Hello matchboxkiwi,
Nice to here you are enjoying this article about "Matchbox" copies and I thank you for posting some of your own pictures. You have requested a little more information about your models, unfortunately, information on the subject of copies is a little sparce, there were so many companies involved with them and by the very nature of what the companies were making, they tended not to keep records of everything they made, usually only the 'core' products such as household goods or educational toys for children.
For some companies, the cheap toy cars was a sideline, just to keep the machines in use while there was a quiet period in making their normal products, this is how the 'LINCOLN' company in Japan started, they had some spare capacity and someone came in to the works, saw the machinary standing idle and suggested they could be used to make plastic toys, so they did and the idea was expanded to encompass all sorts of toys, further on they made plastic kits and friction powered toy vehicles.
Your first picture shows a Ford model 'T', this is one of two models marketed by "Blue-box", (the other being the 1911 Maxwell), they only seem to have these two, no other veteran cars in this range, you can also find both models in 'SALCO' boxes, a distributor of toys.
When I say marketed, this means the toy was being promoted and retailed by a company, not necessarily made by that company.
The origins of "Blue-Box" date back to 1952 when a plastics injection company was set up by Peter Chan Pui, for the manufacture of toy dolls, these were very popular, but a company is always looking for more products to develope and make and as luck would have it, the Lesney 1-75 series models were seen as a perfect product, they were accurate, new models appeared on a regular basis, cheap to buy and children loved them. The company had to have them in their own range of toys, there was no suggestion of buying the company that made them, but maybe they could could develope a similar range themselves, but in plastic.
There is no accurate date of when this new range was introduced, but a clever marketing idea was to put them in little blue boxes, emulating the Matchbox idea from Lesney, by putting models in a Matchbox, so these little plastic models were put in blue boxes and the name of "Blue-Box" complete with the quotation marks was launched.
Developing new toys and models is expensive, so another clever trick is to just copy another company's products and the "Blue-Box" range of miniature vehicles was made up of many copies of the Lesney originals. The range was marketed in America and in the U.K. and presumably in Japan, but I have not seen any boxes with Japanese script.
There is another virtually identical range of models, by "Blue-Box", but called "Blue-bow" and where the "Blue-Box" normally has a catalogue number in the bottom right corner, this is replaced by a little white illustration of a 'bow tie', I do not know for what market these were intended for and if anything from this company could be classed as Hard To Find, it could be these.

- Ford model 'T' and a 'Blue-Bow' Wrecker truck..JPG (46.71 KiB) Viewed 10410 times