In some ways this is no different to Nik Stil's work or reproduction boxes , maybe someone will build a collection of fakes in a fake display and post on a fake VBD site
I agree with Ghosty they should have been marked and date stamped.
Would I have one yes, it's still a lovely way to display models and no different to a glass cabinet and better than shelving
Moyboy wrote:I agree with Tim. Unless the display is marked in some way as a reproduction then they become a pain. Don't care who makes them - even if Mr. Lesney him self - it just causes problems later on. I'm all for suitably marked items as nothing looks better than your models on a nice display in your toy room. I was hoping for some card repro ones as older ones are getting very brittle now and tend to collapse with the weight of models on them. Anyone got any idea how to store old card stock as used on displays. I have an early 60's YY one and totally come apart at all the original card bends.
I actually took this issue up with them asking if their reproduction items were visibly marked as such so as not to confuse collectors in the future... I received the following reply from "membersupport":
Hi Ian,
The vast majority of the original stands are in poor condition. Those that are in good condition show clear signs of aging. I.e. degrading plastic, faded hoods etc.
The new replicas will be clearly ‘new’ and obviously different to their aging counter parts so won’t cause an issue as they will be clearly distinguishable.
The idiots!
They are undoubtedly aware of the issues resulting from the rampant fakery and forgery in this hobby, and yet they do this! How can people connected with a collectors’ club even consider manufacturing replica items which are (or, given enough time, will be) indistinguishable from the real thing?
Maybe the question becomes what marking does a genuine stand have that will allow it to be identified as an original? Does the reproduction stand duplicate any original markings (other than those out the outer surfaces). I don't have an original stand of this type so I don't know if there are any markings under or on the inside parts of the stands. We do have members that have such stands and it would be nice to hear from them.
Has anyone here ordered one of the reproduction stands? I considered getting one but the price was a little high before the currency conversion and out of the question after I saw the US Dollar price. I'm rebuilding a small collection of select regular wheels and I thought it would be a nice way to display them in a minimal amount of space.
My interpretation of the discussion I had with the Club was that they are identical in every way with the original stands. Even in 5 years time it will be hard to distinguish them from the originals. I had the same discussion with the Club when they released the card stands which are also not marked in any way to identify them as reproductions of the original stands.
Actually these stands must have been pretty universal at the time as I have a double height revolving stand for Majorette that look the same...
toysnz wrote:My interpretation of the discussion I had with the Club was that they are identical in every way with the original stands. Even in 5 years time it will be hard to distinguish them from the originals. I had the same discussion with the Club when they released the card stands which are also not marked in any way to identify them as reproductions of the original stands.
Actually these stands must have been pretty universal at the time as I have a double height revolving stand for Majorette that look the same...
There are differences in the card stands they released in the early 90ties allthough they are not marked iether.
toysnz wrote:My interpretation of the discussion I had with the Club was that they are identical in every way with the original stands. Even in 5 years time it will be hard to distinguish them from the originals. I had the same discussion with the Club when they released the card stands which are also not marked in any way to identify them as reproductions of the original stands.
Actually these stands must have been pretty universal at the time as I have a double height revolving stand for Majorette that look the same...
There are differences in the card stands they released in the early 90ties allthough they are not marked iether.
True - but only to the trained eye such as yours Marcel!