K33B Scammell Cargo Hauler

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K33B Scammell Cargo Hauler

Post by charliep »

K33B Scammell Cargo Hauler. Issued in 1979. All England castings.

Cab: Orange, dark blue, dark blue & white top, yellow & white top or burgundy.
Radiator grill: White or black.
Base: Orange, white or silver.
Side mirrors: With side mirrors (SM) or no side mirrors (NSM).
Exhaust stacks: Short.
Interior: White, yellow or black.
Windows: Clear or blue.
5th wheel: Black.
Wheels: Maltese Cross (MC) or 5 spoke mag (5SM).
Axle cover: Black, dark gold or red. Also found reversed.
Labels: Gauntlet or USS.

Trailer: Light orange, Orange, light yellow, yellow or white. All have K33 except where noted.
Wheels: Maltese Cross (MC) or 5 spoke mag (5SM).
Axle cover: Black or red.
Center post: White or red.
Crane boom: Tan or black.
Crane hook: Silver or gold.
Crane cable: White, yellow, blue or red.
Cargo Tarps: Blue Gauntlet, blue USS Corp, blue "K"; blue "MW" in yellow, black or white; white "KM int".
Cargo load: Light gray, gray or brown.
Cargo pallets: Brown, dark brown or black.

1. Dk.blu cab/wht base/blk grill/SM/blk int/clr wind/no lbl/MC whl/blk xle cvr fwd/wht trailer/wht ctr post/blk boom/MC whl/blk xle cvr/yel cable/gld hk/blu tarp/gry cont/brn pal/USS Corp.
2. Dk.blu cab/wht base/blk grill/SM/blk int/blu wind/no lbl/MC whl/blk xle cvr rear/wht trailer/wht ctr post/blk boom/MC whl/blk xle cvr/yel cable/gld hk/blu tarp/gry cont/brn pal/USS Corp.
3. Dk.blu cab/wht base/blk grill/SM/blk int/blu wind/USS lbl/MC whl/blk xle cvr fwd/wht trailer/wht ctr post/blk boom/MC whl/blk xle cvr/yel cable/gld hk/blu tarp/gry cont/brn pal/USS Corp.
4. Dk.blu cab/wht base/blk grill/SM/blk int/blu wind/USS lbl/MC whl/blk xle cvr rear/wht trailer/wht ctr post/blk boom/MC whl/blk xle cvr/yel cable/gld hk/blu tarp/gry cont/brn pal/USS Corp.
5. Yel & wht cab/sil base/blk grill/SM/clr wind/blk int/MC whl/blk xle cvr fwd/yel trailer/red ctr post/tan boom/MC whl/blk xle cvr/yel cable/gld hk/blu tarp/gry cont/brn pallets/"K".
6. Yel & wht cab/wht base/blk grill/NSM/clr wind/blk int/MC whl/blk xle cvr fwd/yel trailer/red ctr post/tan boom/MC whl/blk xle cvr/wht cbl/sil hk/wht tarp/gry cont/dk.brn pal/"KM Int".
7. Yel & wht cab/wht base/blk grill/SM/clr wind/blk int/MC whl/blk xle cvr fwd/dk.yel trailer/red ctr post/tan boom/MC whl/blk xle cvr/red cbl/gld hk/blu tarp/brn cont/brn pallets/"MW" in wht.
8. Yel & wht cab/wht base/blk grill/SM/clr wind/blk int/MC whl/blk xle cvr rear/wht trailer/red ctr post/blk boom/MC whl/blk xle cvr/red cbl/gld hk/blu tarp/gry cont/brn pallets/"MW" in wht.
9. Yel & wht cab/sil base/blk grill/SM/clr wind/blk int/MC whl/blk xle cvr fwd/wht trailer/red ctr post/blk boom/MC whl/blk xle cvr/yel cbl/gld hk/blu tarp/gry cont/brn pallets/"MW" in wht.
10.Yel & wht cab/sil base/blk grill/SM/blu wind/blk int/MC whl/blk xle cvr fwd/dk.yel trailer/wht ctr post/tan boom/MC whl/blk xle cvr/red cbl/gld hk/blu tarp/gry cont/brn pallets/"MW" in wht.
11.Yel & wht cab/sil base/blk grill/SM/clr wind/blk int/MC whl/blk xle cvr rear/dk.yel trailer/red ctr post/tan boom/MC whl/blk xle cvr/yel cbl/gld hk/blu tarp/brn cont/dk.brn pallets/"MW" in wht.
12.Yel & wht cab/sil base/blk grill/SM/clr wind/blk int/MC whl/blk xle cvr rear/dk.yel trailer/red ctr post/blk boom/MC whl/blk xle cvr/wht cbl/gld hk/blu tarp/gry cont/blk pallets/"MW" in wht.
13.Yel & wht cab/sil base/blk grill/SM/clr wind/blk int/MC whl/blk xle cvr fwd/dk.yel trailer/red ctr post/blk boom/MC whl/blk xle cvr/blu cbl/gld hk/blu tarp/lt.gry cont/dk.brn pallets/"MW" in wht.
14.Yel & wht cab/sil base/blk grill/SM/clr wind/blk int/MC whl/blk xle cvr rear/yel trailer/red ctr post/tan boom/MC whl/blk xle cvr/yel cbl/gld hk/blu tarp/gry cont/brn pallets/"MW" in yel.
15.Burgundy cab/sil base/yel grill/SM/clr wind/yel int/MC whl/dk.gld xle cvr rear/yel trailer no K33/red ctr post/tan boom/MC whl/red xle cvr/yel cable/sil hk/blu tarp/lt.gry cont/brn pal/"MW"in blk.
16.Burgundy cab/sil base/yel grill/NSM/clr wind/yel int/MC whl/blk xle cvr fwd/yel trailer/red ctr post/blk boom/MC whl/blk xle cvr/blu cable/gld hk/blu tarp/lt. gry cont/dk.brn pal/Gauntlet.
17.Burgundy cab/sil base/yel grill/NSM/clr wind/yel int/MC whl/blk xle cvr rear/yel trailer/red ctr post/blk boom/MC whl/blk xle cvr/blu cable/gld hk/blu tarp/lt. gry cont/dk.brn pal/Gauntlet.
18.Yel & wht cab/wht base/blk grill/NSM/clr wind/blk int/MC whl/blk xle cvr fwd/org trailer/wht ctr post/yel boom/5SM whl/blk xle cvr/yel cbl/gld hk/blu tarp/gry cont/brn pallets/"Gauntlet".
19.Yel & wht cab/blk base/blk grill/NSM/clr wind/blk int/MC whl/blk xle cvr rear/org trailer/wht ctr post/yel boom/5SM whl/blk xle cvr/yel cbl/gld hk/blu tarp/gry cont/brn pallets/"Gauntlet".
20.Org cab & base/wht grill/NSM/wht int/clr wind/Gauntlet lbl/5SM whl/blk xle cvr fwd/lt.org trlr/red ctr post/blk boom/5SM whl/blk xle cvr/wht cbl/sil hk/blu tarp/gry cont/brn pal/Gauntlet.
21.Org cab & base/wht grill/NSM/wht int/clr wind/Gauntlet lbl/5SM whl/blk xle cvr rear/lt.org trlr/red ctr post/tan boom/5SM whl/blk xle cvr/wht cbl/sil hk/blu tarp/gry cont/brn pal/Gauntlet.
22.Org cab & base/wht grill/NSM/wht int/clr wind/Gauntlet lbl/5SM whl/blk xle cvr rear/lt.org trlr/wht ctr post/tan boom/5SM whl/blk xle cvr/wht cbl/gld hk/blu tarp/gry cont/dk.brn pal/Gauntlet.
23.Org cab & base/wht grill/NSM/wht int/clr wind/Gauntlet lbl/5SM whl/blk xle cvr fwd/org trlr/wht ctr post/tan boom/5SM whl/blk xle cvr/wht cbl/gld hk/blu tarp/gry cont/brn pal/Gauntlet.
24.Dk.blu & wht cab/org base/wht grill/SM/wht int/clr wind/no lbl/5SM whl/blk xle cvr fwd/lt.org tlr/wht ctr pst/tan boom/5SM whl/blk xle cvr/yel cbl/gld hk/blu tarp/gry cont/brn pal/Gauntlet.
25.Dk.blu & wht cab/org base/wht grill/SM/wht int/clr wind/Gauntlet lbl/5SM whl/blk xle cvr fwd/lt.org tlr/wht ctr pst/blk boom/5SM whl/blk xle cvr/wht cbl/sil hk/blu tarp/gry cont/dk.brn pal/Gauntlet.
26.Dk.blu & wht cab/org base/wht grill/NSM/wht int/clr wind/Gauntlet lbl/5SM whl/blk xle cvr fwd/lt.org tlr/wht ctr pst/blk boom/5SM whl/blk xle cvr/wht cbl/sil hk/blu tarp/gry cont/blk pal/Gauntlet.
27.Dk.blu & wht cab/org base/wht grill/NSM/wht int/clr wind/Gauntlet lbl/5SM whl/red xle cvr fwd/lt.org trlr/wht ctr post/yel boom/5SM whl/blk xle cvr/yel cbl/gld hk/blu tarp/gry cont/brn pal/Gauntlet.
28.Dk.blu & wht cab/org base/wht grill/NSM/wht int/clr wind/Gauntlet lbl/5SM whl/red xle cvr rear/lt.org trlr/wht ctr post/yel boom/5SM whl/blk xle cvr/yel cbl/gld hk/blu tarp/gry cont/brn pal/Gauntlet.
29.Dk.blu cab/org base/wht grill/NSM/wht int/clr wind/no lbl/5SM whl/blk xle cvr fwd/lt.org tlr/wht ctr pst/yel boom/5SM whl/blk xle cvr/yel cbl/gold hk/blu tarp/gry cont/brn pal/Gauntlet.
30.Dk.blu cab/org base/wht grill/NSM/wht int/clr wind/Gauntlet lbl/5SM whl/blk xle cvr rear/lt.org tlr/wht ctr pst/blk boom/5SM whl/blk xle cvr/wht cbl/sil hk/blu tarp/gry cont/dk.brn pal/Gauntlet.
1. Dk.blu cab/wht base/blk grill/SM/blk int/clr wind/no lbl/MC whl/blk xle cvr fwd/wht trailer/wht ctr post/blk boom/MC whl/blk xle cvr/yel cable/gld hk/blu tarp/gry cont/brn pal/USS Corp.
1. Dk.blu cab/wht base/blk grill/SM/blk int/clr wind/no lbl/MC whl/blk xle cvr fwd/wht trailer/wht ctr post/blk boom/MC whl/blk xle cvr/yel cable/gld hk/blu tarp/gry cont/brn pal/USS Corp.
K33B Scammell Cargo Hauler var#1.jpg (190.74 KiB) Viewed 690 times
2. Dk.blu cab/wht base/blk grill/SM/blk int/blu wind/no lbl/MC whl/blk xle cvr rear/wht trailer/wht ctr post/blk boom/MC whl/blk xle cvr/yel cable/gld hk/blu tarp/gry cont/brn pal/USS Corp.
2. Dk.blu cab/wht base/blk grill/SM/blk int/blu wind/no lbl/MC whl/blk xle cvr rear/wht trailer/wht ctr post/blk boom/MC whl/blk xle cvr/yel cable/gld hk/blu tarp/gry cont/brn pal/USS Corp.
K33B Scammell Cargo Hauler var#2.jpg (191.41 KiB) Viewed 690 times
3. Dk.blu cab/wht base/blk grill/SM/blk int/blu wind/USS lbl/MC whl/blk xle cvr fwd/wht trailer/wht ctr post/blk boom/MC whl/blk xle cvr/yel cable/gld hk/blu tarp/gry cont/brn pal/USS Corp.
3. Dk.blu cab/wht base/blk grill/SM/blk int/blu wind/USS lbl/MC whl/blk xle cvr fwd/wht trailer/wht ctr post/blk boom/MC whl/blk xle cvr/yel cable/gld hk/blu tarp/gry cont/brn pal/USS Corp.
K33B Scammell Cargo Hauler var#3.jpg (183.22 KiB) Viewed 690 times
4. Dk.blu cab/wht base/blk grill/SM/blk int/blu wind/USS lbl/MC whl/blk xle cvr rear/wht trailer/wht ctr post/blk boom/MC whl/blk xle cvr/yel cable/gld hk/blu tarp/gry cont/brn pal/USS Corp.
4. Dk.blu cab/wht base/blk grill/SM/blk int/blu wind/USS lbl/MC whl/blk xle cvr rear/wht trailer/wht ctr post/blk boom/MC whl/blk xle cvr/yel cable/gld hk/blu tarp/gry cont/brn pal/USS Corp.
K33B Scammell Cargo Hauler var#4.jpg (188.58 KiB) Viewed 690 times
5. Yel & wht cab/sil base/blk grill/SM/clr wind/blk int/MC whl/blk xle cvr fwd/yel trailer/red ctr post/tan boom/MC whl/blk xle cvr/yel cable/gld hk/blu tarp/gry cont/brn pallets/"K".
5. Yel & wht cab/sil base/blk grill/SM/clr wind/blk int/MC whl/blk xle cvr fwd/yel trailer/red ctr post/tan boom/MC whl/blk xle cvr/yel cable/gld hk/blu tarp/gry cont/brn pallets/"K".
K33B Scammell Cargo Hauler var#5.jpg (198.91 KiB) Viewed 690 times
6. Yel & wht cab/wht base/blk grill/NSM/clr wind/blk int/MC whl/blk xle cvr fwd/yel trailer/red ctr post/tan boom/MC whl/blk xle cvr/wht cbl/sil hk/wht tarp/gry cont/dk.brn pal/"KM Int".
6. Yel & wht cab/wht base/blk grill/NSM/clr wind/blk int/MC whl/blk xle cvr fwd/yel trailer/red ctr post/tan boom/MC whl/blk xle cvr/wht cbl/sil hk/wht tarp/gry cont/dk.brn pal/"KM Int".
K33B Scammell Cargo Hauler var#6.jpg (194.22 KiB) Viewed 690 times
7. Yel & wht cab/wht base/blk grill/SM/clr wind/blk int/MC whl/blk xle cvr fwd/dk.yel trailer/red ctr post/tan boom/MC whl/blk xle cvr/red cbl/gld hk/blu tarp/brn cont/brn pallets/"MW" in wht.
7. Yel & wht cab/wht base/blk grill/SM/clr wind/blk int/MC whl/blk xle cvr fwd/dk.yel trailer/red ctr post/tan boom/MC whl/blk xle cvr/red cbl/gld hk/blu tarp/brn cont/brn pallets/"MW" in wht.
K33B Scammell Cargo Hauler var#7.jpg (203.04 KiB) Viewed 690 times
8. Yel & wht cab/wht base/blk grill/SM/clr wind/blk int/MC whl/blk xle cvr rear/wht trailer/red ctr post/blk boom/MC whl/blk xle cvr/red cbl/gld hk/blu tarp/gry cont/brn pallets/"MW" in wht.
8. Yel & wht cab/wht base/blk grill/SM/clr wind/blk int/MC whl/blk xle cvr rear/wht trailer/red ctr post/blk boom/MC whl/blk xle cvr/red cbl/gld hk/blu tarp/gry cont/brn pallets/"MW" in wht.
K33B Scammell Cargo Hauler var#8.jpg (170.05 KiB) Viewed 690 times
9. Yel & wht cab/sil base/blk grill/SM/clr wind/blk int/MC whl/blk xle cvr fwd/wht trailer/red ctr post/blk boom/MC whl/blk xle cvr/yel cbl/gld hk/blu tarp/gry cont/brn pallets/"MW" in wht.
9. Yel & wht cab/sil base/blk grill/SM/clr wind/blk int/MC whl/blk xle cvr fwd/wht trailer/red ctr post/blk boom/MC whl/blk xle cvr/yel cbl/gld hk/blu tarp/gry cont/brn pallets/"MW" in wht.
K33B Scammell Cargo Hauler var#9.jpg (194.4 KiB) Viewed 690 times
10.Yel & wht cab/sil base/blk grill/SM/blu wind/blk int/MC whl/blk xle cvr fwd/dk.yel trailer/wht ctr post/tan boom/MC whl/blk xle cvr/red cbl/gld hk/blu tarp/gry cont/brn pallets/"MW" in wht.
10.Yel & wht cab/sil base/blk grill/SM/blu wind/blk int/MC whl/blk xle cvr fwd/dk.yel trailer/wht ctr post/tan boom/MC whl/blk xle cvr/red cbl/gld hk/blu tarp/gry cont/brn pallets/"MW" in wht.
K33B Scammell Cargo Hauler var#10.jpg (203.07 KiB) Viewed 690 times
11.Yel & wht cab/sil base/blk grill/SM/clr wind/blk int/MC whl/blk xle cvr rear/dk.yel trailer/red ctr post/tan boom/MC whl/blk xle cvr/yel cbl/gld hk/blu tarp/brn cont/dk.brn pallets/"MW" in wht.
11.Yel & wht cab/sil base/blk grill/SM/clr wind/blk int/MC whl/blk xle cvr rear/dk.yel trailer/red ctr post/tan boom/MC whl/blk xle cvr/yel cbl/gld hk/blu tarp/brn cont/dk.brn pallets/"MW" in wht.
K33B Scammell Cargo Hauler var#11.jpg (198.67 KiB) Viewed 690 times
12.Yel & wht cab/sil base/blk grill/SM/clr wind/blk int/MC whl/blk xle cvr rear/dk.yel trailer/red ctr post/blk boom/MC whl/blk xle cvr/wht cbl/gld hk/blu tarp/gry cont/blk pallets/"MW" in wht.
12.Yel & wht cab/sil base/blk grill/SM/clr wind/blk int/MC whl/blk xle cvr rear/dk.yel trailer/red ctr post/blk boom/MC whl/blk xle cvr/wht cbl/gld hk/blu tarp/gry cont/blk pallets/"MW" in wht.
K33B Scammell Cargo Hauler var#12.jpg (202.84 KiB) Viewed 690 times
13.Yel & wht cab/sil base/blk grill/SM/clr wind/blk int/MC whl/blk xle cvr fwd/dk.yel trailer/red ctr post/blk boom/MC whl/blk xle cvr/blu cbl/gld hk/blu tarp/lt.gry cont/dk.brn pallets/"MW" in wht.
13.Yel & wht cab/sil base/blk grill/SM/clr wind/blk int/MC whl/blk xle cvr fwd/dk.yel trailer/red ctr post/blk boom/MC whl/blk xle cvr/blu cbl/gld hk/blu tarp/lt.gry cont/dk.brn pallets/"MW" in wht.
K33B Scammell Cargo Hauler var#13.jpg (203.54 KiB) Viewed 690 times
14.Yel & wht cab/sil base/blk grill/SM/clr wind/blk int/MC whl/blk xle cvr rear/yel trailer/red ctr post/tan boom/MC whl/blk xle cvr/yel cbl/gld hk/blu tarp/gry cont/brn pallets/"MW" in yel.
14.Yel & wht cab/sil base/blk grill/SM/clr wind/blk int/MC whl/blk xle cvr rear/yel trailer/red ctr post/tan boom/MC whl/blk xle cvr/yel cbl/gld hk/blu tarp/gry cont/brn pallets/"MW" in yel.
K33B Scammell Cargo Hauler var#14.jpg (189.68 KiB) Viewed 690 times
15.Burgundy cab/sil base/yel grill/SM/clr wind/yel int/MC whl/dk.gld xle cvr rear/yel trailer no K33/red ctr post/tan boom/MC whl/red xle cvr/yel cable/sil hk/blu tarp/lt.gry cont/brn pal/"MW"in blk.
15.Burgundy cab/sil base/yel grill/SM/clr wind/yel int/MC whl/dk.gld xle cvr rear/yel trailer no K33/red ctr post/tan boom/MC whl/red xle cvr/yel cable/sil hk/blu tarp/lt.gry cont/brn pal/"MW"in blk.
K33B Scammell Cargo Hauler var#15.jpg (203.21 KiB) Viewed 690 times
16.Burgundy cab/sil base/yel grill/NSM/clr wind/yel int/MC whl/blk xle cvr fwd/yel trailer/red ctr post/blk boom/MC whl/blk xle cvr/blu cable/gld hk/blu tarp/lt. gry cont/dk.brn pal/Gauntlet.
16.Burgundy cab/sil base/yel grill/NSM/clr wind/yel int/MC whl/blk xle cvr fwd/yel trailer/red ctr post/blk boom/MC whl/blk xle cvr/blu cable/gld hk/blu tarp/lt. gry cont/dk.brn pal/Gauntlet.
K33B Scammell Cargo Hauler var#16.jpg (213.76 KiB) Viewed 690 times
17.Burgundy cab/sil base/yel grill/NSM/clr wind/yel int/MC whl/blk xle cvr rear/yel trailer/red ctr post/blk boom/MC whl/blk xle cvr/blu cable/gld hk/blu tarp/lt. gry cont/dk.brn pal/Gauntlet.
17.Burgundy cab/sil base/yel grill/NSM/clr wind/yel int/MC whl/blk xle cvr rear/yel trailer/red ctr post/blk boom/MC whl/blk xle cvr/blu cable/gld hk/blu tarp/lt. gry cont/dk.brn pal/Gauntlet.
K33B Scammell Cargo Hauler var#17.jpg (204.03 KiB) Viewed 690 times
18.Yel & wht cab/wht base/blk grill/NSM/clr wind/blk int/MC whl/blk xle cvr fwd/org trailer/wht ctr post/yel boom/5SM whl/blk xle cvr/yel cbl/gld hk/blu tarp/gry cont/brn pallets/"Gauntlet".
18.Yel & wht cab/wht base/blk grill/NSM/clr wind/blk int/MC whl/blk xle cvr fwd/org trailer/wht ctr post/yel boom/5SM whl/blk xle cvr/yel cbl/gld hk/blu tarp/gry cont/brn pallets/"Gauntlet".
K33B Scammell Cargo Hauler var#18.jpg (196.83 KiB) Viewed 690 times
19.Yel & wht cab/blk base/blk grill/NSM/clr wind/blk int/MC whl/blk xle cvr rear/org trailer/wht ctr post/yel boom/5SM whl/blk xle cvr/yel cbl/gld hk/blu tarp/gry cont/brn pallets/"Gauntlet".
19.Yel & wht cab/blk base/blk grill/NSM/clr wind/blk int/MC whl/blk xle cvr rear/org trailer/wht ctr post/yel boom/5SM whl/blk xle cvr/yel cbl/gld hk/blu tarp/gry cont/brn pallets/"Gauntlet".
K33B Scammell Cargo Hauler var#19.jpg (202.49 KiB) Viewed 690 times
20.Org cab & base/wht grill/NSM/wht int/clr wind/Gauntlet lbl/5SM whl/blk xle cvr fwd/lt.org trlr/red ctr post/blk boom/5SM whl/blk xle cvr/wht cbl/sil hk/blu tarp/gry cont/brn pal/Gauntlet.
20.Org cab & base/wht grill/NSM/wht int/clr wind/Gauntlet lbl/5SM whl/blk xle cvr fwd/lt.org trlr/red ctr post/blk boom/5SM whl/blk xle cvr/wht cbl/sil hk/blu tarp/gry cont/brn pal/Gauntlet.
K33B Scammell Cargo Hauler var#20.jpg (207.31 KiB) Viewed 690 times
21.Org cab & base/wht grill/NSM/wht int/clr wind/Gauntlet lbl/5SM whl/blk xle cvr rear/lt.org trlr/red ctr post/tan boom/5SM whl/blk xle cvr/wht cbl/sil hk/blu tarp/gry cont/brn pal/Gauntlet.
21.Org cab & base/wht grill/NSM/wht int/clr wind/Gauntlet lbl/5SM whl/blk xle cvr rear/lt.org trlr/red ctr post/tan boom/5SM whl/blk xle cvr/wht cbl/sil hk/blu tarp/gry cont/brn pal/Gauntlet.
K33B Scammell Cargo Hauler var#21.jpg (213.21 KiB) Viewed 690 times
22.Org cab & base/wht grill/NSM/wht int/clr wind/Gauntlet lbl/5SM whl/blk xle cvr rear/lt.org trlr/wht ctr post/tan boom/5SM whl/blk xle cvr/wht cbl/gld hk/blu tarp/gry cont/dk.brn pal/Gauntlet.
22.Org cab & base/wht grill/NSM/wht int/clr wind/Gauntlet lbl/5SM whl/blk xle cvr rear/lt.org trlr/wht ctr post/tan boom/5SM whl/blk xle cvr/wht cbl/gld hk/blu tarp/gry cont/dk.brn pal/Gauntlet.
K33B Scammell Cargo Hauler var#22.jpg (208.93 KiB) Viewed 690 times
23.Org cab & base/wht grill/NSM/wht int/clr wind/Gauntlet lbl/5SM whl/blk xle cvr fwd/org trlr/wht ctr post/tan boom/5SM whl/blk xle cvr/wht cbl/gld hk/blu tarp/gry cont/brn pal/Gauntlet.
23.Org cab & base/wht grill/NSM/wht int/clr wind/Gauntlet lbl/5SM whl/blk xle cvr fwd/org trlr/wht ctr post/tan boom/5SM whl/blk xle cvr/wht cbl/gld hk/blu tarp/gry cont/brn pal/Gauntlet.
K33B Scammell Cargo Hauler var#23.jpg (201.91 KiB) Viewed 690 times
24.Dk.blu & wht cab/org base/wht grill/SM/wht int/clr wind/no lbl/5SM whl/blk xle cvr fwd/lt.org tlr/wht ctr pst/tan boom/5SM whl/blk xle cvr/yel cbl/gld hk/blu tarp/gry cont/brn pal/Gauntlet.
24.Dk.blu & wht cab/org base/wht grill/SM/wht int/clr wind/no lbl/5SM whl/blk xle cvr fwd/lt.org tlr/wht ctr pst/tan boom/5SM whl/blk xle cvr/yel cbl/gld hk/blu tarp/gry cont/brn pal/Gauntlet.
K33B Scammell Cargo Hauler var#24.jpg (204.27 KiB) Viewed 690 times
25.Dk.blu & wht cab/org base/wht grill/SM/wht int/clr wind/Gauntlet lbl/5SM whl/blk xle cvr fwd/lt.org tlr/wht ctr pst/blk boom/5SM whl/blk xle cvr/wht cbl/sil hk/blu tarp/gry cont/dk.brn pal/Gauntlet.
25.Dk.blu & wht cab/org base/wht grill/SM/wht int/clr wind/Gauntlet lbl/5SM whl/blk xle cvr fwd/lt.org tlr/wht ctr pst/blk boom/5SM whl/blk xle cvr/wht cbl/sil hk/blu tarp/gry cont/dk.brn pal/Gauntlet.
K33B Scammell Cargo Hauler var#25.jpg (201.5 KiB) Viewed 690 times
26.Dk.blu & wht cab/org base/wht grill/NSM/wht int/clr wind/Gauntlet lbl/5SM whl/blk xle cvr fwd/lt.org tlr/wht ctr pst/blk boom/5SM whl/blk xle cvr/wht cbl/sil hk/blu tarp/gry cont/blk pal/Gauntlet.
26.Dk.blu & wht cab/org base/wht grill/NSM/wht int/clr wind/Gauntlet lbl/5SM whl/blk xle cvr fwd/lt.org tlr/wht ctr pst/blk boom/5SM whl/blk xle cvr/wht cbl/sil hk/blu tarp/gry cont/blk pal/Gauntlet.
K33B Scammell Cargo Hauler var#26.jpg (212.04 KiB) Viewed 690 times
27.Dk.blu & wht cab/org base/wht grill/NSM/wht int/clr wind/Gauntlet lbl/5SM whl/red xle cvr fwd/lt.org trlr/wht ctr post/yel boom/5SM whl/blk xle cvr/yel cbl/gld hk/blu tarp/gry cont/brn pal/Gauntlet.
27.Dk.blu & wht cab/org base/wht grill/NSM/wht int/clr wind/Gauntlet lbl/5SM whl/red xle cvr fwd/lt.org trlr/wht ctr post/yel boom/5SM whl/blk xle cvr/yel cbl/gld hk/blu tarp/gry cont/brn pal/Gauntlet.
K33B Scammell Cargo Hauler var#27.jpg (216.6 KiB) Viewed 690 times
28.Dk.blu & wht cab/org base/wht grill/NSM/wht int/clr wind/Gauntlet lbl/5SM whl/red xle cvr rear/lt.org trlr/wht ctr post/yel boom/5SM whl/blk xle cvr/yel cbl/gld hk/blu tarp/gry cont/brn pal/Gauntlet.
28.Dk.blu & wht cab/org base/wht grill/NSM/wht int/clr wind/Gauntlet lbl/5SM whl/red xle cvr rear/lt.org trlr/wht ctr post/yel boom/5SM whl/blk xle cvr/yel cbl/gld hk/blu tarp/gry cont/brn pal/Gauntlet.
K33B Scammell Cargo Hauler var#28.jpg (208.55 KiB) Viewed 690 times
29.Dk.blu cab/org base/wht grill/NSM/wht int/clr wind/no lbl/5SM whl/blk xle cvr fwd/lt.org tlr/wht ctr pst/yel boom/5SM whl/blk xle cvr/yel cbl/gold hk/blu tarp/gry cont/brn pal/Gauntlet.
29.Dk.blu cab/org base/wht grill/NSM/wht int/clr wind/no lbl/5SM whl/blk xle cvr fwd/lt.org tlr/wht ctr pst/yel boom/5SM whl/blk xle cvr/yel cbl/gold hk/blu tarp/gry cont/brn pal/Gauntlet.
K33B Scammell Cargo Hauler var#29.jpg (197.5 KiB) Viewed 690 times
30.Dk.blu cab/org base/wht grill/NSM/wht int/clr wind/Gauntlet lbl/5SM whl/blk xle cvr rear/lt.org tlr/wht ctr pst/blk boom/5SM whl/blk xle cvr/wht cbl/sil hk/blu tarp/gry cont/dk.brn pal/Gauntlet.
30.Dk.blu cab/org base/wht grill/NSM/wht int/clr wind/Gauntlet lbl/5SM whl/blk xle cvr rear/lt.org tlr/wht ctr pst/blk boom/5SM whl/blk xle cvr/wht cbl/sil hk/blu tarp/gry cont/dk.brn pal/Gauntlet.
K33B Scammell Cargo Hauler var#30.jpg (212.15 KiB) Viewed 690 times
K33B Scammell Cargo Hauler yellow & white cab with blue windows pic#2.jpg
K33B Scammell Cargo Hauler yellow & white cab with blue windows pic#2.jpg (210.06 KiB) Viewed 690 times
K33B Scammell Cargo Hauler yellow cab with or without side mirrors pic#2.jpg
K33B Scammell Cargo Hauler yellow cab with or without side mirrors pic#2.jpg (202.03 KiB) Viewed 743 times
K33B Scammell Cargo Hauler yellow cab variations.jpg
K33B Scammell Cargo Hauler yellow cab variations.jpg (206 KiB) Viewed 743 times
K33B Scammell Cargo Hauler blue cab window variations picture#1a.jpg
K33B Scammell Cargo Hauler blue cab window variations picture#1a.jpg (172.07 KiB) Viewed 743 times
K33B Scammell Cargo Hauler bue cab window variations picture #2.jpg
K33B Scammell Cargo Hauler bue cab window variations picture #2.jpg (202.36 KiB) Viewed 743 times
K33B Scammell Cargo Hauler cab wheel variations.jpg
K33B Scammell Cargo Hauler cab wheel variations.jpg (204.13 KiB) Viewed 743 times
silver or gold hooks
silver or gold hooks
K33B Scammell Cargo Hauler trailer wheel variations.jpg (235.57 KiB) Viewed 743 times
K33B Scammell Cargo Hauler MW variations pic#2.jpg
K33B Scammell Cargo Hauler MW variations pic#2.jpg (224.06 KiB) Viewed 743 times
K33B Scammell Cargo Hauler container variations.jpg
K33B Scammell Cargo Hauler container variations.jpg (244.39 KiB) Viewed 743 times
K33B Scammell Cargo Hauler MW variations picture #1.jpg
K33B Scammell Cargo Hauler MW variations picture #1.jpg (211.32 KiB) Viewed 743 times
K33B Scammell Cargo Hauler MW variations picture #2.jpg
K33B Scammell Cargo Hauler MW variations picture #2.jpg (238.71 KiB) Viewed 743 times
K33B Scammell Cargo Hauler MW variations.jpg
K33B Scammell Cargo Hauler MW variations.jpg (246.28 KiB) Viewed 743 times
K33B Scammell Cargo Hauler orange cab variations picture #1.jpg
K33B Scammell Cargo Hauler orange cab variations picture #1.jpg (237.03 KiB) Viewed 743 times
K33B Scammell Cargo orange body base variations.jpg
K33B Scammell Cargo orange body base variations.jpg (227.68 KiB) Viewed 743 times
K33B Scammell Cargo Hauler yellow & white cab base variations.jpg
K33B Scammell Cargo Hauler yellow & white cab base variations.jpg (193.92 KiB) Viewed 743 times
K33B Scammell Cargo Hauler yellow & white body base variations.jpg
K33B Scammell Cargo Hauler yellow & white body base variations.jpg (224.47 KiB) Viewed 743 times
K33B Scammell Cargo Hauler burgundy cab base variations.jpg
K33B Scammell Cargo Hauler burgundy cab base variations.jpg (228.2 KiB) Viewed 743 times
K33B Scammell Cargo Hauler blue & white body base variations.jpg
K33B Scammell Cargo Hauler blue & white body base variations.jpg (227.5 KiB) Viewed 743 times
K33B Scammell Cargo Hauler blue cab with white top base variations.jpg
K33B Scammell Cargo Hauler blue cab with white top base variations.jpg (220.04 KiB) Viewed 743 times
K33B Scammell Cargo Hauler base variations.jpg
K33B Scammell Cargo Hauler base variations.jpg (310.34 KiB) Viewed 743 times
K33B Scammell Cargo Hauler trailer base variations.jpg
K33B Scammell Cargo Hauler trailer base variations.jpg (220.92 KiB) Viewed 743 times
K33B Scammell Cargo Hauler box.jpg
K33B Scammell Cargo Hauler box.jpg (226.53 KiB) Viewed 743 times
K33B Scammell Cargo Hauler group picture #1.jpg
K33B Scammell Cargo Hauler group picture #1.jpg (272.61 KiB) Viewed 743 times
K33B Scammell Cargo Hauler group picture #2.jpg
K33B Scammell Cargo Hauler group picture #2.jpg (294.87 KiB) Viewed 743 times
K33B Scammell Cargo Hauler group picture #3.jpg
K33B Scammell Cargo Hauler group picture #3.jpg (277.32 KiB) Viewed 743 times
K33B Scammell Cargo Hauler group picture #4.jpg
K33B Scammell Cargo Hauler group picture #4.jpg (265.92 KiB) Viewed 743 times
Last edited by charliep on Sat Jun 01, 2019 8:11 pm, edited 5 times in total.
Posts: 12249
Joined: Sun Sep 15, 2013 4:12 pm

Re: K33 Scammell Cargo Hauler


:o WOW!
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Re: K33 Scammell Cargo Hauler

Post by ritchie »

Posts: 628
Joined: Sat Jan 18, 2014 4:50 am

Re: K33B Scammell Cargo Hauler

Post by charliep »

Just added another variation listed as no#10 - yellow trailer with white center post and tan crane.
The Scammell cab in yellow with white top has blue windows which is a first for me.
K33B Scammell Cargo Hauler yellow & white cab with blue windows pic#1.jpg
K33B Scammell Cargo Hauler yellow & white cab with blue windows pic#1.jpg (177.94 KiB) Viewed 690 times
K33B Scammell Cargo Hauler yellow & white cab with blue windows pic#2.jpg
K33B Scammell Cargo Hauler yellow & white cab with blue windows pic#2.jpg (210.06 KiB) Viewed 690 times
K33B Scammell Cargo Hauler yellow & white cab with blue windows pic#3.jpg
K33B Scammell Cargo Hauler yellow & white cab with blue windows pic#3.jpg (198.4 KiB) Viewed 690 times
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