Auction Win!

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Re: Auction Win!

Post by nickjones »

Excellent photos Rod.
Nick Jones.
In sunny Clacton-on-Sea, Essex, UK
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Re: Auction Win!


Thank you viewfield, great set of pictures.

I now know exactly what version model is in your third picture, you added to your earlier two. It is a model from the Re-Launched 'Yesteryear' range from late 1974, and that is why the mounting block on that one looks larger and is a smoother rounded design and in that 'Gold' effect finish on the black plastic base puts into the 1977-78 production period, (a similar model was used in 1978 with a 'Gold' Y-7 Rolls-Royce in the 'Heritage' Gift Set).

The front head-on picture and the rear left corner picture were exactly what I wanted to identify this model, they show me the casting faults that help I.D. all my Y-10 models.

Thank's again viewfield, for your time and effort in doing this, much appreciated.

If you want to know any specific details on other Y-10 models you may have, give me a shout.

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Re: Auction Win!

Post by Viewfield »

Not being a variation collector, I find the above information quite fascinating. Just one point though, although the photographs appear to be of a gold plated model, it is actually silver.

Thanks for the complement. Photo's taken with a Nikon Coolpix S9500, hand held without flash but with adjacent lighting.

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Re: Auction Win!

Post by YYS4BOB »

I've never spent so long looking at Rolls models as I have recently. I wonder why????