Bulgarian Mercedes with Dinky base

For all Matchbox made Dinky toys
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Re: Bulgarian Mercedes with Dinky base

Post by toysnz »

Kiwi78 wrote:Trademe of course, where I buy most of my Matchbox and related cars (the Tomica come from overseas). I didn't know what I was getting at the time, only that I wanted to grab a few Bulgarians. This has made me wonder ever since because it would probably mean that the die/mold would have been modified in the UK before it was given to Mikro. I am aware of the line of Matchbox which were sold on Dinky cards but still kept Matchbox on the base (!). That's what throws me off with this one because it's an exception but then not even part of the line below... Maybe there were other plans which were then shelved before the casting was shipped to Bulgaria.
I bet you got that one from "smokeysooty" ;) damn... now I have to go through all mine to see if I have any Bulgarian "Dinky" bases on my models... :cry:

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Re: Bulgarian Mercedes with Dinky base

Post by kerbside »

hello Kiwi78, here is another Bulgarian Mercedes with a Dinky Base, only this is a Blue One. This was given to me by Nigel Cooper about
20 years ago when he came to Australia for a visit.



George T.
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Re: Bulgarian Mercedes with Dinky base

Post by Pierkemimi »


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Re: Bulgarian Mercedes with Dinky base

Post by matchboxuk »

kerbside wrote:hello Kiwi78, here is another Bulgarian Mercedes with a Dinky Base, only this is a Blue One. This was given to me by Nigel Cooper about
20 years ago when he came to Australia for a visit.



George T.

Twenty years ago, George.

I aim to return later this year - perhaps we can meet up. In the meantime here are some poor photos of my No. 6 Merc.

There are about 100 different colours from the 1980s. All have Dinky on the base as to ensure ownership of the Dinky brand name it was necessary to actually cast the name on the models. Maybe the name on packaging would be sufficient nowadays. However, realising that the casting process may be inferior in Bulgaria, the country of origin had to be replaced by Bulgaria instead of England so that there could be no confusion with standard issues.
Bulgarian Mercs 007.JPG
Bulgarian Mercs 007.JPG (215.68 KiB) Viewed 6027 times
Bulgarian Mercs 008.JPG
Bulgarian Mercs 008.JPG (207.61 KiB) Viewed 6027 times
Bulgarian Mercs 001.JPG
Bulgarian Mercs 001.JPG (147.63 KiB) Viewed 6028 times
Last edited by matchboxuk on Tue Feb 24, 2015 8:27 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Joined: Sun Sep 15, 2013 4:12 pm

Re: Bulgarian Mercedes with Dinky base


PLEASE, PLEASE forum members, do NOT tell "Motorman" about this thread or these pictures, or he'll just set light to the lot of it... :o
