42c Iron Fairy Crane

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Re: 42c Iron Fairy Crane

Post by ford_a_30 »

fixer wrote:you are correct JB the filled in high pin hole is only visible on one side on the example I have btw it's a RW
I have one with the filled pin hole like this. (Sadly no high pin variation yet though)
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Re: 42c Iron Fairy Crane

Post by fixer »

going through a spares box I found a SF #42 in RW colours which also has the high pin hole filled in, the filled area is more defined than my RW one
also the area around the new position for the lower pin is reassessed where as the RW has a small flat for the pin to rest on so there was 2 modified dies
the high pin was an early casting so in my eyes the SF one is either an old stock item being used up or is it that they brought an older modified die out of storage
to help out production
or maybe I'm just a plonker
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Re: 42c Iron Fairy Crane

Post by kwakers »

We Yanks have no idea what a plonker is fixer, so can kwakers be one too???? LOL
You are showing what seem to be two completely different Crane tower castings here, so we know by your pictures that at least two dies were used. Please be more assertive when you point these details out to those of us who have been around too long. Your conclusion seems sound to me. I better look through my RW spares now to check all their towers closely to see whether I have one like yours with it's recessed hole. kwakers