A couple of recent finds...

Corgi & Husky toys by Mettoy
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A couple of recent finds...

Post by superfastkid »

Hello everyone,

Found these couple over this weekend, first is a nice Buick Regal in yellow with an unplated interior..



Secondly is a Cement Truck in the green shade usually seen on the Site Dumper and sometimes the VW Polo..



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Re: A couple of recent finds...

Post by Jingley »

Hi Superfastkid, nice to see you taking part here. Do you remember a long running thread back on the older MCCH forum with loads of Buick Regal variations being discovered? I had the green one with they grey base and gave it to Bill Manzke along with a Police version. The variants on bases, colours, wheels, glazing etc. would fill a book, I think Dave Mokosex has a massive collection of them.
Even now my wife and children (now adult children) still point them out at Toyfairs and car boot sales.
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Re: A couple of recent finds...


This is great news that Two former 'MCCH' members are now able to converse with each other again, because of this forum, giving me another chance to thank Mr Nick Jones for bringing the 'VBD' forum alive and persevering through the platform changes we have had to endure in recent Years, thank's Nick and thank's to you Two Guys above for joining, glad you are enjoying the forum.

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Re: A couple of recent finds...

Post by superfastkid »

Jingley wrote:Hi Superfastkid, nice to see you taking part here. Do you remember a long running thread back on the older MCCH forum with loads of Buick Regal variations being discovered? I had the green one with they grey base and gave it to Bill Manzke along with a Police version. The variants on bases, colours, wheels, glazing etc. would fill a book, I think Dave Mokosex has a massive collection of them.
Even now my wife and children (now adult children) still point them out at Toyfairs and car boot sales.
Hi John,

I do remember, gosh, that was a few years ago, great to be back posting :)

I still pick up those pesky Buick Regals now, must admit I don't find as many new variants as I did, I'm sure Dave will share some photos if we ask him really nicely...

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Re: A couple of recent finds...

Post by superfastkid »

GHOSTHUNTER wrote:This is great news that Two former 'MCCH' members are now able to converse with each other again, because of this forum, giving me another chance to thank Mr Nick Jones for bringing the 'VBD' forum alive and persevering through the platform changes we have had to endure in recent Years, thank's Nick and thank's to you Two Guys above for joining, glad you are enjoying the forum.

Thanks Ghosthunter (and Nick too!)

Purposefully kept my old nickname so some of the MCCH crowd would remember, really good natured forum here so will be sticking around :)

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Re: A couple of recent finds...

Post by MOKOSEX »

The buick regal was a favorite of bills manzke,we all did have great fun finding variation after varition of this car at the boot fairs and posting them so he could update his list,i still go now and again and pick up the odd junior,mainly to upgrade,i don,t think i have added a new variation of a buick for ages but remembering exactly what i have is harder now i don,t look at them has much,but i have bought a few juniors lately so i was never really cured of the bug lol
I will dig out my buick box and post some pics tomorrow has i am off to work now,its really great to "read" what my old internet collectors buds have found lately :lol: ,i don,t post has much lately and its even worse has i have to pack my computer every day away due to the decorator coming (or not coming in the case today and last week :x ) but he has said wednesday now so that gives me tomorrow at least to post some pics :D
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Re: A couple of recent finds...

Post by Jingley »

Hi Dave, I still have a few lurking about even though I don't collect Juniors, so I will post some photos soon.
I made a Sheriff version for you back then, do you still have it :?:
John :D
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Re: A couple of recent finds...

Post by MOKOSEX »

Yes i still have it lol :lol: .i have 94 buicks in this case not all different ,a lot of doubles but i have a few more in other cases so i think i have gone from collector to hoarder :shock:
proof that i,m mad
proof that i,m mad
DSCN7572.JPG (165.54 KiB) Viewed 1352 times
green has the most colour/interior variants so far
green has the most colour/interior variants so far
DSCN7570.JPG (107.53 KiB) Viewed 1352 times
white interior and silver
white interior and silver
DSCN7567.JPG (103.16 KiB) Viewed 1352 times
taxi,with and without roof and side signs
taxi,with and without roof and side signs
DSCN7571.JPG (95.46 KiB) Viewed 1352 times
16 colours/variations so far
16 colours/variations so far
DSCN7565.JPG (123.1 KiB) Viewed 1352 times
same car ,just to show red wheels and exhausts
same car ,just to show red wheels and exhausts
DSCN7564.JPG (113.25 KiB) Viewed 1352 times
lolliepop anyone
lolliepop anyone
DSCN7563.JPG (92.45 KiB) Viewed 1352 times
more fuzz
more fuzz
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first the police
first the police
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johns code 3
johns code 3
DSCN7558.JPG (80 KiB) Viewed 1352 times
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Re: A couple of recent finds...



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Re: A couple of recent finds...

Post by Jingley »

Jingley wrote:I made a Sheriff version for you back then, do you still have it :?:
John :D
Hi Dave,
Of course you still have it, the black label looks to have turned blue with age, it was an old school effort on an inkjet printer.
The Buicks always look neat with the 5 slot wheels, but breed like rabbits if you put two in a box, as you have found. :lol:
It's good to see you here and still collecting and sharing your collections and knowledge.

Do you remember this one?
John :D
Timpo Tanker restoration .JPG
Timpo Tanker restoration .JPG (186.67 KiB) Viewed 1328 times