Another Rare Lone Star

Morestone, Benbros, Charbens, DCMT, Kemlows & Moko.
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Another Rare Lone Star

Post by Ewan »

You may remember a post I did some time ago regarding a Lone Star Rocket Fuel Tanker which had a style of tractor unit based on their rigid trucks rather than the commonly found Austin unit. I had been told by the seller that it had been part of a gift set, and whilst I still believe this (the seller was very clued up on Lone Star military items) it would appear that it was on general release as part of the initial 'Roadmasters' series which was then renamed 'Roadmasters Lorries' before becoming 'Roadmasters Majors'. I found this out after purchasing the excellent 'Bumper Book of Lone Star' by Geoffrey Ambridge and this catalogue extract shows the first releases
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Happily, the Rocket Fuel tanker was one of the few pieces to survive my big clearout, and it now has a mate in the shape of this 'Low Sided Truck'. The all important unit has been repainted black, and unfortunately the original paint was so well stripped I have no idea what colour it started life.
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The trailers were modified as Lone Star moved from painted/inked lettering to labels, with the planking detail removed from the front of the trailer for the labels. This was done on both sides even though Lone Star were good at fitting labels to one side only! I now have the 3 main combinations for the low sided truck

First tractor with first trailer
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Second tractor with first trailer
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Second tractor with second trailer
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