Archive of the old forum

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Re: Archive of the old forum

Post by motorman »

johnboy wrote:Martin, I know there's masses still to do, but I wanted to thank you for all your efforts and hard work. The old threads are such a valuable resource and to preserve them for the future is important for many members now and those still to come. Of course there's also a big thanks to Nick for his hard work behind the scenes , the admins and of course other members who are toiling away like Naji and Ghosthunter. It's much appreciated!
I would like to second that. This forum would not be what it is without the dedicated people who are working behind the scenes to make this new forum as good as the original. Thanks guys.

"Kill all my demons and my angels will die too"
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Big Al
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Re: Archive of the old forum

Post by Big Al »

I'm sure most of you that are trying to save the old archives are way beyond this, but just in case I figured I'd post this. I did find some things from the old forum at this site. Not sure if there's anything you haven't already captured, but it's worth a try.

The main site is:

And I did a search for the old site, link here:*/http://vin ...

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Re: Archive of the old forum


Martin, how is the 'VBMD Archive' coming along, I've just been clicking around on your 'sample' page and wondered if you have progressed any further.
