Two in particular caught my eye, one being this Condon dumper and the other being what I thought was a small Moko clockwork crawler tractor (more on that later) There was also this fire engine, which I assumed would be Charbens or Crescent, but I now think is Castle Art, the only difference I can see is that there is no 'pip' in front of the rear wheel for attaching the rubber hose Next up is this rather odd looking vehicle, and I wasn't sure if it was a wrecker or a fire engine. Turns out (thanks to Robert Newsons site) it is an Agasee Breakdown Truck, unfortunately missing it's wrecking gear which looks better than the rest of the truck! Finally, the crawler. As I said, I thought from the photos that this was a clockwork Moko tractor, main reason being the yellow attachment which I guessed was a homemade key. On arrival I figured it was part of a lifting arm for a dozer blade. It confused me that it was yellow as I thought all the Mokos had body and blades in the same colour. As I went hunting online for pictures it quickly became obvious that this is no Moko, and there are so many differences that nothing is actually the same. The wheels are different, there are the hydraulic cylinders cast into the body, the seat is different, the controls are part of the body casting and the bonnet louvres and grille slats are horizontal rather than vertical. Even the tread plating around the seat has a different pattern. The only other example I can find is on ebay, in worse condition and the seller has no idea of the maker. Can anyone help?