cradle/Embassy/amb boat windshield/yel winch/yel cable/yel LH & ring.
26.Red cab/wht base/red xle cvr/amb windows/typ 1 tlr/red cradle/Embassy/amb boat windshield/yel winch/yel cable/yel LH & ring.
K27B Boat Transporter var#26.jpg (183.61 KiB) Viewed 151 times
27.Dk.red cab/wht base/red xlr cvr/amb windows/typ 1 tlr/red cradle/Embassy/amb boat wndshld/yel winch/yel cable/yel LH/blk ring.
27.Dk.red cab/wht base/red xlr cvr/amb windows/typ 1 tlr/red cradle/Embassy/amb boat wndshld/yel winch/yel cable/yel LH/blk ring.
K27B Boat Transporter var#27.jpg (200.78 KiB) Viewed 151 times
28.Wht cab & base/Miss Solo & star lbls/blk xle cvr/clr wind/typ 2 tlr/blk cradle/506/amb boat windshield/blk winch/red cable/red LH & ring.
28.Wht cab & base/Miss Solo & star lbls/blk xle cvr/clr wind/typ 2 tlr/blk cradle/506/amb boat windshield/blk winch/red cable/red LH & ring.
K27B Boat Transporter var#28.jpg (182.82 KiB) Viewed 151 times
29.Wht cab/red base/Miss Solo lbls/blk xle cvr/clr wind/typ 2 tlr/blk cradle/506/amb boat windshield/blk winch/gold cable/blk LH & ring.
29.Wht cab/red base/Miss Solo lbls/blk xle cvr/clr wind/typ 2 tlr/blk cradle/506/amb boat windshield/blk winch/gold cable/blk LH & ring.
K27B Boat Transporter var#29.jpg (210.3 KiB) Viewed 151 times
30.Wht cab/red base/Miss Solo lbls/blk xle cvr/clr wind/typ 2 tlr/blk cradle/506/amb boat windshield/blk winch/grn cable/blk LH & ring.
30.Wht cab/red base/Miss Solo lbls/blk xle cvr/clr wind/typ 2 tlr/blk cradle/506/amb boat windshield/blk winch/grn cable/blk LH & ring.
K27B Boat Transporter var#30.jpg (202.64 KiB) Viewed 151 times
31.Wht cab/red roof/red base/Miss Solo lbls/blk xle cvr/clr wind/typ 2 tlr/blk cradle/506/clr boat windshield/blk winch/wht cable/blk RH & ring.
31.Wht cab/red roof/red base/Miss Solo lbls/blk xle cvr/clr wind/typ 2 tlr/blk cradle/506/clr boat windshield/blk winch/wht cable/blk RH & ring.
K27B Boat Transporter var#31.jpg (193.57 KiB) Viewed 151 times
32.Wht cab/red roof/red base/Miss Solo lbls/blk xle cvr/amb wind/typ 2 tlr/blk cradle/MBX/clr boat windshield/blk winch/wht cable/red LH & blk ring.
32.Wht cab/red roof/red base/Miss Solo lbls/blk xle cvr/amb wind/typ 2 tlr/blk cradle/MBX/clr boat windshield/blk winch/wht cable/red LH & blk ring.
K27B Boat Transporter var#32.jpg (204.33 KiB) Viewed 151 times
33.Wht cab/red roof/red base/Miss Solo lbls/blk xle cvr/amb wind/typ 2 tlr/blk cradle/MBX/amb boat windshield/blk winch/grn cable/blk LH & ring.
33.Wht cab/red roof/red base/Miss Solo lbls/blk xle cvr/amb wind/typ 2 tlr/blk cradle/MBX/amb boat windshield/blk winch/grn cable/blk LH & ring.
K27B Boat Transporter var#33.jpg (188.99 KiB) Viewed 151 times
34.Wht cab/red roof/red base/Miss Solo lbls/blk xlc cvr/amb wind/typ 2 tlr/blk cradle/506/clr boat windshield/blk winch/wht cable/red LH/blk ring.
34.Wht cab/red roof/red base/Miss Solo lbls/blk xlc cvr/amb wind/typ 2 tlr/blk cradle/506/clr boat windshield/blk winch/wht cable/red LH/blk ring.
K27B Boat Transporter var#34.jpg (202.89 KiB) Viewed 151 times
35.Wht cab/red roof/dk.red base/Miss Solo lbls/blk xle cvr/amb wind/typ 2 trlr/blk cradle/506/amb boat windshield/blk winch/grn cable/blk LH & ring.
35.Wht cab/red roof/dk.red base/Miss Solo lbls/blk xle cvr/amb wind/typ 2 trlr/blk cradle/506/amb boat windshield/blk winch/grn cable/blk LH & ring.
K27B Boat Transporter var#35.jpg (188.69 KiB) Viewed 151 times
36.Red cab & base/black axle cover/clear windows/type 2 trailer/black cradle/506/clear boat windshield/black winch/white cable/black LH & ring.
36.Red cab & base/black axle cover/clear windows/type 2 trailer/black cradle/506/clear boat windshield/black winch/white cable/black LH & ring.
K27B Boat Transporter var#36.jpg (205.58 KiB) Viewed 151 times
37.Red cab & base/black axle cover/clear windows/type 2 trailer/black cradle/506/clear boat windshield/black winch/white cable/red RH & ring.
37.Red cab & base/black axle cover/clear windows/type 2 trailer/black cradle/506/clear boat windshield/black winch/white cable/red RH & ring.
K27B Boat Transporter var#37.jpg (190.94 KiB) Viewed 151 times
K27B Boat Transporter clear or amber windows white ribbed roof cabs.jpg
K27B Boat Transporter clear or amber windows white ribbed roof cabs.jpg (187.65 KiB) Viewed 207 times
K27B Boat Transporter clear or amber windows orange cabs.jpg
K27B Boat Transporter clear or amber windows orange cabs.jpg (215.23 KiB) Viewed 207 times
K27B Boat Transporter clear or amber windows white & red roof cabs.jpg
K27B Boat Transporter clear or amber windows white & red roof cabs.jpg (214.64 KiB) Viewed 207 times
K27B Boat Transporter clear or amber windows red cabs.jpg
K27B Boat Transporter clear or amber windows red cabs.jpg (227.3 KiB) Viewed 207 times
K27B Boat Transporter  red or dark red cabs.jpg
K27B Boat Transporter red or dark red cabs.jpg (209.32 KiB) Viewed 207 times
K27B Boat Transporter white body smooth roof variations.jpg
K27B Boat Transporter white body smooth roof variations.jpg (195.95 KiB) Viewed 207 times
K27B Boat Transporter orange cab front wheel variations.jpg
K27B Boat Transporter orange cab front wheel variations.jpg (214.89 KiB) Viewed 207 times
K27B Boat Transporter white cab front wheel variations.jpg
K27B Boat Transporter white cab front wheel variations.jpg (240.23 KiB) Viewed 207 times
K27B Boat Transporter all white cab wheel variations.jpg
K27B Boat Transporter all white cab wheel variations.jpg (196.88 KiB) Viewed 207 times
K27B Boat Transporter mag wheel variations.jpg
K27B Boat Transporter mag wheel variations.jpg (210.37 KiB) Viewed 207 times
K27B Boat Transporter orange or red cabs wheel variations.jpg
K27B Boat Transporter orange or red cabs wheel variations.jpg (221.24 KiB) Viewed 207 times
K27B Boat Transporter red cab front wheel variations.jpg
K27B Boat Transporter red cab front wheel variations.jpg (237.85 KiB) Viewed 207 times
K27B Boat Transporter smooth cab roof different front wheels.jpg
K27B Boat Transporter smooth cab roof different front wheels.jpg (195.92 KiB) Viewed 207 times
K27B Boat Transporter all white smooth cab fifth wheel variations.jpg
K27B Boat Transporter all white smooth cab fifth wheel variations.jpg (190.12 KiB) Viewed 207 times
K27B Boat Transporter smooth cab roof white or off white grey fifth wheel pic#2.jpg
K27B Boat Transporter smooth cab roof white or off white grey fifth wheel pic#2.jpg (202.57 KiB) Viewed 207 times
K27B Boat Transporter  orange cab with white or off white base pic#2.jpg
K27B Boat Transporter orange cab with white or off white base pic#2.jpg (206.47 KiB) Viewed 207 times
K27B Boat Transporter all white cab axle covers variations.jpg
K27B Boat Transporter all white cab axle covers variations.jpg (196.02 KiB) Viewed 207 times
K27B blue or dark blue boat windshield.jpg
K27B blue or dark blue boat windshield.jpg (206.37 KiB) Viewed 207 times
K27B Boat Transporter trailer variations.jpg
K27B Boat Transporter trailer variations.jpg (196.59 KiB) Viewed 207 times
K27B Boat Transporter trailer variations pict #1.jpg
K27B Boat Transporter trailer variations pict #1.jpg (191.42 KiB) Viewed 207 times
K27B Boat Transporter trailer variations top view pic #2.jpg
K27B Boat Transporter trailer variations top view pic #2.jpg (198.62 KiB) Viewed 207 times
K27B Boat Transporter trailer & winch variations.jpg
K27B Boat Transporter trailer & winch variations.jpg (213.27 KiB) Viewed 207 times
K27B Boat Transporter boat variations.jpg
K27B Boat Transporter boat variations.jpg (228.5 KiB) Viewed 207 times
K27B Boat Transporter boat cradle variations.jpg
K27B Boat Transporter boat cradle variations.jpg (183.69 KiB) Viewed 207 times
K27B Boat Transporter  white cab smooth roof group picture.jpg
K27B Boat Transporter white cab smooth roof group picture.jpg (230.13 KiB) Viewed 207 times
K27B Boat Transporter  white cab ribbed roof group picture.jpg
K27B Boat Transporter white cab ribbed roof group picture.jpg (231.28 KiB) Viewed 207 times
K27B Boat Transporter  white & red cab group picture.jpg
K27B Boat Transporter white & red cab group picture.jpg (233.68 KiB) Viewed 207 times
K27B Boat Transporter  orange cab with white roof.jpg
K27B Boat Transporter orange cab with white roof.jpg (236.11 KiB) Viewed 207 times
K27B Boat Transporter  orange cab with white or off white base pic#3.jpg
K27B Boat Transporter orange cab with white or off white base pic#3.jpg (230.92 KiB) Viewed 207 times
K27B Boat Transporter box var#1a.jpg
K27B Boat Transporter box var#1a.jpg (223.53 KiB) Viewed 207 times
K27B Boat Transporter box var#1b.jpg
K27B Boat Transporter box var#1b.jpg (210.34 KiB) Viewed 207 times
K27B Boat Transporter box var#2a.jpg
K27B Boat Transporter box var#2a.jpg (218.81 KiB) Viewed 207 times
K27B Boat Transporter box var#2b.jpg
K27B Boat Transporter box var#2b.jpg (217.46 KiB) Viewed 207 times
K27B Boat Transporter box var#3a.jpg
K27B Boat Transporter box var#3a.jpg (221.88 KiB) Viewed 207 times
K27B Boat Transporter box var#3b.jpg
K27B Boat Transporter box var#3b.jpg (213.24 KiB) Viewed 207 times
K27B Boat Transporter boxes pic#1.jpg
K27B Boat Transporter boxes pic#1.jpg (241.58 KiB) Viewed 207 times
K27B Boat Transporter boxes pic#2.jpg
K27B Boat Transporter boxes pic#2.jpg (238.52 KiB) Viewed 207 times
K27B Boat Transporter boxes pic#3.jpg
K27B Boat Transporter boxes pic#3.jpg (237.92 KiB) Viewed 207 times
K27B Boat Transporter group picture #1.jpg
K27B Boat Transporter group picture #1.jpg (328.91 KiB) Viewed 207 times
K27B Boat Transporter group picture #2.jpg
K27B Boat Transporter group picture #2.jpg (312.42 KiB) Viewed 207 times
K27B Boat Transporter group picture #3.jpg
K27B Boat Transporter group picture #3.jpg (295.13 KiB) Viewed 207 times
K27B Boat Transporter group picture #4.jpg
K27B Boat Transporter group picture #4.jpg (310.64 KiB) Viewed 207 times
Last edited by charliep on Sun May 26, 2019 6:22 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Posts: 628
Joined: Sat Jan 18, 2014 4:50 am

Re: K27B Boat Transporter

Post by charliep »

Updated post; added a few variations.
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