Please use a web hosting site (like photobucket) to store pictures so you can post them here, using attachments makes it hard to view the pictures when you have to scroll to see them. Seeing comparisons of models is hard to see with attachments too.
Fantastic find MM! Ure one lucky guy cos these Amber windowed Chargers are very hard to find bordering on rare.Your plus is that your specimen has the rarer lighter Amber as compared to others extant,incl mine.
One cannot do much with all the monies in this world but can do much more if he strives toward contentment.
numi wrote:Fantastic find MM! Ure one lucky guy cos these Amber windowed Chargers are very hard to find bordering on rare.Your plus is that your specimen has the rarer lighter Amber as compared to others extant,incl mine.
OMG so now I need to find a dark amber glass variant.........when will it all end!!!!!
nearlymint wrote:Recently added this cracker, very happy indeed with this one.
52 dodge charger.png
That is a very rare model Jason with thin wheels instead of wide, until now the one I originally had and sold was the only one I had seen, thanks for showing and great find mate.