42c Iron Fairy Crane

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42c Iron Fairy Crane

Post by Idris »

The NAMC’s “Catalog of all Series Matchbox Models” (second edition) lists two variations, but the descriptions are so cryptic, I cannot be certain that they are already covered in Nick's table. variation 42c-3A reads "vertical sides of hole into which crane fits, thin seat back", whilst variation 42c-B reads "angled sides of hole, thicker seat back". It therefore looks to me as though the "crane hole" differences are simply another aspect of the already-documented seat thickness variation. Confirmation please!
The AIM's “1-75 Series Regular Wheels” catalogue (second printing, 1983) does not have any unlisted variations, but does contain the following helpful tip: "The [seat thickness] variations can be located by viewing the square hole in the baseplate. The thin seat casting hole is wider".
Stannard does not list any new variations and neither does Houghton.
U.K. Matchbox did not examine the model.
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Re: 42c Iron Fairy Crane

Post by DrJeep »

There are some unlisted casting differences on the crane arm. On the early cranes, the end of the arm has a profile with a right angle, so that the end of the arm itself is nearly vertical.
early crane (high pin)
early crane (high pin)
IMG_7342.jpg (271.14 KiB) Viewed 3462 times
On the later cranes this was filled in.
later crane
later crane
IMG_7343.jpg (289.08 KiB) Viewed 3462 times
The cut-out on the early crane is a neat arch.
early arched cut-out
early arched cut-out
IMG_7347.jpg (380.33 KiB) Viewed 3462 times
This was strengthened on the later cranes.
later crane - strengthened cut-out
later crane - strengthened cut-out
IMG_7348.jpg (346.81 KiB) Viewed 3462 times
This is an interesting modification because the arch was needed to clear the high pin, but not needed at all on the later cranes. The strengthening piece rests on the pin and stops the arm drooping, but it would have been possible to delete the arch completely.

I think the earlier arm (with the profiled end and arched cut-out) would fit the later, lower pin position, so I expect there's a cross-over variation with the lower pin but the early arm. The two arm modifications may not have been simultaneous, so it's also worth looking out for the profiled end without the strengthened arch, or the other way round.

The peening is interesting - clear evidence of a rotating tool, I think.
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Re: 42c Iron Fairy Crane

Post by Sebastian10 »

Dr. Jeep

I think there may be more variations - when the red body is viewed from the left side neither of my high pins has the body lip on the front and rear uprights and along the top of the body.
The lip is only on the lower side of the body - when viewed from the left side:
it starts at the bottom left,
continues to the first wheel arch
goes around the wheel arch
runs below the side panel (fitted with the rivets and handle at the top)
goes around the next wheel arch
continues with a small section to the right most end of the body.
The other side of the body is the same i.e. the body lip is only on the lower side of the body
My standard model has the lip all away the perimeter of the body when viewed from either side

I have a posted a couple of photos of one of my high pins showing either side which hopefully will show what I mean
2 nearside view of highpin.jpg
2 nearside view of highpin.jpg (157.9 KiB) Viewed 3446 times
2 offside view of highpin.jpg
2 offside view of highpin.jpg (148.42 KiB) Viewed 3446 times
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Re: 42c Iron Fairy Crane

Post by Idris »

Where's Antonin when you need him?
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Re: 42c Iron Fairy Crane

Post by Diecast »

Very nice spotted Dr. Jeep. Very nice variation with the body lip. I have checked my models and I have not find the cross-over variation with the lower pin but the early arm in my spare models. Anyway I have found another interesting variations.
Most of my models have the large jib rivet, but there are models with small rivet also.

1) large jib rivet
2) small jib rivet
DSCN6429.JPG (20.25 KiB) Viewed 3419 times
Last edited by Diecast on Sun Mar 10, 2019 9:38 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: 42c Iron Fairy Crane

Post by Diecast »

There are three variations of the jib holder:
a) upper pin, no strengthening ring
DSCN6427.JPG (23.09 KiB) Viewed 3418 times
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Re: 42c Iron Fairy Crane

Post by Diecast »

b) lower pin, no strengthening ring
DSCN6425.JPG (19.93 KiB) Viewed 3418 times
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Re: 42c Iron Fairy Crane

Post by Diecast »

c) lower pin, with strengthening ring
DSCN6426.JPG (19.28 KiB) Viewed 3418 times
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Re: 42c Iron Fairy Crane

Post by DrJeep »

Thanks, Sebastian. I hadn't noticed the ridge on the upper body but it's obvious now you've told me. These pictures may help others. The later moulding is completely straight from above, but on the earlier moulding the area around the locker is wider.
earlier - locker area protrudes
earlier - locker area protrudes
IMG_7350.jpg (350.49 KiB) Viewed 3406 times
later straight sides
later straight sides
IMG_7351.jpg (350.62 KiB) Viewed 3406 times
That means there should be another cross-over, with the earlier body and the later arm.
Diecast wrote:There are three variations of the jib holder
Diecast wrote:Most of my models have the large jib rivet, but there are models with small rivet also
Thanks for checking, Antonin. I have the smaller rivet on the later model shown here, but I don't have the intermediate jib holder. Another one to find!

This looks like another model that needs a new variation table!
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Re: 42c Iron Fairy Crane

Post by Diecast »

There are two interesting details on the body. First is the process of damaging molds. On the early models there is no rim or eaves on the roof.
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