I sold an item to a repeat customer, purchased via making a lower price offer on the model. My customer returned the model for a full refund as it didn't meet his expectations.
I relisted the model and it sold for much more the second time around. New owner is very happy with the purchase. Sometimes relisted items do very well (in excess of the original sale).
These days, it seems everyone smells a rat if things don't go their way. The answer is almost always something that's far less sinister.
Re: Rockertron-Toys
It might be time to start my "Bucket List."
- Posts: 332
- Joined: Thu Sep 19, 2013 9:49 pm
Re: Rockertron-Toys
Did anybody win anything? my pockets werent deep enough again.outbided several times...... 

Re: Rockertron-Toys
Anybody who has not been second highest bidder to old 9-9 hasn't been collecting very long or is not bidding very aggressivelymotorman wrote:I know who the buyer is.
He was a member on the old Forum and a prolific big spending collector of anything Matchbox. I think in fairness to him a will not name him, hopefully he will sign up to this new forum soon and post some images of this very expensive Merc.

Re: Rockertron-Toys
Look, just because I spend that much to have one Superfast in my MOY collection is nobodies business !! But seriously that is one high price for a prepro and good luck to the buyer. I've been near that price on a few models but they were the exception rather than the rule but if I had that kind of money to spare...................hhhmmmmmmm - the wife would divorce me (now there's a thought )