Tinman wrote:I took some measurements of the number three and the number 8 on these bases. The 3 did sit further to the right than the 8 and I am now convinced an existing mold was modified resulting in ghosting of the old number 3.
I looked closely at my K8 base plates and agree with the theory of modified K3 base plate. The number 8 is smaller in height and I can see the ghosting 3 directly under the letter S.
I have only ever seen the Cat tractor with metal rollers that came with the K8a set with a K3 baseplate.
My notes when I studied this model 25 years or so ago indicate the K8 baseplate was more like 1965 introduction. This would make sense with the K3 being discontinued.
Mick, I have a K3 with blade with original tracks with one track still nice and soft and the other is hard and brittle. The soft one is still green whereas the hard one has discoloured brownish grey. Given they have obviously both been in same environment I am thinking they must be different material in some way.( different batches perhaps). I have seen the same thing occur in the 1-75 range and major pack with a soft and hard track on the same model.