We have covered all the likely combinations of circumstances , motives and opportunities.Tinman wrote:... well, there goes my hope for a serious discussion.
I refer you back to our previous discussion of this model which focused on the nature of masks,clogging and dripping that was first deeply discussed re the 14c Lomas 1st silver trim version. I have looked at my factory silver trimmed 7a once more and the silver paint on my driver still looks like run down from a clogged mask which was the generally accepted conclusion of our previous discussion. Considering the timeline for this silver trimmed model and the reductions in silver trim on YY made in the same year there is every reason to expect mask only rather than brush + mask combo trim if we are talking factory rather than home detailing to drivers.
Some folks can choose an objective scientific approach with historical support to brush trim and others can have a religious faith in the purity of brush trim - we have a forum that accomodates both preferences here

If this is by some freakish chance a factory original in all respects then the odds are the extra care was taken because it was made for display - display models for UK and European tradefairs tended to have screw holes in baseplates to prevent them from being lifted, but for Bronner and USA all I know is that we have heard about sales samples of updated models being supplied in multiples not singles.Quick reference to some old US catalogs may reveal suspiciously neatly painted 7a drivers hats and until somebody does dismiss this suggestion with proof it is the most valid way to prove model is genuine not fake