Yeah, the secret is now out for both of us...Ecclesley wrote:So your are as unfaithful like me..........

Yeah, the secret is now out for both of us...Ecclesley wrote:So your are as unfaithful like me..........
Yes, I heard about that, may have to look into it at length...fixer wrote:I don't know about a Bentley but there is a trim line 24c that's still "on loan" to a certain moderator
Thank you Jason. It is easy to get stuck into your own little World of specialist subject models and miss the other stuff out there, but as you have been with me a few times at toy fairs, I do try and keep my Eyes open for non Rolls-Royce collectibles and was very pleased to see the Riley.nearlymint wrote:Very nice models Ghosty, really like that Riley.You are adding some great models . Jason
Thank's Alex, that's why we should get to as many toy fairs we can because you just don't know whats going to turn up.motorman wrote:If is always nice to come home from a meet with some new stuff and still have change for a bag of chips!!!. Nice models ghosty