Got Some Stuff!

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Got Some Stuff!

Post by Cam »

I stumbled across an ad in Craigslist for a box of toys and called the fellow. He said he was willing to hold them for me as I was going through the city the next day. I duly picked them up and was delighted with what I found in the box. I think it well worth the $100 I paid for it.

Some extra stuff
Some extra stuff
misc.jpg (86.94 KiB) Viewed 1449 times
A couple of original Hotwheels Redlines
A couple of original Hotwheels Redlines
redlines.jpg (101.63 KiB) Viewed 1449 times
A few Husky's
A few Husky's
husky.jpg (71.23 KiB) Viewed 1449 times
A great selection of Dinky
A great selection of Dinky
dinky.jpg (95.7 KiB) Viewed 1449 times
Some Corgi
Some Corgi
corgi.jpg (80.13 KiB) Viewed 1449 times
Matchbox Kings
Matchbox Kings
kings.jpg (108.67 KiB) Viewed 1449 times
Lesney parts
Lesney parts
lesney spares.jpg (92.69 KiB) Viewed 1449 times
Lesney third batch
Lesney third batch
lesney3.jpg (146.32 KiB) Viewed 1449 times
Lesney second batch
Lesney second batch
lesney2.jpg (117.56 KiB) Viewed 1449 times
Lesney first batch
Lesney first batch
lesney1.jpg (121.78 KiB) Viewed 1449 times
If it wasn't for drugs, alcohol, and stupidity, I'd be out of work!
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Re: Got Some Stuff!


Hello Cam,

Are you really saying you got all those models in them pictures, in a box, for $100 ..................... :shock:

The Dinky Toys "FAB I" alone would get you £70-£80 in the U.K.

Phew! what a win.................... :x

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Re: Got Some Stuff!

Post by Ewan »

Well done mate - that is a fantastic haul :D

What make is the 'Woolworth' trailer in the top photo?
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Re: Got Some Stuff!

Post by Cam »

The whole shebang for $100. I couldn't believe my luck. The Fab 1 still has the pink striped roof and Parker figure, and all the missiles are still there. The others Dinky's are in great shape with minor repairs to be made. The Corgi's are pretty good but really of little interest to me, and a pile of Lesney's to fill out my collection. The Woolworth Trailer has no maker mark on it at all so I don't know who made it. It measures 57 mm long though. Even the Hotwheels Redlines I should be able to recoups some expenses with. All in all, a very successful trip.

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Re: Got Some Stuff!

Post by nickjones »

What a result!..
Re the woolworths trailer, the wheels look exactly the same as the wheels on the little cars in front of it in the photo, my guess it is the same make.
Nick Jones.
In sunny Clacton-on-Sea, Essex, UK
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Re: Got Some Stuff!

Post by Cam »

I have information from a member of another forum this small cars are part of a set made by Barclay. I also seem to have the tractor for this set but not the trailer and am missing a car. I have no idea what the Woolworth trailer is.

barclay.jpg (180.69 KiB) Viewed 1417 times
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Re: Got Some Stuff!

Post by Ewan »

The power of 'Google' :D

Here's a site dedicated to toys featuring the 'Woolworths' name, complete truck and trailer included. Doesn't include a maker's name but someone here will know it! ... olies.html
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Re: Got Some Stuff!

Post by SMS88 »

The green Dinky Castrol truck is vvhtf, even in that shape it will go north of £100. Lots of desirable cars in collectable condition,what a blessing!
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Re: Got Some Stuff!


Hello Cam,

I agree, the small cars in your first picture are 'BARCLAY', the larger red trucks are 'HUBLEY' but I don't reconise the Woolworth's trailer, the wheels do look like those on the Barclay cars, with the rounded axle end in view, instead of the crimped ends on view on the cars.

I would love to see the Dinky "FAB I" pictured on it's own, it looks to be in really good condition.
