Heres a pic of Dads Capri back in 1980. Dad was a battler in his younger days,was his 1-st ever car which he bought 2nd-hand in 1979 (was Mustard with Black vinyl top) and couldnt afford to spend cash that he didnt have on his car as other boys used to so stuck to the minimal/basics.He says the engine was a basic 3L V6 but had just 2x twin Weber carburettors adapted with Triumph TR5 or TR6 (he cannot remember which) exhaust system and his Capri could reach speeds of up to 150mph back then which was quite fast & exciting he says.The engine would over-rev due to the fact that the gearbox was a bog-standard 4-speed linkage type and a ltd-slip differential.He says the Alfa Gtv6 & the uprated V6 Cortinas XLE & 30's never stood a chance but lost to the V8 Perana Capri which belonged to his rich friend.He tells me now that he wishes to own another Capri....duh
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One cannot do much with all the monies in this world but can do much more if he strives toward contentment.
here you go Numi title from the awsome early 80s US cop show a main stay of my youth
Starsky is the dark haired one Hutch is the fair haired