Hmmmmm, what to do? I did not fancy getting stung for £17 postage, and there was no mention of combining costs for multiple wins. The first auction ended - mine for 99p. I watched the second one count down. No bidders, so far so good. A quick message to the seller re the possibility/cost of chucking lot 2 in with lot 1. In due course a message back from the seller - just pay the extra postage and he'll chuck them in, he has no idea how much that'll be and he'll invoice me after he's been to the post office. I paid for lot 1 and waited...and waited..... Eventually the seller messages me to say that the combined postage was only a pound or so more than the total I've already paid for Lot 1 and he can't be bothered sending a PayPal invoice for such a small amount

So am I happy - well yes I am. Although there is nothing in here particularly htf, and the condition of many leads me to think they've been stored in salt water, and the paint fade on others would suggest exposure to more sunshine than you'd expect in Scotland, I am very happy. There are quite a few transitional / early Superfasts that I had on my 'wants list' - Pipe Truck, Ford Refuse Wagon, Greyhound Coach, Lotus Europa, Porsche 910 and more but above this, there are a few in here I'd had as a kid and completely forgotten about like the pink Dodge Dragster. So, for once, there will be no announcements on what I am and am not keeping - I think I'll be taking my time with this lot and perhaps familiarising myself with the SF range a bit more - maybe 2014 will be my 'Superfast Year'