20% Off Voucher

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20% Off Voucher

Post by Ewan »

As some of you may know I sell a few vintage diecast on a site called etsy :roll:

One of their selling tools is to allow sellers to issue promotional voucher codes which buyers can then enter at the checkout to receive a discount.
I've never done this before, but thought I'd give it a whirl, and who better to benefit than the good members of this forum?

Simply enter code VINTAGEDIECAST at checkout anytime before the end of October for a 20% discount on any items you purchase from my shop (but not the P+P)

For those not familiar with etsy it's quite easy to use, the only forum member I know I've dealt with on it is Jason (nearlymint). You don't even need PayPal as it has a Direct Checkout facility.

P.S. - The Lledo are not mine, I'm selling them for my brother in law. I do quite like the AEC Regals though.......
P.P.S. - I'm not in any way trying to undermine the new auction site - I hope in time to use it instead of etsy for the diecasts