Early (pre-Matchbox) Lesneys

Lesney early large scale toys 1947-55 + Models of Yesteryear 1956 to date
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Re: Early (pre-Matchbox) Lesneys

Post by MOKOSEX »

I thought the large coach was made for the 1951 exhibition with 2 figures then altered for the queens coronation?,and the soap box racer is about ,heres mine
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Re: Early (pre-Matchbox) Lesneys

Post by Moyboy »

Miller wrote:I clicked the link out of coriousity and found out, that i have such a heavy Moko tractor in nearly the same condition! I never knew, what it was :D
This model was sold by MOKO and comes in various forms, motorised, blade or no blade but wasn't made by Lesney.

I also have the soap box cart and story goes they made 1 gross (144) and wasn't popular so stopped it. Dave is right in the fact the 'Coronation Coach' was made for the Festival of Britain - hence the King & Queen in the coach ( so not Queen Elizabeth, never has been) But the King died and Lesney was left with a big loss till the Coronation came along and lo and behold they used the same coach so a quick chop off at the knees and Kingy was gone and the Queen went on her own !

Here are some of mine Dean

one gets obsessed with them sometimes !!!
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Re: Early (pre-Matchbox) Lesneys

Post by mbox2000 »

Nice group shots. Any idea what the retail price was of the Boxed Prime Mover with dozer and trailer when it was originally released?

Mbox2000 / Jay