So I thought I would share this recent purchase. Not too many are aware of Dinky's 1:25 scale models from the early to mid 1970's. They only made one car, the Ford Capri but in three variations. Why the Capri, who knows. Why not do something more renowned like a Mustang???
Anyways, the models are lovely, big, heavy and solid. Lots of details, moving parts, suspensions, etc. They can be found at reasonable prices in playworn condition without boxes, which mine are. Mint in box are out of my budget range.
Just before New Year's I picked up the blue with black roof version (Dinky No. 2162) to go with my rally version (Dinky No.2214) in red with black roof. I am always on the hunt for the police car version (Dinky No. 2253) in white.
I forgot to take pics of the underneath, but there is a lot of detail even on the bottoms (chrome exhaust, headers, engine pans, etc)
To give you an idea of size, the last picture shows the 1:25 scale models I have along side the Dinky No.213 Capri 1:43.