Hello from Vienna ...

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Hello from Vienna ...

Post by Beestone »

Hello Forum Members,

First of all please appologize my bad English - I am a little out of practice ...

My Name is Andreas and I was Born, live and earn money as consulter here in Vienna, Austria. One of my obbies is to sell antiques on fleed markets and in the Internet.

I had Lesney cars since my childhood - but on my 10th birthday I got my first 3 Yesteryears ... wow!
All my other cars died the grow-up death: they were filled with glue and burned, bombed, crashed, shoot, etc... but nothing happend to my Yesteryears, I took care of them!
Later I found others Yesteryears on the fleed market - and starting collecting. Now: approx. 2000 Yesteryears from the beginning until 2000, 90% boxed and mint, gift sets, cases, and approx. 50 plated Veteran Car Gifts from Lesney (ashtrays, wooden boxes, stands, etc.), The collection is boxed in 90 Liters Alu-boxes and stored away ...

Then came the Superfast collecting years: boxed in Matchbox Collector Cases I own approx. 35 full cases = 1680 cars, some very rare items too ...
Step by step I was more and more frustrated about models from China, Macau, etc...
...so more and more Regualr wheels found their way in my collection. At the Moment approx. 800 cars in approx. 15 collector cases: of course only these with the Ford GT in front ...

I read the Forum since a couple of month and visited Nicks Listing quite often ...

Below you will find some photos of my Regular and Superfast collection a couple of years ago, I know, just a small collection, what is in .... just wait a Little bit, I allready have found some very nice variations in my RW's wich will be of interrest for you - hopefully. Of course I will check older Forum postings in order not to bother you - for example: has someone heard/seen before a 70b Ford Glider Truck with olive-green slide? Did not find it in Nick's list ... anyway, I am very happy to share this Forum with all of you, more to follow,
Best regards from Vienna,
Andreas Beestone
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Re: Hello from Vienna ...


Welcome to the forum Andreas, your English is fine. Thank you for the description of your collection and from the pictures so far, it looks like it is a very immpresive collection.

We look forward to more pictures.

I hope you continue to enjoy the forum and please do not be afraid to ask any questions, we are lucky with having some very well informed members.

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Re: Hello from Vienna ...

Post by motorman »

Welcome Andreas, I cannot wait to see what you have inside your collector boxes, especially your Superfast collection :D

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Re: Hello from Vienna ...

Post by matchboxkiwi »

Yes, welcome Andreas. You couldn't have picked a better place to practice your English!
That's a wonderful photo of collectors cases. Can we see what's inside?

Cheers, Steve