K33B Scammell Cargo Hauler. Issued in 1979. All England castings.
Cab: Orange, dark blue, dark blue & white top, yellow & white top or burgundy.
Radiator grill: White or black.
Base: Orange, white or silver.
Side mirrors: With side mirrors (SM) or no side mirrors (NSM).
Exhaust stacks: Short.
Interior: White, yellow or black.
Windows: Clear or blue.
5th wheel: Black.
Wheels: Maltese Cross (MC) or 5 spoke mag (5SM).
Axle cover: Black, dark gold or red. Also found reversed.
Labels: Gauntlet or USS.
Trailer: Light orange, Orange, light yellow, yellow or white. All have K33 except where noted.
Wheels: Maltese Cross (MC) or 5 spoke mag (5SM).
Axle cover: Black or red.
Center post: White or red.
Crane boom: Tan or black.
Crane hook: Silver or gold.
Crane cable: White, yellow, blue or red.
Cargo Tarps: Blue Gauntlet, blue USS Corp, blue "K"; blue "MW" in yellow, black or white; white "KM int".
Cargo load: Light gray, gray or brown.
Cargo pallets: Brown, dark brown or black.
1. Dk.blu cab/wht base/blk grill/SM/blk int/clr wind/no lbl/MC whl/blk xle cvr fwd/wht trailer/wht ctr post/blk boom/MC whl/blk xle cvr/yel cable/gld hk/blu tarp/gry cont/brn pal/USS Corp.
2. Dk.blu cab/wht base/blk grill/SM/blk int/blu wind/no lbl/MC whl/blk xle cvr rear/wht trailer/wht ctr post/blk boom/MC whl/blk xle cvr/yel cable/gld hk/blu tarp/gry cont/brn pal/USS Corp.
3. Dk.blu cab/wht base/blk grill/SM/blk int/blu wind/USS lbl/MC whl/blk xle cvr fwd/wht trailer/wht ctr post/blk boom/MC whl/blk xle cvr/yel cable/gld hk/blu tarp/gry cont/brn pal/USS Corp.
4. Dk.blu cab/wht base/blk grill/SM/blk int/blu wind/USS lbl/MC whl/blk xle cvr rear/wht trailer/wht ctr post/blk boom/MC whl/blk xle cvr/yel cable/gld hk/blu tarp/gry cont/brn pal/USS Corp.
5. Yel & wht cab/sil base/blk grill/SM/clr wind/blk int/MC whl/blk xle cvr fwd/yel trailer/red ctr post/tan boom/MC whl/blk xle cvr/yel cable/gld hk/blu tarp/gry cont/brn pallets/"K".
6. Yel & wht cab/wht base/blk grill/NSM/clr wind/blk int/MC whl/blk xle cvr fwd/yel trailer/red ctr post/tan boom/MC whl/blk xle cvr/wht cbl/sil hk/wht tarp/gry cont/dk.brn pal/"KM Int".
7. Yel & wht cab/wht base/blk grill/SM/clr wind/blk int/MC whl/blk xle cvr fwd/dk.yel trailer/red ctr post/tan boom/MC whl/blk xle cvr/red cbl/gld hk/blu tarp/brn cont/brn pallets/"MW" in wht.
8. Yel & wht cab/wht base/blk grill/SM/clr wind/blk int/MC whl/blk xle cvr rear/wht trailer/red ctr post/blk boom/MC whl/blk xle cvr/red cbl/gld hk/blu tarp/gry cont/brn pallets/"MW" in wht.
9. Yel & wht cab/sil base/blk grill/SM/clr wind/blk int/MC whl/blk xle cvr fwd/wht trailer/red ctr post/blk boom/MC whl/blk xle cvr/yel cbl/gld hk/blu tarp/gry cont/brn pallets/"MW" in wht.
10.Yel & wht cab/sil base/blk grill/SM/blu wind/blk int/MC whl/blk xle cvr fwd/dk.yel trailer/wht ctr post/tan boom/MC whl/blk xle cvr/red cbl/gld hk/blu tarp/gry cont/brn pallets/"MW" in wht.
11.Yel & wht cab/sil base/blk grill/SM/clr wind/blk int/MC whl/blk xle cvr rear/dk.yel trailer/red ctr post/tan boom/MC whl/blk xle cvr/yel cbl/gld hk/blu tarp/brn cont/dk.brn pallets/"MW" in wht.
12.Yel & wht cab/sil base/blk grill/SM/clr wind/blk int/MC whl/blk xle cvr rear/dk.yel trailer/red ctr post/blk boom/MC whl/blk xle cvr/wht cbl/gld hk/blu tarp/gry cont/blk pallets/"MW" in wht.
13.Yel & wht cab/sil base/blk grill/SM/clr wind/blk int/MC whl/blk xle cvr fwd/dk.yel trailer/red ctr post/blk boom/MC whl/blk xle cvr/blu cbl/gld hk/blu tarp/lt.gry cont/dk.brn pallets/"MW" in wht.
14.Yel & wht cab/sil base/blk grill/SM/clr wind/blk int/MC whl/blk xle cvr rear/yel trailer/red ctr post/tan boom/MC whl/blk xle cvr/yel cbl/gld hk/blu tarp/gry cont/brn pallets/"MW" in yel.
15.Burgundy cab/sil base/yel grill/SM/clr wind/yel int/MC whl/dk.gld xle cvr rear/yel trailer no K33/red ctr post/tan boom/MC whl/red xle cvr/yel cable/sil hk/blu tarp/lt.gry cont/brn pal/"MW"in blk.
16.Burgundy cab/sil base/yel grill/NSM/clr wind/yel int/MC whl/blk xle cvr fwd/yel trailer/red ctr post/blk boom/MC whl/blk xle cvr/blu cable/gld hk/blu tarp/lt. gry cont/dk.brn pal/Gauntlet.
17.Burgundy cab/sil base/yel grill/NSM/clr wind/yel int/MC whl/blk xle cvr rear/yel trailer/red ctr post/blk boom/MC whl/blk xle cvr/blu cable/gld hk/blu tarp/lt. gry cont/dk.brn pal/Gauntlet.
18.Yel & wht cab/wht base/blk grill/NSM/clr wind/blk int/MC whl/blk xle cvr fwd/org trailer/wht ctr post/yel boom/5SM whl/blk xle cvr/yel cbl/gld hk/blu tarp/gry cont/brn pallets/"Gauntlet".
19.Yel & wht cab/blk base/blk grill/NSM/clr wind/blk int/MC whl/blk xle cvr rear/org trailer/wht ctr post/yel boom/5SM whl/blk xle cvr/yel cbl/gld hk/blu tarp/gry cont/brn pallets/"Gauntlet".
20.Org cab & base/wht grill/NSM/wht int/clr wind/Gauntlet lbl/5SM whl/blk xle cvr fwd/lt.org trlr/red ctr post/blk boom/5SM whl/blk xle cvr/wht cbl/sil hk/blu tarp/gry cont/brn pal/Gauntlet.
21.Org cab & base/wht grill/NSM/wht int/clr wind/Gauntlet lbl/5SM whl/blk xle cvr rear/lt.org trlr/red ctr post/tan boom/5SM whl/blk xle cvr/wht cbl/sil hk/blu tarp/gry cont/brn pal/Gauntlet.
22.Org cab & base/wht grill/NSM/wht int/clr wind/Gauntlet lbl/5SM whl/blk xle cvr rear/lt.org trlr/wht ctr post/tan boom/5SM whl/blk xle cvr/wht cbl/gld hk/blu tarp/gry cont/dk.brn pal/Gauntlet.
23.Org cab & base/wht grill/NSM/wht int/clr wind/Gauntlet lbl/5SM whl/blk xle cvr fwd/org trlr/wht ctr post/tan boom/5SM whl/blk xle cvr/wht cbl/gld hk/blu tarp/gry cont/brn pal/Gauntlet.
24.Dk.blu & wht cab/org base/wht grill/SM/wht int/clr wind/no lbl/5SM whl/blk xle cvr fwd/lt.org tlr/wht ctr pst/tan boom/5SM whl/blk xle cvr/yel cbl/gld hk/blu tarp/gry cont/brn pal/Gauntlet.
25.Dk.blu & wht cab/org base/wht grill/SM/wht int/clr wind/Gauntlet lbl/5SM whl/blk xle cvr fwd/lt.org tlr/wht ctr pst/blk boom/5SM whl/blk xle cvr/wht cbl/sil hk/blu tarp/gry cont/dk.brn pal/Gauntlet.
26.Dk.blu & wht cab/org base/wht grill/NSM/wht int/clr wind/Gauntlet lbl/5SM whl/blk xle cvr fwd/lt.org tlr/wht ctr pst/blk boom/5SM whl/blk xle cvr/wht cbl/sil hk/blu tarp/gry cont/blk pal/Gauntlet.
27.Dk.blu & wht cab/org base/wht grill/NSM/wht int/clr wind/Gauntlet lbl/5SM whl/red xle cvr fwd/lt.org trlr/wht ctr post/yel boom/5SM whl/blk xle cvr/yel cbl/gld hk/blu tarp/gry cont/brn pal/Gauntlet.
28.Dk.blu & wht cab/org base/wht grill/NSM/wht int/clr wind/Gauntlet lbl/5SM whl/red xle cvr rear/lt.org trlr/wht ctr post/yel boom/5SM whl/blk xle cvr/yel cbl/gld hk/blu tarp/gry cont/brn pal/Gauntlet.
29.Dk.blu cab/org base/wht grill/NSM/wht int/clr wind/no lbl/5SM whl/blk xle cvr fwd/lt.org tlr/wht ctr pst/yel boom/5SM whl/blk xle cvr/yel cbl/gold hk/blu tarp/gry cont/brn pal/Gauntlet.
30.Dk.blu cab/org base/wht grill/NSM/wht int/clr wind/Gauntlet lbl/5SM whl/blk xle cvr rear/lt.org tlr/wht ctr pst/blk boom/5SM whl/blk xle cvr/wht cbl/sil hk/blu tarp/gry cont/dk.brn pal/Gauntlet.
K33B Scammell Cargo Hauler
K33B Scammell Cargo Hauler
- Attachments
- 1. Dk.blu cab/wht base/blk grill/SM/blk int/clr wind/no lbl/MC whl/blk xle cvr fwd/wht trailer/wht ctr post/blk boom/MC whl/blk xle cvr/yel cable/gld hk/blu tarp/gry cont/brn pal/USS Corp.
- K33B Scammell Cargo Hauler var#1.jpg (190.74 KiB) Viewed 690 times
- 2. Dk.blu cab/wht base/blk grill/SM/blk int/blu wind/no lbl/MC whl/blk xle cvr rear/wht trailer/wht ctr post/blk boom/MC whl/blk xle cvr/yel cable/gld hk/blu tarp/gry cont/brn pal/USS Corp.
- K33B Scammell Cargo Hauler var#2.jpg (191.41 KiB) Viewed 690 times
- 3. Dk.blu cab/wht base/blk grill/SM/blk int/blu wind/USS lbl/MC whl/blk xle cvr fwd/wht trailer/wht ctr post/blk boom/MC whl/blk xle cvr/yel cable/gld hk/blu tarp/gry cont/brn pal/USS Corp.
- K33B Scammell Cargo Hauler var#3.jpg (183.22 KiB) Viewed 690 times
- 4. Dk.blu cab/wht base/blk grill/SM/blk int/blu wind/USS lbl/MC whl/blk xle cvr rear/wht trailer/wht ctr post/blk boom/MC whl/blk xle cvr/yel cable/gld hk/blu tarp/gry cont/brn pal/USS Corp.
- K33B Scammell Cargo Hauler var#4.jpg (188.58 KiB) Viewed 690 times
- 5. Yel & wht cab/sil base/blk grill/SM/clr wind/blk int/MC whl/blk xle cvr fwd/yel trailer/red ctr post/tan boom/MC whl/blk xle cvr/yel cable/gld hk/blu tarp/gry cont/brn pallets/"K".
- K33B Scammell Cargo Hauler var#5.jpg (198.91 KiB) Viewed 690 times
- 6. Yel & wht cab/wht base/blk grill/NSM/clr wind/blk int/MC whl/blk xle cvr fwd/yel trailer/red ctr post/tan boom/MC whl/blk xle cvr/wht cbl/sil hk/wht tarp/gry cont/dk.brn pal/"KM Int".
- K33B Scammell Cargo Hauler var#6.jpg (194.22 KiB) Viewed 690 times
- 7. Yel & wht cab/wht base/blk grill/SM/clr wind/blk int/MC whl/blk xle cvr fwd/dk.yel trailer/red ctr post/tan boom/MC whl/blk xle cvr/red cbl/gld hk/blu tarp/brn cont/brn pallets/"MW" in wht.
- K33B Scammell Cargo Hauler var#7.jpg (203.04 KiB) Viewed 690 times
- 8. Yel & wht cab/wht base/blk grill/SM/clr wind/blk int/MC whl/blk xle cvr rear/wht trailer/red ctr post/blk boom/MC whl/blk xle cvr/red cbl/gld hk/blu tarp/gry cont/brn pallets/"MW" in wht.
- K33B Scammell Cargo Hauler var#8.jpg (170.05 KiB) Viewed 690 times
- 9. Yel & wht cab/sil base/blk grill/SM/clr wind/blk int/MC whl/blk xle cvr fwd/wht trailer/red ctr post/blk boom/MC whl/blk xle cvr/yel cbl/gld hk/blu tarp/gry cont/brn pallets/"MW" in wht.
- K33B Scammell Cargo Hauler var#9.jpg (194.4 KiB) Viewed 690 times
- 10.Yel & wht cab/sil base/blk grill/SM/blu wind/blk int/MC whl/blk xle cvr fwd/dk.yel trailer/wht ctr post/tan boom/MC whl/blk xle cvr/red cbl/gld hk/blu tarp/gry cont/brn pallets/"MW" in wht.
- K33B Scammell Cargo Hauler var#10.jpg (203.07 KiB) Viewed 690 times
- 11.Yel & wht cab/sil base/blk grill/SM/clr wind/blk int/MC whl/blk xle cvr rear/dk.yel trailer/red ctr post/tan boom/MC whl/blk xle cvr/yel cbl/gld hk/blu tarp/brn cont/dk.brn pallets/"MW" in wht.
- K33B Scammell Cargo Hauler var#11.jpg (198.67 KiB) Viewed 690 times
- 12.Yel & wht cab/sil base/blk grill/SM/clr wind/blk int/MC whl/blk xle cvr rear/dk.yel trailer/red ctr post/blk boom/MC whl/blk xle cvr/wht cbl/gld hk/blu tarp/gry cont/blk pallets/"MW" in wht.
- K33B Scammell Cargo Hauler var#12.jpg (202.84 KiB) Viewed 690 times
- 13.Yel & wht cab/sil base/blk grill/SM/clr wind/blk int/MC whl/blk xle cvr fwd/dk.yel trailer/red ctr post/blk boom/MC whl/blk xle cvr/blu cbl/gld hk/blu tarp/lt.gry cont/dk.brn pallets/"MW" in wht.
- K33B Scammell Cargo Hauler var#13.jpg (203.54 KiB) Viewed 690 times
- 14.Yel & wht cab/sil base/blk grill/SM/clr wind/blk int/MC whl/blk xle cvr rear/yel trailer/red ctr post/tan boom/MC whl/blk xle cvr/yel cbl/gld hk/blu tarp/gry cont/brn pallets/"MW" in yel.
- K33B Scammell Cargo Hauler var#14.jpg (189.68 KiB) Viewed 690 times
- 15.Burgundy cab/sil base/yel grill/SM/clr wind/yel int/MC whl/dk.gld xle cvr rear/yel trailer no K33/red ctr post/tan boom/MC whl/red xle cvr/yel cable/sil hk/blu tarp/lt.gry cont/brn pal/"MW"in blk.
- K33B Scammell Cargo Hauler var#15.jpg (203.21 KiB) Viewed 690 times
- 16.Burgundy cab/sil base/yel grill/NSM/clr wind/yel int/MC whl/blk xle cvr fwd/yel trailer/red ctr post/blk boom/MC whl/blk xle cvr/blu cable/gld hk/blu tarp/lt. gry cont/dk.brn pal/Gauntlet.
- K33B Scammell Cargo Hauler var#16.jpg (213.76 KiB) Viewed 690 times
- 17.Burgundy cab/sil base/yel grill/NSM/clr wind/yel int/MC whl/blk xle cvr rear/yel trailer/red ctr post/blk boom/MC whl/blk xle cvr/blu cable/gld hk/blu tarp/lt. gry cont/dk.brn pal/Gauntlet.
- K33B Scammell Cargo Hauler var#17.jpg (204.03 KiB) Viewed 690 times
- 18.Yel & wht cab/wht base/blk grill/NSM/clr wind/blk int/MC whl/blk xle cvr fwd/org trailer/wht ctr post/yel boom/5SM whl/blk xle cvr/yel cbl/gld hk/blu tarp/gry cont/brn pallets/"Gauntlet".
- K33B Scammell Cargo Hauler var#18.jpg (196.83 KiB) Viewed 690 times
- 19.Yel & wht cab/blk base/blk grill/NSM/clr wind/blk int/MC whl/blk xle cvr rear/org trailer/wht ctr post/yel boom/5SM whl/blk xle cvr/yel cbl/gld hk/blu tarp/gry cont/brn pallets/"Gauntlet".
- K33B Scammell Cargo Hauler var#19.jpg (202.49 KiB) Viewed 690 times
- 20.Org cab & base/wht grill/NSM/wht int/clr wind/Gauntlet lbl/5SM whl/blk xle cvr fwd/lt.org trlr/red ctr post/blk boom/5SM whl/blk xle cvr/wht cbl/sil hk/blu tarp/gry cont/brn pal/Gauntlet.
- K33B Scammell Cargo Hauler var#20.jpg (207.31 KiB) Viewed 690 times
- 21.Org cab & base/wht grill/NSM/wht int/clr wind/Gauntlet lbl/5SM whl/blk xle cvr rear/lt.org trlr/red ctr post/tan boom/5SM whl/blk xle cvr/wht cbl/sil hk/blu tarp/gry cont/brn pal/Gauntlet.
- K33B Scammell Cargo Hauler var#21.jpg (213.21 KiB) Viewed 690 times
- 22.Org cab & base/wht grill/NSM/wht int/clr wind/Gauntlet lbl/5SM whl/blk xle cvr rear/lt.org trlr/wht ctr post/tan boom/5SM whl/blk xle cvr/wht cbl/gld hk/blu tarp/gry cont/dk.brn pal/Gauntlet.
- K33B Scammell Cargo Hauler var#22.jpg (208.93 KiB) Viewed 690 times
- 23.Org cab & base/wht grill/NSM/wht int/clr wind/Gauntlet lbl/5SM whl/blk xle cvr fwd/org trlr/wht ctr post/tan boom/5SM whl/blk xle cvr/wht cbl/gld hk/blu tarp/gry cont/brn pal/Gauntlet.
- K33B Scammell Cargo Hauler var#23.jpg (201.91 KiB) Viewed 690 times
- 24.Dk.blu & wht cab/org base/wht grill/SM/wht int/clr wind/no lbl/5SM whl/blk xle cvr fwd/lt.org tlr/wht ctr pst/tan boom/5SM whl/blk xle cvr/yel cbl/gld hk/blu tarp/gry cont/brn pal/Gauntlet.
- K33B Scammell Cargo Hauler var#24.jpg (204.27 KiB) Viewed 690 times
- 25.Dk.blu & wht cab/org base/wht grill/SM/wht int/clr wind/Gauntlet lbl/5SM whl/blk xle cvr fwd/lt.org tlr/wht ctr pst/blk boom/5SM whl/blk xle cvr/wht cbl/sil hk/blu tarp/gry cont/dk.brn pal/Gauntlet.
- K33B Scammell Cargo Hauler var#25.jpg (201.5 KiB) Viewed 690 times
- 26.Dk.blu & wht cab/org base/wht grill/NSM/wht int/clr wind/Gauntlet lbl/5SM whl/blk xle cvr fwd/lt.org tlr/wht ctr pst/blk boom/5SM whl/blk xle cvr/wht cbl/sil hk/blu tarp/gry cont/blk pal/Gauntlet.
- K33B Scammell Cargo Hauler var#26.jpg (212.04 KiB) Viewed 690 times
- 27.Dk.blu & wht cab/org base/wht grill/NSM/wht int/clr wind/Gauntlet lbl/5SM whl/red xle cvr fwd/lt.org trlr/wht ctr post/yel boom/5SM whl/blk xle cvr/yel cbl/gld hk/blu tarp/gry cont/brn pal/Gauntlet.
- K33B Scammell Cargo Hauler var#27.jpg (216.6 KiB) Viewed 690 times
- 28.Dk.blu & wht cab/org base/wht grill/NSM/wht int/clr wind/Gauntlet lbl/5SM whl/red xle cvr rear/lt.org trlr/wht ctr post/yel boom/5SM whl/blk xle cvr/yel cbl/gld hk/blu tarp/gry cont/brn pal/Gauntlet.
- K33B Scammell Cargo Hauler var#28.jpg (208.55 KiB) Viewed 690 times
- 29.Dk.blu cab/org base/wht grill/NSM/wht int/clr wind/no lbl/5SM whl/blk xle cvr fwd/lt.org tlr/wht ctr pst/yel boom/5SM whl/blk xle cvr/yel cbl/gold hk/blu tarp/gry cont/brn pal/Gauntlet.
- K33B Scammell Cargo Hauler var#29.jpg (197.5 KiB) Viewed 690 times
- 30.Dk.blu cab/org base/wht grill/NSM/wht int/clr wind/Gauntlet lbl/5SM whl/blk xle cvr rear/lt.org tlr/wht ctr pst/blk boom/5SM whl/blk xle cvr/wht cbl/sil hk/blu tarp/gry cont/dk.brn pal/Gauntlet.
- K33B Scammell Cargo Hauler var#30.jpg (212.15 KiB) Viewed 690 times
- K33B Scammell Cargo Hauler yellow & white cab with blue windows pic#2.jpg (210.06 KiB) Viewed 690 times
- K33B Scammell Cargo Hauler yellow cab with or without side mirrors pic#2.jpg (202.03 KiB) Viewed 743 times
- K33B Scammell Cargo Hauler yellow cab variations.jpg (206 KiB) Viewed 743 times
- K33B Scammell Cargo Hauler blue cab window variations picture#1a.jpg (172.07 KiB) Viewed 743 times
- K33B Scammell Cargo Hauler bue cab window variations picture #2.jpg (202.36 KiB) Viewed 743 times
- K33B Scammell Cargo Hauler cab wheel variations.jpg (204.13 KiB) Viewed 743 times
- silver or gold hooks
- K33B Scammell Cargo Hauler trailer wheel variations.jpg (235.57 KiB) Viewed 743 times
- K33B Scammell Cargo Hauler MW variations pic#2.jpg (224.06 KiB) Viewed 743 times
- K33B Scammell Cargo Hauler container variations.jpg (244.39 KiB) Viewed 743 times
- K33B Scammell Cargo Hauler MW variations picture #1.jpg (211.32 KiB) Viewed 743 times
- K33B Scammell Cargo Hauler MW variations picture #2.jpg (238.71 KiB) Viewed 743 times
- K33B Scammell Cargo Hauler MW variations.jpg (246.28 KiB) Viewed 743 times
- K33B Scammell Cargo Hauler orange cab variations picture #1.jpg (237.03 KiB) Viewed 743 times
- K33B Scammell Cargo orange body base variations.jpg (227.68 KiB) Viewed 743 times
- K33B Scammell Cargo Hauler yellow & white cab base variations.jpg (193.92 KiB) Viewed 743 times
- K33B Scammell Cargo Hauler yellow & white body base variations.jpg (224.47 KiB) Viewed 743 times
- K33B Scammell Cargo Hauler burgundy cab base variations.jpg (228.2 KiB) Viewed 743 times
- K33B Scammell Cargo Hauler blue & white body base variations.jpg (227.5 KiB) Viewed 743 times
- K33B Scammell Cargo Hauler blue cab with white top base variations.jpg (220.04 KiB) Viewed 743 times
- K33B Scammell Cargo Hauler base variations.jpg (310.34 KiB) Viewed 743 times
- K33B Scammell Cargo Hauler trailer base variations.jpg (220.92 KiB) Viewed 743 times
- K33B Scammell Cargo Hauler box.jpg (226.53 KiB) Viewed 743 times
- K33B Scammell Cargo Hauler group picture #1.jpg (272.61 KiB) Viewed 743 times
- K33B Scammell Cargo Hauler group picture #2.jpg (294.87 KiB) Viewed 743 times
- K33B Scammell Cargo Hauler group picture #3.jpg (277.32 KiB) Viewed 743 times
- K33B Scammell Cargo Hauler group picture #4.jpg (265.92 KiB) Viewed 743 times
Last edited by charliep on Sat Jun 01, 2019 8:11 pm, edited 5 times in total.
- Moderator
- Posts: 12249
- Joined: Sun Sep 15, 2013 4:12 pm
Re: K33B Scammell Cargo Hauler
Just added another variation listed as no#10 - yellow trailer with white center post and tan crane.
The Scammell cab in yellow with white top has blue windows which is a first for me.
The Scammell cab in yellow with white top has blue windows which is a first for me.
- Attachments
- K33B Scammell Cargo Hauler yellow & white cab with blue windows pic#1.jpg (177.94 KiB) Viewed 690 times
- K33B Scammell Cargo Hauler yellow & white cab with blue windows pic#2.jpg (210.06 KiB) Viewed 690 times
- K33B Scammell Cargo Hauler yellow & white cab with blue windows pic#3.jpg (198.4 KiB) Viewed 690 times