But that is exactly what I did - I copied the URL of the listing and inserted it as a URL - doing what you suggest gives exactly the same result (I've just tried it) and IF I understood correctly that is a no-no - Although computer literate (I've been using computers since 1984 and running my own web hosting business since 1994) I thought it might be some sort of special BB code rather than a reference to the now uncommon terminology for what we now call a "link" (just so everyone knows I'm not stupid )motorman wrote:Easy.toysnz wrote:How does one do a hyerlink in the required format? I can see how to do a URL or an IMG...Idris wrote:An auction number is fine, but better (more convenient for all concerned) is a hyperlink. However, if you are pointing out a detail for discussion, please post at least one of the photographs so that when the listing expires and is deleted, the topic remains meaningful.
In ebay search for an item, when the listings are displayed place your arrow over a listing, right click on your mouse, now select "Copy link address" now go back to the forum and click post a reply, place your cursor in the white reply box and right click your mouse, now select Paste and your link will appear. Now when you submit your reply your link will be embedded in the posted reply for all to click. This will take you straight to the ebay listing for as long as the listing remains live. As Hugh suggested earlier to avoid losing the image the best solution is to save it to your computer then edit it before uploading it as an attachment. Hope this helps.
BTW I added the photo earlier to my original message doing exactly as you have suggested and hosting it on one of my own servers so it won't disappear (unless I suddenly go out of business or retire )
Oh... and thanks to everyone for their help!