69c Rolls Royce Silver Shadow

British made Matchbox Superfast 1969-83
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Re: 69c Rolls Royce Silver Shadow

Post by ritchie »

Recently got this lot.
H3260-L85594235.jpg (97.09 KiB) Viewed 2834 times
The description was: Matchbox Superfast Group of early 1970?s Issues including; (1)No.3 Mercedes Ambulance complete with stretcher; (2) No.36 Opel Diplomat - metallic darker gold body without silver grill; (3) No.67 VW 1600TL; (4) No.69 Rolls Royce Silver Shadow Convertible - metallic blue body, pale green base, 5-spoke narrow wheels; (5) No.14 Iso Grifo - blue body, white interior, 5-spoke wide wheels - Excellent to Near Mint (Opel Diplomat has old glue residue to base) in Good to Near Mint Type G and H boxes two of which have old tape residue. No.73 Mercury Commuter - Excellent (old glue residue to base) in Poor to Fair Type G box; No.27 Mercedes 230SL - white body, red interior - Good in Good Type G box; No.10 Leyland Pipe Truck with red body - Fair to Good unboxed and missing pipes and K23 Kingsize Mercury Commuter Police Car - Excellent in Fair box. (9)

I was glad that I spotted the pale green base on the No.69 Rolls from the description. And this is what I received:
DSC_1561s.jpg (61.46 KiB) Viewed 2834 times
:cry: It looks like a light yellow to me. And it (the one on top) looks no difference from the other light yellow bases I had. Another disappointment. And some questions arise. Does someone, including the expert at Vectis, actually see this colour as pale green? Is pale green base actually exist? A pale green base was listed on both Nick's and C. Falkensteiner‘s variation listing, but not on C. Mack's listing. The puzzle remains.
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Re: 69c Rolls Royce Silver Shadow


It is worrying if their expert is colour blind, because of what has happened. You have spent good Money with them under the premise you are getting a model with a pale Green base...and you have not. It would do no harm to get back in contact with Vectis and tell them exactly what has happened and maybe they should question their expert on his/her ability to judge colours.

I have seen one picture of this Blue bodied model with a pale Green base, rather more like the colour seen on some GT 40 models from Lesney, but have given up ever seeing one for sale anywhere with the general feeling it may have been a colour trial/use up old paint kind of thing.

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Re: 69c Rolls Royce Silver Shadow

Post by motorman »

Whilst I have never seen a pale green baseplated #69 in the hand, the model Ritchie got in that lot from Vectis clearly has a light yellow baseplate and has been incorrectly described by Vectis in the auction listing imho. It is not the first time Vectis has incorrectly described a model........they don't always get it right, however are usually accommodating when a customer has a genuine complaint. Good luck Ritchie.

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Re: 69c Rolls Royce Silver Shadow

Post by ritchie »

Thanks for your kind advice Kevin and Alex. There will be something I must do tonight...
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Re: 69c Rolls Royce Silver Shadow

Post by nearlymint »

I have sent a couple of lots back to Vectis due to incorrect description and have never had a problem.
Check my swaps page(rest has been under construction for years :))
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Re: 69c Rolls Royce Silver Shadow

Post by Rob »

From my experience I have never seen a light green base on any 69 Rolls Coupe and the base variations found on the blue model are black, light yellow and dark yellow as below.
69 Rolls BLACK base.jpg
69 Rolls BLACK base.jpg (49.58 KiB) Viewed 2779 times
69 Rolls LIGHT yellow base.jpg
69 Rolls LIGHT yellow base.jpg (49.84 KiB) Viewed 2779 times
69 Rolls DARK yellow base.jpg
69 Rolls DARK yellow base.jpg (48.09 KiB) Viewed 2779 times
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Re: 69c Rolls Royce Silver Shadow

Post by ritchie »

Another best find for 2015, gold #69 tan base with large rear wheel arch. Pairs with my small wheel arch example above.
Though factory assembly problem that the side of baseplate didn't fit into the car body, i'm still very happy having it added to my collection. :D
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Re: 69c Rolls Royce Silver Shadow

Post by vetrad »

I don't think this is lack of knowledge on anyone's part. It is just Vectis using a different term than many collectors to describe the color of the baseplate. They used several different terms describing color I was not used to when they sold my collection, such as "Jade" to describe the early kennel truck shade. I just assumed it was a "British Thing" :-)

They described my Roller the same way: http://www.vectis.co.uk/Page/ViewLot.as ... &Start=580

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Re: 69c Rolls Royce Silver Shadow

Post by Miller »

They take so much money for their service, why can´t the buy a set of glasses for the man who´s discribing the models?! Maybe someone could help them out with these?
Speicher1.jpg (57.86 KiB) Viewed 2741 times

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Re: 69c Rolls Royce Silver Shadow

Post by vetrad »

Lol. I assumed they are just trying to add value with words. Such as, if I order seared leavened baguette with sucrose huckleberry spread and agitated heavy cream at a fancy restaurant, I would expect toast!

But yes, if the description is not clear they should offer the courtesy of a return.