Although I don't own a lot of these, few months ago I tried to - and successfully found two of the models that where in the 1st series, the Ford Cortina, and apparently a 'transitional' serie - the Miura as I have heard more about it in a recent diecast meeting, other than that it's casting broke when producing (I knew that from a while ago), these two were very nice finds afterall, in an antique shop just few km's from me

These two I absolutely love as castings, and mainly due to the reason they look better overall than the Lesney made ones (color and wheel-wise!). But as for the quality.. I would agree, definitely not the best one

Ford Cortina

Overall it's in nice shape, however suffers from quite a common factory error - the doors lack the tin that holds them on opening!

Lamborghini Miura

Again in quite nice shape - but again with a common factory error - the back part of wheels holder's rivet isnt pressed over properly, bummer!

I have a few more.. which I got mainly for restorations, but might order a few off the factory anytime I want so glad I managed to find the Miura and Cortina so far.
Would be interesting to see what you guys managed to get!