Found these couple over this weekend, first is a nice Buick Regal in yellow with an unplated interior..

Secondly is a Cement Truck in the green shade usually seen on the Site Dumper and sometimes the VW Polo..

Hi John,Jingley wrote:Hi Superfastkid, nice to see you taking part here. Do you remember a long running thread back on the older MCCH forum with loads of Buick Regal variations being discovered? I had the green one with they grey base and gave it to Bill Manzke along with a Police version. The variants on bases, colours, wheels, glazing etc. would fill a book, I think Dave Mokosex has a massive collection of them.
Even now my wife and children (now adult children) still point them out at Toyfairs and car boot sales.
Thanks Ghosthunter (and Nick too!)GHOSTHUNTER wrote:This is great news that Two former 'MCCH' members are now able to converse with each other again, because of this forum, giving me another chance to thank Mr Nick Jones for bringing the 'VBD' forum alive and persevering through the platform changes we have had to endure in recent Years, thank's Nick and thank's to you Two Guys above for joining, glad you are enjoying the forum.
Hi Dave,Jingley wrote:I made a Sheriff version for you back then, do you still have it![]()