Toy Products / Robin Hood Trucks

Morestone, Benbros, Charbens, DCMT, Kemlows & Moko.
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Toy Products / Robin Hood Trucks

Post by Ewan »

A happy accident for me these, I was actually looking for models by TTI of Stoke when I happened upon this tipper. It's unbranded and as it features the same axle-less method of keeping the wheels on (which I've stupidly forgotten to photograph) as TTI models I thought it may be one of theirs. I was waiting to bid about 2 minutes before the auction ended when I scrolled down the listing and amongst the 'similar items' at the bottom of the page was another one, correctly listed as Robin Hood. Liking it anyway I went for it :D
DSCN9572 (450x337).jpg
DSCN9572 (450x337).jpg (74.11 KiB) Viewed 1928 times
A week or so later I got the removal van to keep it company, I think there's just a flatbed and a tanker left to go
DSCN9571 (450x337).jpg
DSCN9571 (450x337).jpg (73.96 KiB) Viewed 1928 times
The removal van is the only one to feature the Robin Hood branding, up inside the van body - it tips too!
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DSCN9573 (450x337).jpg (94.82 KiB) Viewed 1928 times
Said bodies are really a bit too heavy, which is why most of these trucks can be seen as chassis cabs on ebay, and the lack of branding seems to result in them being listed as Timpo or Charbens quite often too.
In the course of 'googling' around for these things I happened upon ToysNZ 's site which I have to recommend, both for the Robin hood and TTI content - very useful for those of us with an interest in the more 'unusual' diecast :D
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Re: Toy Products / Robin Hood Trucks


Hi Ewan, that website you have linked to is run by one of our recent members by the name of Ian and he has become quite a regular contributor to the forum, so I expect he will come on and add to your comments.

Those trucks and cars were marketed by a few wholesalers in the UK, but 'ROBIN HOOD' certainly is the most well known versions, simply because they had that name cast onto the models, but the boxes still showed the original 'TP' numbering range, 'TP' standing for 'TOY PRODUCTS' based in Walsall.

I have the Rolls-Royce and Bentley models from this company but even with the Rolls-Royce there are different versions with or without a clockwork motor, rubber or metal wheels and at least Two different body castings.

I was researching the whole story behind these models but could not finish it due to my hardrive problems where all my information is still sitting waiting to be rescued, DAMM IT... :lol:

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Re: Toy Products / Robin Hood Trucks

Post by toysnz »

Ewan wrote:A happy accident for me these, I was actually looking for models by TTI of Stoke when I happened upon this tipper. It's unbranded and as it features the same axle-less method of keeping the wheels on (which I've stupidly forgotten to photograph) as TTI models I thought it may be one of theirs. I was waiting to bid about 2 minutes before the auction ended when I scrolled down the listing and amongst the 'similar items' at the bottom of the page was another one, correctly listed as Robin Hood. Liking it anyway I went for it :D

In the course of 'googling' around for these things I happened upon ToysNZ 's site which I have to recommend, both for the Robin hood and TTI content - very useful for those of us with an interest in the more 'unusual' diecast :D
Hi Ewan... glad to see I'm not the only one into these two interesting brands - tricky to find them as many are listed as "unknown" brands or have missing parts as you mentioned. Glad to see you found my site and thanks for the mention in your post... I''ve little to add that isn't on my site but still have several items from TTI and Robin Hood/TP that are yet to be photographed and written up.

Currently all activity on hold as I assist my wife to recover from a major shoulder reconstruction that has left her unable to shower, dress properly, cook, do laundry, drive, etc - my day just got 2 hours longer as I try to fit it all in AND go to work! :lol:

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Re: Toy Products / Robin Hood Trucks

Post by MOKOSEX »

I put my hand up ,i collect these too,most of my collection is in a box somewhere lol, but heres some pics of some recent additions,in july i used a birthday money gift off my sister in law to buy a metallic tti sports car,i don,t recall seeing a metallic version before,and i bought from a new collectors shop in town run by a guy i have bought off quite a few times so he was pleased for a sale too,my next buys came from a local transport show in september,picked up the red tp car and the jolly roger racer(missing a wheel on both ,jolly roger has metal wheels but versions do come with tyres i think?
The last two top products additions came off ebay the blue car was very cheap so couldn,t resist but the flat back i am really please with has i have found this hard to find.
The lesney coach is to give you a sense of scale,the tti in particular are big lumps of mazak :lol:
metallic blue open sports car
metallic blue open sports car
DSCN8473.JPG (137.61 KiB) Viewed 1851 times
tti coupe
tti coupe
DSCN8474.JPG (136.15 KiB) Viewed 1851 times
tp flatback
tp flatback
DSCN8475.JPG (146.11 KiB) Viewed 1851 times
tp coupe,
tp coupe,
DSCN8476.JPG (140.63 KiB) Viewed 1851 times
jolly roger,metal wheels
jolly roger,metal wheels
DSCN8477.JPG (121.32 KiB) Viewed 1851 times
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Re: Toy Products / Robin Hood Trucks

Post by toysnz »

MOKOSEX wrote:the jolly roger racer(missing a wheel on both ,jolly roger has metal wheels but versions do come with tyres i think?
I also have some Jolly Roger - but only the saloon cars. As you state the racer did come with rubber tyres also. My page on Jolly Roger has further details.
